
Chapter 2230: Martial Arts Conference

Chen Fei listened, and then said, "What if you know this?

Fatty, you have less chance! "

"No, Brother Fei, listen to me."

The fat man said, "I heard that the Fang family is in some trouble now."

"Trouble, what's the trouble?"

Wei Tian asked curiously.

Fatty Huang became more and more interested. While eating, he said, "Actually, the Fang family originally had three children in this generation.

The old and generous white wood, the old three places Qingxi.

In fact, there is a second child named Fang Mofeng. "

"This Fang Mofeng is a martial arts genius among the young generations of the Fang family. He has already entered the mid-Xuan-level realm when he heard that he was less than sixteen years old.

Because of his outstanding talent, Fang Mofeng was favored by the local prefecture-level sect "Xiaoyao Zong" in Sichuan Province. "

"That Fang Mofeng also performed very well in Xiaoyao Sect. At the age of eighteen, he jumped into the top ten in the Zongmen Grand Competition and became the core disciple of the Zongmen. He must be cultivated.

Originally, in this regard, the Fang family could be said to have climbed a big tree, and they could move forward. "

"As a result, what everyone didn't expect was.

That Fang Mofeng seemed to be a little overwhelmed. In the sect, because he liked the same female disciple, he faced up with Jiang Yu, the elder brother of the sect.

He clashed with Jiang Yu many times, and later he took the initiative to challenge Jiang Yu. The two competed. He injured Jiang Yu, but he was severely injured.

In the end, the cultivation base was abolished and he was directly expelled from the division. "

"From then on, the Fang family, which was originally thriving, fell sharply in an instant and fell back to its original position.

If this is the case, it is nothing.

However, Xiaoyao Sect's great disciple Jiang Yu was injured by Fang Mofeng, causing damage to his cultivation and affecting the result of his cultivation.

It still made Jiang Yu and Xiaoyaozong quite dissatisfied, and put pressure on the Fang family to ask the Fang family's children to make amends. "

"The Fang family offended the local sect of Xiaoyao Sect. It can be said that it is a crisis and the situation is very dangerous.

Therefore, in the martial arts world of Sichuan Province, the situation of Fang's family is not as good as each day.

And the final date set by the Xiaoyao Sect is about to come.

Therefore, the Fang family has become more and more worried recently. "

After listening to Huang Fatty's narration, several people were silent for a while.

Afterwards, Wei Tian looked at Fatty Huang and said, "Fatty, you have investigated this clearly.

So, your idea is that you want to take this opportunity to solve the Fang family's affairs, sell them a good one, and then you can sign the little girl Fang Qingxi. "

"Yes, that's what I thought."

Fatty Huang nodded, looking like he was determined to win.

As a result, Wei Tian attacked: "It's not that I said you, Fatty.

Do you think that your size of one hundred and sixty catties can resist a prefecture-level sect-Xiaoyao Sect? "

"I don't know how to martial arts at all, of course it's impossible."

Fatty Huang shook his head quickly, and then looked at Chen Fei, "But, I can't, Fei is feasible!"

"Think about it, in the status of Brother Fei.

Don't say that Xiaoyao Sect is a prefecture-level sect, even if it is a heaven-level sect, Fei will sleep a word.

After all, Brother Fei is now a demigod master, a world-class top powerhouse. "

Fatty Huang praised him a lot, and then looked at Chen Fei eagerly.

Chen Fei naturally understood what this guy meant, smiled, and said, "You guy, count on me!"

"Brother Fei, can you help?

I really think that Fang Qingxi is very good. "

Huang Fatty said.

Chen Fei was silent for a while, then looked at Huang Wei and said, "Fatty, it's a favor, I can't help."

"Thank you Fei, I--" Fatty Huang immediately picked up the wine glass and was about to toast Chen Fei.

Chen Fei held him down, with a serious expression, and said: "Listen to me."

Seeing Chen Fei's appearance, Fat Huang also stood up solemnly, put down his wine glass, looked at Chen Fei and said, "Brother Fei, you say, I'm listening!"

Chen Fei said: "Fatty, this is not a big deal, it is okay for me to come forward.

But the specific situation is not what you listen to others say or whatever, we still need to investigate and confirm by ourselves.

Find out the cause and effect of things, know who is right and who is wrong, and then you can decide whether to help. "

"Furthermore, on the Fang family's side, what are their conduct and their views on this matter?

Also, what kind of person Fang Qingxi is, you have to figure out, it's not something you can know by just meeting a few times.

do you understand me? "

Fatty Huang listened carefully, followed by a moment of silence, and finally nodded and said: "Brother Fei, I understand what you mean."

In the next two days, everyone went to work on their own affairs, and Chen Fei also wandered around Rongcheng by himself, and relaxed.

On this day, Wei Tian called Chen Fei and Huang Wei up early in the morning, and after washing and dressing up, he bid farewell to Du Cang, and then went out together.

It turns out that today is the day when the martial arts conference begins, and Wei Tian will take his martial arts members to participate in the competition.

For the important matter of good brothers, Chen Fei and Huang Wei are naturally going to cheer up together.

It was Du Cang, because at noon today, the old man Du Jingjie had to fly over from the capital to negotiate the witch doctor hall.

Therefore, he must stay in Rongcheng to receive him, so he can only stay.

The three came to the previous taekwondo gym, and the athletes in the martial arts gym also made preparations early.

Afterwards, the group of people boarded the bus mightily and headed to Mount Qingcheng, where the martial arts competition was held.

More than two hours later, the bus stopped at the foot of Qingcheng Mountain. When everyone got off the bus, they felt green and the air was very fresh. A deep breath was refreshing.

Looking at the surroundings, many buses have already stopped, and a person wearing a different uniform got off the bus one after another.

It looks like it should be a contestant from another martial arts gym.

Wei Tian counted the number of people, and then led the team up the mountain and went.

The venue of this conference was held in front of the Shangqing Palace, halfway up the Qingcheng Mountain.

Everyone is a warrior, so going up the mountain is naturally not a difficult task, but the fat man Huang Wei is out of breath. When he arrived at his destination, he almost fell to the ground.

On Weitian's side, members of the martial arts gym have to go through the relevant procedures and certificates, waiting for the upcoming game.

Chen Fei and Huang Wei were not contestants, so they prepared to wait aside.

At this moment, a lot of people have gathered on the scene, and others have arrived one after another, making the whole venue bustling.

Chen Fei looked around, pointed to the small pavilion on one side, and said to Huang Wei: "There are few people over there, fat guy, let's go there and wait."

"Brother Fei, I can't do it anymore, you can help me!"

Fatty Huang stood up from the ground panting.

Chen Fei walked over there while supporting Fatty Huang.

Just as they walked to the pavilion and just sat down, suddenly a cold voice rang in their ears, "Why are you here?"

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