
Chapter 2217: Arrived in Sichuan Province

Hearing this, Chen Fei thought of the plan between himself and General Xu, and couldn't help but move in his heart, saying: "I can't wait any longer, so let me go to Sichuan Province to find you to play."

"Ah——Brother Fei, you also want to come to Sichuan Province, are you kidding?"

Fatty Huang was very surprised.

Nearby, the voices of Du Cang and Wei Tian also came over.

"Brother Fei, you are now a world-class famous person, do you have time to come to Sichuan Province to play?"

"Brother Fei, you just returned to China, the capital must be very busy, right? Do you really have time to come over?"

Chen Fei smiled and said, "I'm just a martial artist, how busy I can be.

I have been busy abroad for so long, and finally returned home, wanting to take a break.

Why, you are not welcome? "

"Of course not, as long as you come, Brother Fei, of course we will welcome a hundred!"

Fatty Huang said excitedly.

"Okay, then it's settled, I'll be there soon, you guys have to pick me up!"

Chen Fei smiled and hung up the phone.

After finishing the call, Chen Fei immediately contacted General Xu and told the other party about his arrangements.

After the two parties discussed, the plan was immediately finalized in detail.

That evening, Chen Fei invited relatives and friends in the capital. They gathered for a meal, and then Chen Fei announced that he would leave the capital for a short time.

Early the next morning, Chen Fei took the earliest flight from Beijing to Rongcheng, the capital of Sichuan Province.

At the same time, the news of Chen Fei's departure from the capital also appeared in the major media, which immediately triggered a lot of heated discussions.

After all, Chen Fei's victory in the U.S. War was broadcast live by more than hundreds of millions of viewers in China.

The matter has aroused widespread concern in the country.

Yesterday, after Chen Fei returned to China, countless netizens discussed Chen Fei's next actions.

Some people say that Chen Fei has made great contributions to the country, and there will definitely be a round of large-scale publicity, as well as various commendations and awards. Maybe he will be on the CCTV program to tell and publicize.

There are also speculations that Chen Fei will ascend to a high position and assume important leadership positions in relevant departments.

There is also speculation that Chen Fei will be invited to be a teacher and teach his martial arts.

………In short, there are all kinds of guesses.

But almost no one thought that Chen Fei did not make any of their guesses at all, but left the capital directly.

This time, a new discussion and speculation arose.

Of course, at the official level, Chen Fei took the initiative to disclose the news that after the war, he needed to retreat and cultivate, so he chose a quiet place for retreat.

This statement has convinced many netizens that they have sent their blessings on the Internet.

However, it didn't take long for a remark on the Internet that Chen Fei was seriously injured and physically damaged during the war in the U.S., and had to leave the capital to find a place to recuperate.

As soon as this statement came out, it immediately aroused widespread discussion on the Internet.

Some people specially pulled out the live screenshots of Chen Fei during the Miguo battle, and cut out the pictures of Chen Fei's injuries, frame by frame, and then analyzed Chen Fei's injuries.

There are even media personnel who have invited so-called martial arts experts to analyze the severity of Chen Fei's injury from the martial arts aspect.

For a time, the news of Chen Fei's serious injury and self-cultivation became a hot topic on the Internet.

Countless people are discussing this topic enthusiastically on the Internet. Some people are worried about Chen Fei, and some people wish Chen Fei his best wishes and hope that he will recover soon.

Of course, there are also people with ulterior motives who spread other opinions on the Internet.

For example, Chen Fei was seriously injured and was on the verge of death.

Another example is that Chen Fei's strength has never reached the realm of a demigod. He just relied on the forbidden drugs developed by China to forcibly stimulate his potential and won the war in the United States. Now that the side effects of the drugs have occurred, he is no longer able to do so.

………Various rumors circulated on the Internet, causing rounds of heated discussions.

Later, at the official level of the Huaxia Military Department, an announcement was made publicly on this, claiming that the rumors on the Internet were all false.

Chen Fei just left the capital for training and retreat, and there was no other reason.

After the announcement, all kinds of rumors on the Internet quickly disappeared, and they were all blocked.

However, this kind of behavior, in the eyes of countless netizens, has further confirmed the reliability of the rumors.

As a result, countless netizens talked about Chen Fei's serious injury on the Internet, using various codes and sayings.

For a while, Chen Fei left the capital because of serious injuries, and it became a fact that could not be admitted publicly.

As related hot news gradually spread on the Internet, Chen Fei and Xu Junshan who were talking on the phone showed a smile at the corners of their mouths, "The plan has begun."

Finally, after confirming the content of the plan with General Xu, Chen Fei ended the call.

After half an hour, Chen Fei landed at Chengdu International Airport.

As soon as he left the airport, Fatty Huang immediately contacted Chen Fei and drove Chen Fei in a black Mercedes-Benz.

In the car, besides Huang Wei in the driver's seat, Du Cang and Wei Tian sat in the back.

When the three of them saw Chen Fei, they all smiled and greeted them one after another.

Chen Fei also greeted them with a relaxed smile.

During the fight, Fatty Huang started the car and said, "Brother Fei, Sichuan Province is famous for its beautiful delicacies.

Now that you are here, we will take you to taste the food here. "

"Then I can look forward to it!"

Chen Fei smiled.

An hour later, the two appeared in a restaurant hidden in an old community in Chengdu.

The restaurant is small in size and looks a bit shabby, but there is a long queue of guests at the door. Obviously, the food here is quite famous.

If it hadn't been for Fatty Huang to find a relationship and book a place, Chen Fei would not be able to eat the food here.

Seated and served, the four of them first had a drink, and then they had a chat while eating.

The focus of the chat was naturally Chen Fei's various things.

Everyone enthusiastically asked about Chen Fei's various things in the United States. Chen Fei told a few people in detail about some non-disclosure contents. After hearing several people exclaimed and screamed, they were very annoyed by clapping their hands. Regret for not going to the United States with Chen Fei and show off in front of those foreigners.

During the heated discussion, Du Cang suddenly thought of something. He toasted Chen Fei a glass of wine, and then asked: "Chen Fei, what's the news on the Internet today?

You--" Mentioning this, Wei Tian and Huang Wei couldn't help putting down their wine glasses and looking at Chen Fei, with a hint of worry in their faces.

Obviously, they have seen the rumors on the Internet, and they are naturally worried about Chen Fei's physical condition.

Chen Fei understood their worries, smiled, and said, "Don't worry, there is nothing wrong with my body. Those on the Internet are just rumors."

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