
Chapter 2221: Canteen strike up a conversation

The mention of the names of two well-known stars, Song Yi and Huo Dongwei, made Huo Dongwei's cold expression slightly relieved.

Upon seeing this, Fatty Huang hurriedly pursued the victory and said: "Miss Huo, don't worry, our company is very formal and there are no unspoken rules."

"Moreover, our company is well-capitalized.

It has cooperation with Autumn Group, Autumn Shipping and other companies, and the entertainment giant Dongyang Entertainment has a good relationship. "

"do you know?

The famous Master Chen, our company can catch up with each other.

The background is very deep. "

Fatty Huang put on the name of Chen Fei.

Hearing the name of Master Chen, Fang Qingxi's mood changed, and her voice slightly improved, "You are talking about Master Chen Fei Chen, a demigod master?"

"Yes, that's Master Chen!"

Fatty Huang nodded quickly, then turned his head and glanced at Chen Fei beside him.

Chen Fei winked at Fat Huang and told him not to reveal his identity.

And this Fang Qingxi seemed to be quite interested in Master Chen, his eyes lit up, and he said, "What you said is true?"

"Really, of course it is true."

Fatty Huang nodded quickly, "As long as you sign up for our company, you will not only have the opportunity to meet Master Chen, you may even get his personal guidance."

"This—" Fang Qingxi's eyes brightened. This campus goddess seemed to be more interested in martial arts than in the entertainment industry.

Fatty Huang saw that the situation was going well and wanted to continue to persuade him.

But at this moment, a serious and cold voice rang, "Qingxi, what are you doing?"

Hearing the sound, the eyes of several people turned their heads and looked over at the same time.

Immediately, a man who was over 1.85 meters tall, burly, and about 30 years old, walked over with a serious face.

Fang Qingxi's expression changed when he saw this man, and said, "Brother, why are you here?"


Hearing this, Fatty Huang's eyes lit up, took out a business card, and handed it to the burly man, "Hello, big brother, I am Huang Wei, this is my business card.

I am the owner of an entertainment company. Your sister has great potential. We—" Before Fatty Huang finished speaking, the burly man knocked out the business card in Fatty Huang’s hand. With great strength, he even made Fatty Huang fattened. Du's hands were red and swollen.

"My sister is not interested, the liar roll away."

The burly man shouted angrily.

Fatty Huang rubbed his arms with a grin, and hurriedly explained: "Brother, we are not liars.

We are really—" "Stop talking nonsense, not a liar, do you think I am a fool? "

The burly man snorted coldly, "What kind of person is Master Chen? He will have something to do with your small entertainment company. You will also have the opportunity to meet Master Chen and accept Master Chen's guidance.

You have to make a draft for bragging, okay? "

Hearing what the burly man said, Fang Qingxi, who was a little excited just now, couldn't help but sink his shining eyes, and looked at Chen Fei and Fat Huang's eyes with a little suspicion.

Upon seeing this, Fatty Huang was anxious and quickly defended: "I really didn't lie. Our company is really related to Master Chen, and even very close. Master Chen is one of our company's major shareholders."

However, this kind of remark is even more false to the other party.

The burly man directly pulled Fang Qingxi and turned to leave.

Fatty Huang really didn't want to let such a good seedling go, and hurriedly said, "Miss Fang, you really admire Master Chen's words.

Don't miss this opportunity. Now, Master Chen is right in front of you. "

"Uh—" Fang Qingxi was taken aback, turned her head, and looked at Fatty Huang.

Fatty Huang pointed to Chen Fei and said, "He is the master Chen you admire, a genuine martial arts master, and one of the major shareholders of our company."

It's just that, such a truth, it sounds like a ridiculous joke on the other side.

The burly man sneered and said, "He is Master Chen?

When you say this, do you think we are all blind, or do you think we are all fools? "

"What I said is true, he is really Master Chen--" Fatty Huang was anxious.

The other party didn't believe it at all and turned and left.

Even Fang Qingxi looked disappointed. He glanced at the two for the last time, then shook his head, sighed, and followed his elder brother to leave.

Upon seeing this, Fatty Huang wanted to catch up, but was pulled back by Chen Fei behind him, "Come back, there is no need to chase him."

"Brother Fei, if you miss this opportunity, there may be no chance in the future."

Fatty Huang looked upset.

Chen Fei sighed lightly, shook his head and said: "You give up, there is no chance."

"Brother Fei, you all said that to me.

I finally found a good seedling for myself. I really want to do something to prevent others from saying that I am a rich second generation who depends on my father and relationship to eat and wait to die. "

Fatty Huang was a little depressed.

Chen Fei patted Fatty Huang on the shoulder, and said with comfort, "Fatty, don't be disappointed, this Fang Qingxi won't make it, so look for someone else. China is so big, there must be many good seedlings."

"But--" Fatty Huang was still a little hard to let go.

Chen Fei sighed softly and said, "It's meaningless to come by reluctance.

Besides, Fang Qingxi is unlikely to enter the entertainment circle. "

"Why is it impossible?"

Fatty Huang was a little puzzled.

Chen Fei glanced at the discovery that the other two had left, and said: "This Fang Qingxi and his brother are both warriors, and they are quite good warriors."


Fatty Huang was a little surprised.

Chen Fei nodded and said: "Fang Qingxi's current strength should be at least between the mid-Xuan-level to the late-Xuan-level, which is pretty good.

As for his brother, it should be between the late stage of the profound level and the peak of the profound level. "

"At this age, you can reach this level of strength.

The family background is definitely not ordinary, it is very likely to be a martial arts family.

This kind of family is unlikely to enter the entertainment circle.

Besides, you have seen Fang Qingxi's reaction just now. Her interest in martial arts is obviously greater than entertainment. "

"This, this—" Fatty Huang thought about it carefully, it was really such a thing.

However, he was still a little disappointed in his heart, "I finally wanted to get back to business, and spent so much effort, but in the end -" "Well, this kind of thing is very common in the entertainment industry, there is nothing to be sad."

Chen Fei patted his shoulders and comforted, "Go, let's go to the bar to have two drinks and relax.

Maybe you can meet good seedlings. "

Fatty Huang gritted his teeth and said, "Go, drink.

Today, I'm either drunk or not. "

Immediately, the two left the school, found a bar, and started drinking.

At the same time, in a high-end community outside the school, Fang Qingxi was sitting on the sofa. Standing opposite was the burly man, her brother Fang Baimu.

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