
Chapter 2223: Witch Doctor Hall

Chen Fei nodded and said, "I roughly understand.

Because of the contradictions in the schools of traditional Chinese medicine in history, the witch doctor hall always refused to agree to join the association. "

"That's it!"

Du Cang nodded.

Chen Fei asked again: "Then what you said about the medical game-the gambling game?"

"Is such that!"

Du Cang explained, "I went to the Witch Medical Hall several times to explain to them the benefits of joining the association and the prospects for the development of Chinese medicine.

And promised that on behalf of the Jingfang faction, we will apologize and compensate the innocent witch doctors who were implicated that year. "

"Wu Yinan, the current director of the Witch Doctor Museum, was a little moved by me, and I also know that the current trend is cooperative development.

But he couldn't persuade the older generation. "

"So, he made a compromise and set up a competition, saying that as long as we send the younger generation healers under 30 years old and can beat them in medical skills, he agreed to join the United Association.

If it fails, the Jing Fang faction needs to spend 5 million worth of resources and lose to the Witch Doctor Hall.

The time limit is one week, and within one week, you can have unlimited challenge matches. "

"I saw hope at the time and I was very happy, and immediately agreed to the game.

And I played a game on the spot. As a result, the opponent's medical skills exceeded my expectations. I lost the first game. "

"At that time, I thought I was not ready, so I came back to collect the other party's information, and I made good preparations.

I went to the challenge two days later. As a result, I still lost, and the loss was worse than last time. "

"Grandpa's side, I also told him the news, he is also looking for suitable young healers, let them come to the game.

But the time is too short. When Grandpa finds a suitable person, I'm afraid it will be too late to come to the game. "

"Furthermore, the two losers lost 10 million worth of resources.

There are also some bad voices within the association.

In terms of time, tomorrow is the last day.

So—"After hearing this, Chen Fei fully understood what was going on. "So, you want me to send me a medical competition with the Witch Doctor on behalf of the Jing Fang tomorrow, and win them and let the Witch Doctor. Join the association. "

"Yes, that's it."

Du Cang nodded, and then looked at Chen Fei expectantly, "Brother Fei, you--" Chen Fei smiled and nodded: "I promised. Traditional Chinese medicine converges and win-win cooperation. This is good for the entire industry. I naturally want to support things."

"Thank you so much, Brother Fei, I, I—" Du Cang was a little excited.

Chen Fei patted him on the shoulder and smiled: "With me, what are you polite to?

Have a good rest. Tomorrow, we will go to the Witch Doctor Hall to compete together. "


Du Cang nodded excitedly, and after thanking him again, he went back to his room to rest.

The next morning, after breakfast, Chen Fei and Du Cang talked with Wei Tian and Huang Wei, and then they were about to go out.

Because Wei Tian was busy with martial arts competitions, he naturally couldn't go there, so he went to the martial arts gym for training.

As for Fatty Huang, after sleeping for a whole night, he got up today and still didn't give up on Fang Qingxi. He ran to Sichuan University again and wanted to try again to see if Fang Qingxi could not be signed.

At half past nine in the morning, Chen Fei and Du Cang arrived at the Witch Doctor Hall.

The Witch Doctor Museum is located on the bustling Second Ring Road in Rongcheng. Before it gets close, the team with a length of more than 100 meters at the door demonstrates the status of the Witch Doctor Museum in Rongcheng and even in the traditional Chinese medicine circle of Sichuan Province.

The two crossed the team and came to the entrance of the Witch Doctor Hall.

At a glance, Chen Fei saw that the medical hall was quite public, but with distinctive decorations, as well as the medical hall staff wearing jet black robes standing at the door to maintain order.

Seeing the two people coming, the staff of the medical hall stopped them, "If you want to see a doctor, go in line behind."

Du Cang said, "I'm not here to come to see a doctor, I'm here to compete in your Witch Doctor Hall.

By the way, my name is Du Cang. "

The staff apparently heard the name, their complexion suddenly changed, and hurriedly said: "Wait a moment, I'll go in and give an announcement."

And the people in line at the gate heard the word "match" and immediately started talking. Obviously, many people had heard of the previous two matches.

"Here again, this guy has lost twice, come back, shameless?"

"I heard that it was from the capital and wanted to subdue the Witch Doctor Hall.

As a result, the owner sent a slap in the face. "

"Heh, those guys in the capital are very arrogant, boast that Chinese medicine is orthodox, and despise our witch doctor school.

Let me say that the medical skills of the Witch Doctor School are much better than theirs. "

"This kind of brown candy, just ignore it, it's a waste of time."

"Then you are wrong. There is a stake in the game, five million at a time.

The first two times, this guy has lost 10 million.

I think it’s too late for the owner of the witch doctor to be happy. "

"Ten million, boy, is this guy so rich?"

………Amidst the discussion, a staff member walked out quickly, “Our curator said, you can come in.”

After speaking, the other party turned his head directly to greet the people in the line, and was not very polite to the two.

Du Cang didn't care about this either, and walked directly into the medical hall with his leg raised.

Passing through the lobby, to the back room, Chen Fei saw a few men in jet black robes sitting on the wooden chair opposite.

Among them, sitting in the middle is a middle-aged man in his 40s and 50s. He has a burly figure, a Chinese character face, thick eyebrows and big eyes, and he is quite majestic.

Du Cang introduced Chen Fei in a low voice, "The one in the middle is Wu Yinan, the current owner of the Witch Doctor Museum.

The elders on the left are the attending doctors of the Witch Medical Hall and the elders of Wu Yinan.

The young ones on the right are disciples of the younger generation of the Witch Doctor Sect. The tallest one is called Yang Heng. I lost to him twice. "

Following Du Cang's words, Chen Fei looked at the thin man.

Yang Heng was about 29 years old, tall and thin, with a smile on the corners of his mouth, which contained obvious arrogance. He tapped the fingers of his right hand on the arm of the wooden chair and his eyes passed Du Cang. Chen Fei was looking aside.

"Master of the Witch Pavilion, fellow seniors, hello everyone!"

Du Cang bowed his hands to everyone and greeted them.

Wu Yinan nodded slightly, "Xiao Du is here again!"

The elders on the left obviously didn't like Du Cang. They snorted and turned their heads one by one, not wanting to look at Du Cang at all.

The young people on the right looked over with arrogance and glamour.

Especially the tall and thin Yang Heng, sneered unceremoniously, "Doctor Du is here again, this time, has you come to send money to our Witch Medical Clinic again?"

As soon as the words came out, the young doctors around Yang Heng couldn't stop laughing.

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