
Chapter 2224: Jing Fang test

"I have prepared the money. If Brother Yang wins, I will naturally offer the money with both hands."

Du Cang didn't change his face, smiled, and seemed neither humble nor overbearing.

"No need for it?

This time, I will beat you again just like the previous two times. "

Yang Heng arrogantly said, appearing quite confident.

Du Cang smiled and shook his head lightly, and said, "It was before, but this time is not necessarily the case."

After speaking, Du Cang pointed at Chen Fei, looked at Wu Yinan, and introduced: "Master of Wuguan, this time, I have invited a master of my Jing Fang, Doctor Chen.

It’s up to him to represent our Jingfang faction and the Witch Doctor faction in the competition. "

"As I said before, as long as you are of the right age, you can naturally play the game."

Wu Yinan Road.

Du Cang said, "Dr. Chen is 25 years old this year and is also a member of the Jingfang School. Does the shaman master need to check it?"

Wu Yinan waved his hand and said, "No, we are not blind yet."

This group of old Chinese doctors of the witch doctor school can naturally tell that Chen Fei is not very young, definitely less than 30 years old.

As for whether it is a person of Jingfang, wait until the start of the competition and take a look at his medical techniques, and you will be able to recognize it at a glance.

"Thank you for your trust in the shaman hall, if so, can the game start?"

Du Cang said.

Wu Yinan looked at the elders and younger generations on both sides, then nodded, and said, "Yes, let's start the game!"

The young men sitting on the right side looked at each other after hearing the words, and finally their eyes fell on Yang Heng, who seemed to be preparing for Yang Heng to take action.

However, Yang Heng sat and did not move.

He glanced at Chen Fei, sneered, and then proudly said: "If anyone comes here, let me do it, then what prestige does my witch doctor's reputation have?

The third child, this kind of stuff, come on! "

Hearing that, a man with narrow eyes beside Yang Heng stood up.

With a wave of his robe, he walked towards Chen Fei and said, "My name is Luo Wei, so I will challenge you."

Chen Fei nodded, arched his hand to the opponent, and said, "Fortunately meeting!"

Luo Wei snorted coldly, did not respond to Chen Fei, just said coldly: "Let's talk, how do you want to compare?"

Chen Fei raised his mouth, looked at Luo Wei, and said calmly: "Brother Luo can compare whatever he wants."

As soon as this remark came out, Luo Wei's eyes immediately condensed, and his gaze at Chen Fei became a little more displeased.

But Yang Heng and others who sat in the seats laughed unabashedly.

"This kid is very confident!"

"To let Luo Wei take the initiative to choose the way of the game, either because of the facts or arrogance.

Which one do you think? "

"Then it needs to be said, naturally it is the latter.

Because there are real people who will never say such arrogant words when facing Luo Wei. "

……… Amidst the mocking voice, Luo Wei's face changed a little, staring at Chen Fei, and said solemnly: "Since you are so confident, then I will let you see. Your confidence is not worth it in my eyes. One article."

After a pause, Luo Weilang said: "I will diagnose and prescribe with you."

As soon as this remark came out, everyone at the scene was taken aback.

Du Cang and Chen Fei both looked at Luo Wei in surprise. After all, the diagnosis and prescription were the specialty of Jingfang School.

Although the witch doctors will prescribe prescriptions to cure diseases, their real strength is to use various traditional witchcraft methods to cure diseases quickly.

Now, Luo Wei wants to diagnose and prescribe with Chen Fei. Isn't this to fight against Chen Fei's strength with his own shortness?

However, Du Cang quickly saw what the other party meant from the smiling and confident faces of Yang Heng and others.

This Luo Wei deliberately chose the method of diagnosis and prescription, just to defeat it in the field of Jing Fang.

In this way, the intensity of the crackdown on the Jing Fang faction can be said to have doubled the effect.

Since this is the case, Chen Fei will naturally not refuse the other party, nodded and said: "Then it is better to prescribe a prescription than a diagnosis!"

Sitting in the first seat, Wu Yinan waved his hand and said, "Go ahead and invite three patients at random to come in."

Soon, his staff came to the backyard with three patients and briefly explained what was about to happen.

The three patients were dissatisfied with the other party's use of themselves as props for the competition, but they heard that Wu Yinan would follow up on the spot and would waive all fees.

The three patients immediately became excited.

After the patient agrees, the game begins.

The process of diagnosing and prescribing is very simple. Chen Fei and Luo Wei respectively treated three patients for diagnosis, judged the patient's condition, and then prescribed targeted prescriptions.

Finally, it was handed over to Wu Yinan and other elders to judge who had the better prescription to determine the outcome.

"I'll come first!"

Luo Wei took the lead and stood up first, came to the three patients, diagnosed the pulse, then returned to sit down, lifted a pen to prescribe, and moved in one go. It took less than ten minutes before and after.

Passing three prescriptions to Wu Yinan, Luo Wei then looked at Chen Fei triumphantly, his face full of arrogance, "It's your turn."

Chen Fei nodded gently, stepped forward, and walked to the three patients.

However, his next actions made the people in the Witch Doctor Hall feel strange.

Because Chen Fei had his hands behind his back, he just stepped past the three patients without asking at all, let alone a pulse diagnosis.

Then he came back and quickly wrote three prescriptions with a pen.

The time before and after, even less than three minutes.

"This kid, what are you doing!"

Some younger generation asked puzzledly.

Yang Heng snorted coldly, and said, "Diagnosing in Chinese medicine, we pay attention to seeing, hearing, and asking, and hope is also a kind of diagnosis.

But under normal circumstances, diagnosis is purely based on hope, and the effect is not good, and the judgment is not accurate.

Therefore, most Chinese medicine practitioners use a combination of four methods in order to judge the condition more accurately. "

"Now, this kid just diagnoses the condition with hope, obviously he wants to show his hand and show the limelight in front of us."

After listening to Yang Heng's explanation, everyone understood.

Immediately, a mocking voice sounded.

"It's okay if you want to be prestigious, but you need that ability."

"You can see a doctor accurately only by looking at it. Even if you are a master of Chinese medicine, you can't say that you are 100% accurate.

This kid, overplayed. "

"As a doctor, in any case, the patient should be given priority.

It is already against medical ethics to treat patients so hastily for the sake of being popular.

I am not optimistic about this young man. "

………In a voice of disapproval, Chen Fei's expression was indifferent, and he handed the three prescriptions to Wu Yinan, and said lightly: "I have completed the diagnosis and prescribing, please judge by the master of Wuguan."

Wu Yinan took the prescription with a slight frown, suppressing the dissatisfaction with Chen Fei in his heart, and then openly spread the six prescriptions of the two on the table and looked at it carefully.

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