
Chapter 2222: Du Cang's request

At this moment, Fang Baimu frowned, and said in an unhappy voice: "What's the matter with those two people today?"

"It's nothing, just two people who strike up a conversation."

Fang Qingxi disagreed.

This attitude made Fang Baimu a little dissatisfied, "What kind of attitude are you?

Do you know that the days when your family recruits you for a son-in-law are not far away.

You are still dealing with these swindlers. If rumors arise and it affects the recruitment of son-in-law, what should the family do? "

Hearing this, Fang Qingxi pursed her lips and said with dissatisfaction: "It's not that I want to recruit son-in-law, and it's not that my grandfather and father insist on recruiting son-in-law for me, so I'm not interested!"

"Don't be self-willed, the family chooses young talents for you, and the martial arts character is very good."

Fang Baimu Road.

"What's not bad, far worse than Master Chen Fei Chen."

Fang Qingxi pouted.

Fang Baimu stared, "Master Chen, what kind of person is that? Can it be compared?

Don't be whimsical, and prepare honestly for the next thing about recruiting your son-in-law. "

"I, I--" Fang Qingxi wanted to explain, but her confidence in her words became less and less. After all, she herself knew very well that the gap between herself and a big man of the level of Master Chen Fei Chen was too great. Just think about it.

Seeing his sister's soft clothes, the expression on Fang Baimu's face softened, "Sister, in fact, the arrangement at home is for the good of you and the whole family.

At that time, you will understand the hard work of Dad and Grandpa. "

"Brother, I, I understand, I will prepare well."

Fang Qingxi nodded and said in a low voice.

"Well, as long as you can understand.

Let's rest! "

Fang Baimu Road.

......But said that Chen Fei, who accompanied Fatty Huang to a bar after a drunk, took Fatty Huang back to the hotel and sent him back to his room to rest.

In the evening, Du Cang and Wei Tian both returned.

Fatty Huang was still sleeping because he was drunk, so the three of them had dinner together.

Wei Tian talked about the martial arts center, once again expressed his gratitude to Chen Fei, and invited Chen Fei to see their martial arts conference together if he was free.

After eating, Du Cang stopped Chen Fei, "Brother Fei, are you free?"


Chen Fei nodded and sat down opposite Du Cang, looking at Du Cang.

Du Cang's expression was a little embarrassed, with a hesitant expression, "Brother Fei, I, I--" "Everyone is brothers, what's the embarrassment."

Chen Fei smiled and patted Du Cang on the shoulder.

Du Cang said: "Brother Fei, this is the case, I want you to do me a favor."

"What's busy?"

Chen Fei looked at Du Cang curiously.

Du Cang immediately explained: "Tomorrow, I will go to a medical clinic in Rongcheng to have a medical skill test with the other party.

I, I don't have the confidence to win, so I want to ask Fei Ge for your help. "

"Medical competition, I will shoot!"

Chen Fei was a little surprised, and then he wondered, "If it's a match, if I take the shot for you, wouldn't it be a bit bad, right?"

It's not that Chen Fei doesn't want to help, it's just competitions.

If Chen Fei took the place of Du Cang, wouldn't it be cheating?

Chen Fei was a little puzzled. With Du Cang's character, he probably wouldn't do such a thing.

Hearing this, Du Cang waved his hand and explained: "Brother Fei, it's not the kind of game you imagined.

In fact, it is equivalent to a gambling game. "


Chen Fei became more curious.

Du Cang quickly explained in detail: "Brother Fei, in fact, when I came to Rongcheng this time, my grandfather gave me a task."

"In recent years, due to the influence of Fei Ge, Chinese medicine has grown a lot, but overall, Chinese medicine is still in a low position in China."

"Because I want to develop and expand Chinese medicine, my grandfather and Lao Chai have established a Chinese Medicine Association under the official background. I want to bring all well-known Chinese medicine clinics and personnel into the association. No, we will make suggestions and develop Chinese medicine together."

"After all, only cooperation can achieve a win-win situation."

Chen Fei listened to the side and nodded and said, "This is a good thing, it's not bad.

One of the main reasons why Chinese medicine is inferior to Western medicine is that it is too fragmented and always fighting on its own.

Competing with large-scale Western medicine is at a disadvantage. "

"That's it."

Du Cang nodded and said, "In the past few months, the Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine has developed very well. Many well-known Chinese medicine clinics and personnel across the country have all joined the association."

"But here in Rongcheng, a well-known witch doctor in the local area has always refused to join the association."

"This witch doctor is a well-known Chinese medicine clinic in Rongcheng. It is very prestigious. Many local elderly people believe in the witch doctor very much."

"More importantly, the source of the Witch Doctor Hall represents a branch of the school of Chinese medicine-the Witch Doctor School.

Although this faction is not as well-known as the Jingfang School, the Medical Jing School, and the Shanghan School, it is still a big branch, especially in southwest China, even spreading to South Asia and other foreign territories. "

"If the witch doctor hall can be added to the association, it will represent the integration of the entire witch doctor school in a symbolic sense, and it will have a huge impact on the integration and development of Chinese medicine in the southwest.

Hearing this, Chen Fei's expression also became serious. He didn't expect that behind a medical clinic, there is such a big representative meaning.

Immediately, he asked: "Why does this witch doctor's office not want to join the association?"

Hearing this, Du Cang couldn't help but smile wryly, "Speaking of which, it's still the grievances between schools of Chinese medicine.

Because there are various schools of traditional Chinese medicine, competition and diagnosis are naturally unavoidable during this period. "

"Especially in the past 100 years, Jingfang School has become a unique existence among the various schools of Chinese medicine. Other schools have either been merged or gradually declined.

However, the Witch Doctor School has always existed independently of the Jingfang School in accordance with the local customs of the southwest. "

"Back then, during the war, in order to force the witch doctors to merge, the Jingfang faction suppressed the witch doctors, which made the witch doctors very dissatisfied with the Jingfang faction."

"Later, the Jingfang school was officially recognized as orthodox Chinese medicine, and it couldn't wait to subdue the witch doctor school. The witch doctor school resolutely refused to follow it.

As a result, the Witch Doctor Sect was classified as a cult for some reason and was severely suppressed. Many people from the Witch Doctor Sect left China at that time.

This has led to greater conflicts between the two parties. "

Speaking of this, Du Cang saw Chen Fei frown slightly.

He hurriedly added an explanation, "The matter of characterization as a cult organization is not purely the result of retaliation by the government.

It is also caused by certain objective reasons. "

"Because of the earliest witchcraft passed down by the witch doctor school to ancient times, there are some feudal superstitions and even cruel methods.

Some bad elements in the witch doctor faction have harmed many people.

Therefore, the official banned them.

To some extent, what happened to the Witch Doctor School is not entirely innocent. "

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