
Chapter 2229: Fang Family

With a sigh, Du Cang slowly recounted the situation at that time.

"In the last playoff, in order to win, Wu Fenxi took the risk of using a witch doctor-supplied medicine called'Five Poisons Falling in the Stars' to compete."

"You know, the five poisons fall into the stars, and they are made from five powerful drugs.

Only after a special ratio and careful handling, can the toxicity be offset by each other and a good therapeutic effect can be exerted.

Even within the witch doctor school, not many people dare to try this drug. "

"Although Wu Fenxi is a genius, after all, he is still young and experience is not a command, and he has used five poisons to fall into the stars on occasions such as competitions.

Moreover, he also used himself to test the medicine.

As a result, Wufenxi was poisoned at the scene and died quickly afterwards. "

Hearing this, Chen Fei didn't know what to say for a while, and finally could only sigh, "This, this Wu Fenxi-why should it be so!"

"Yeah, it's just a competition, no one thought that the final result would become like this."

Du Cang also sighed.

After a slight pause, he continued: "Wu Yu was not there at the time.

After the incident, after he learned the news, he hurried over and found that his eldest son had died. He was immediately furious and rioted. "

"He first guessed that the Jingfang staff at the scene deliberately poisoned Wufenxi and wanted to suppress his members of the Witch Doctor faction.

Later, after watching the surveillance video of the scene, Wu Yu pointed the finger at the two heads of the judges at that time.

One is my grandfather Du Jingjie, and the other is also a well-known Chinese medicine doctor Zhong Yue Zhang Zhonglao. "

"Wu Yu believes that these two people are from Jingfang School, and they are both well-known Chinese medicine practitioners.

Knowing that Wu Fenxi had used the five poisons to fall into the stars, the game was allowed to continue, and after his son was poisoned, the two did not rescue him in time.

Therefore, he believes that these two people did this deliberately and wanted to take the opportunity to kill his son and kill the new generation of geniuses of the Witch Doctor Sect in order to suppress them. "

"At that time, my grandfather and Zhong Lao knew that Wu Yu was sad, so they explained it to him.

After all, the Falling Stars of Five Poisons is too special. The slightly different amount of each poison will cause different toxicity.

In that situation, even if my grandfather and Zhong Lao were skilled in medicine, it was almost impossible to determine the source of Wufenxi's poisoning in a very short period of time and then detoxify them in a targeted manner. "

"Later, things went to the police.

After investigation, the police determined that my grandfather and Zhong Lao were innocent, and Wu Fenxi died of poisoning because of himself. "

"Although the matter has been explained clearly, Wu Yu has never believed this fact. Instead, she firmly believes in her heart that it was the people of the Jing Fang who deliberately persecuted them, and it was my grandfather and Zhong Lao who killed his eldest son."

"It is precisely because of this that the grievances between the Witch Doctor School and the Jingfang School have only been a dispute of ideas for hundreds of years.

As a result, it has become a grievance of life and death in Wu Yu's generation.

Wu Yu's attitude towards Jingfang faction became hatred.

Then, he also spread his attitude to his descendants and disciples.

This also resulted in the current antagonism between the Witch Doctor School and the Jing Fang School. "

After listening, Chen Fei couldn't help being silent for a while, did not speak for a while, finally sighed, and said: "This witch, his eldest son is dead, I can understand his feelings.

But his temperament is really a bit stubborn! "

Du Cang said: "Who said no! Because of this incident, the fact that the witch doctors joined the association has been delayed until now.

Now, it’s hard to find that the attitude of the owner of the Wu Yinan Witch Museum has loosened, so my grandfather wants to open a breakthrough, resolve the enmity, and let the Witch Doctors join the association. "

"Originally, things were close to success, but I didn't expect that Elder Wu still couldn't let go of what happened in the past and make it like this."

Chen Fei paused and asked, "Then what should I do now?

Do you still need my help? "

Du Cang shook his head and said, "Brother Fei, you have already helped a lot. The current problem is mainly the problem of the old Wu's heart.

If he can't untie his heart knot, no matter how much he wins over the trial, it's useless. "

"So, my grandfather has already said that, he is going to come in person, and have a good talk with the people in the witch doctor hall to see if he can resolve the things that year."

"This—isn't it dangerous?"

Chen Fei couldn't help but get worried when he thought of that stubborn stubborn attitude.

Du Cang said, "I am also a little worried, but my grandpa insisted on coming.

Besides, although Mr. Wu resented my grandfather and Mr. Zhong, after all, so many years have passed, and now it is a society under the rule of law, he should not do anything irrational. "

"I hope so!"

Chen Fei said, "Of course, if there is anything else you need help, please contact me immediately."

"Well, thank you Fei brother."

Du Cang said.

Afterwards, the two returned to the hotel.

In the evening, Chen Fei was eating with Wei Tian and Du Cang. When they were almost finished, they saw Huang Wei coming back from outside with a sneaky appearance.

"Fatty, what's your kid doing?

Sneaky. "

Wei Tian snorted.

Chen Fei also smiled and said, "What have you done in the past two days? You went out to spend a lot of time without seeing people all day?"

"What do you think of me?"

Fatty Huang sat down directly, grabbed the chopsticks, and ate.

After chewing a few bites and swallowing the food in his mouth, Fatty Huang said, "Brother Fei, Brother Tian, ​​I didn't spend much time and drink, am I going out to do business?"


Your business, isn't it just spending time and money? "

Wei Tian smiled.

Fatty Huang gave him a white look, "What do you know.

Fei must know me. "

Chen Fei's eyes lit up and said, "Fatty, you won't go to Sichuan University again, go to Fang Qingxi, right?"

The fat man nodded and said: "Look, I'll just say it, or Fei knows me."

"I said, fat man, forget it.

The little girl made it clear that she was not interested in being a star, and, didn't I tell you?

People are in the martial arts, it is even more impossible.

Go entangled again, be careful of being beaten! "

Chen Fei said.

Fatty Huang said: "Brother Fei, of course I know this, so I didn't go to the front to find Fang Qingxi this time, but to find someone to learn about Fang Qingxi from the side."

"Understanding from the side?"

Wei Tian was taken aback, then said, "Did you find someone to investigate the little girl?"

Fatty Huang nodded, and said: "Well, I spent money to find some local martial arts practitioners in Sichuan Province, and checked their information."

"Don't tell me, Brother Fei was right before.

Fang Qingxi's family is really a martial arts family, I heard that it is quite famous.

His grandfather is called Fang Mo, his father is Fang Tao, and his older brother is called Fang Baimu.

All of them are in the martial arts. "

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