
Chapter 2257: Unlimited regret

Behind them, Fang Mo and Fang Tao saw the situation and recovered, and hurriedly knelt down thereafter, banging their heads and begging for mercy.

In the end, only Fang Qingxi was still standing on the stage.

"Qingxi, get down on your knees and beg for mercy from Master Chen!"

Fang Baimu urged.

Fang Qingxi's complexion changed. He gritted his teeth and looked at Chen Fei in disbelief. He still couldn't believe that this ordinary person in front of him turned out to be the legendary demigod master Master Chen.

"Qingxi, Huaxia Dragon Guards have all appeared, what are you still wondering! Do you want our Fang family to die?"

This time, not only Fang Baimu, Fang Mo and Fang Tao, but also anxiously spoke out.

Fang Qingxi's complexion sank, her legs became weak, and she was about to kneel down.

But at this moment, she suddenly thought of something.

Turning to look at Luo Xin next to him, with a look of expectation, he hurriedly said: "Luo Xin, isn't Master Chen your brother?

Please beg him and speak nicely to our Fang family. "

However, she was anxious and didn't notice at all. At this moment, Luo Xin's face was pale, her body trembled, and her whole body almost fainted. There was no sense of excitement that the junior apprentice saw the senior apprentice.

"Luo Xin, you, speak up!"

Fang Qingxi hurriedly shouted.

But Luo Xin's lips were purple, and his throat rolled, so scared that he couldn't make a sound.

"You said you are my younger brother?"

Chen Fei squinted his eyes, looked at Luo Xin, and asked aloud.

"I, I--" Luo Xin was so shocked that he knelt on the ground suddenly, then banged his head heavily on the stage, kowtowing to Chen Fei, "Master Chen, I, I was wrong.

I shouldn't pretend to be your junior, and I shouldn't use your identity to bluff and deceive everywhere.

I was wrong, I was wrong..." "What, you, you are a liar.

You are not Master Chen's junior at all? "

Fang Qingxi, who thought Luo Xin was the last straw, felt as if he had been hit hard at the moment, and his face was as pale as paper.

And Fang Baimu screamed: "Qingxi, are you only now aware of it?

Luo Xin is a liar at all. I reminded you at that time to be careful with him.

But you are completely fascinated by him and lose your mind. "

"Qingxi, get down on your knees and apologize to Master Chen."

Fang Tao and Fang Mo also hurriedly shouted.

With a "pop", Fang Qingxi couldn't bear the huge blow anymore, she fell to the ground with a pop, her eyes dull.

Suddenly, her sluggish gaze swept across a chubby figure.

In an instant, Fang Qingxi seemed to realize something, and his expression became excited. He looked at the figure and said, "Huang Wei, President Huang.

I blamed you before, but what you said was true.

You really know Master Chen, you are really a friend of Master Chen. "

"Don't you want to sign me?

Don't you like me?

Now, I am willing to sign a contract.

I am willing to be your girlfriend, whatever you ask me to do.

Please, save me, save my Fang family. "

Fang Qingxi asked Huang Wei with the last look of expectation.

But at this moment, Huang Wei looked at Fang Qingxi, who was so excited, but his face was expressionless, even frowned, revealing a look of disgust.

"The Fang Qingxi that I like is not you anymore."

Huang Wei said coldly, "Now you make me feel like a sad beggar, and it will only make me feel sick."

"No, I, I really like you, I love you.

Huang Wei, President Huang, I--" Fang Qingxi pleaded.

Huang Wei turned his head and didn't look at Fang Qingxi at all. Instead, he shouted to Chen Fei, "Brother Fei, you can solve it, don't think about me."

Chen Fei stared at Huang Wei for a few seconds, then nodded, and his eyes fell on Fang Qingxi with cold eyes, and he screamed, "Shut up!"

Immediately, Chen Fei struck out a burst of energy, and pierced Luo Xin's heart with a slam, causing him to die suddenly.

Then, Qi Jin flew out again, scratched Fang Qingxi's cheeks, and then said coldly, "Fang family, kill!"


Long Wei's team members let out a shout neatly.

In an instant, everyone in the Fang family seemed to be struck by thunder, their bodies stiff, and they collapsed on the stage, motionless.

And Chen Fei immediately turned around and walked out of the auditorium.

Behind him, everyone's eyes were all looking at Chen Fei, following his footsteps, moving out a little bit.

Until Chen Fei's figure disappeared completely, everyone's eyes were still fixed on the direction of the entrance of the auditorium.

I don't know how long it took, when the members of Longwei began to grab the Xiaoyao Sect and the Fang family, everyone came back to their senses.

The scene became lively again.

However, Long Wei's leader swept his eyes across the crowd, and with a deterrent chill, he sternly said: "What happened here today is not allowed to reveal any small things.

Otherwise, we will come personally. "

After speaking, Long Wei's people left.

In the auditorium, everyone was silent and trembling, completely afraid to speak out.

As for the Xiaoyaozong and the Fang family who were taken away, when they were taken into the car, they looked at the back of Chen Fei, who was far away, with unspeakable regret on their faces.

Especially Fang Qingxi, at this moment, she once again recalled the scene of her first meeting in the canteen of Sichuan University.

At that time, in order to strike up a conversation with him, Huang Wei specially called for Chen Feitao.

Unexpectedly, Fang Qingxi turned it down as a liar.

Later, Huang Wei took the initiative to find Fang Qingxi several times, even knowing that Fang Qingxi likes martial arts, and promised to take her to Master Chen.

However, Fang Qingxi at the time didn't believe these words at all.

If you just don't believe it, that's fine, at best, it's just a missed opportunity to get to know Master Chen.

But what is so dying is that Fang Qingxi was fascinated by Luo Xin, a fake Master Chen.

All of a sudden, IQ dropped. For the liar, he not only lost the opportunity to know the real Master Chen, but also offended Huang Wei, Wei Tian and even Chen Fei.

In the end, it fell to this end.

At this time Fang Qingxi, sitting in the bumpy prison car, couldn't help but imagine.

If the self in the cafeteria at that time had agreed to Huang Wei's signing requirements, would the current self and the Fang family be in a different situation.

It's just that there are no assumptions in reality.

People must bear the corresponding consequences for the choices they make.

With a long sigh, Fang Qingxi hid his face and sighed with regret.

Fang Mo, Fang Tao, Fang Baimu and others also couldn't stand the long sighs, regretting it, but the ending is fixed and it is impossible to change.

They were taken away by the rumbling of engines.

However, Chen Fei and his party returned to Rongcheng by car.

As soon as he arrived in Chengdu and returned to the hotel room, Chen Fei received an encrypted call from General Xu.

"General Xu, this is Chen Fei."

Without hesitation, Chen Fei immediately connected the phone.

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