
Chapter 2258: Du Cang lost contact

"Xiao Chen, the interrogation of the suspect has been completed on my side."

General Xu's voice came from the other end of the phone.

Chen Fei asked: "Are there any gains?"

General Xu's tone was a little disappointed, and he said: "The suspect is called Liu Yue. He was once a steward of the Zhenwu Song family. He was given the surname Song by the Song family and called Song Yue."

"This Song Yue confessed that the incident of attacking you in the U.S., as well as the chase of you this time, was arranged by Song Zhengqing, the elder of the Song family, and Song Hongyue's grandfather.

To avenge the granddaughter. "

"We went to the Song family to investigate this matter, but the Song family denied Song Yue's words. They said Song Yue was lying and deliberately slandered the Song family."

"Furthermore, the Song family also showed evidence.

It proves that Song Yue was kicked out of the house by the Song family because of a mistake six months ago and deprived of Song's surname.

The original name was restored, Liu Yue. "

"Therefore, the Song family said that this matter has nothing to do with them.

He also suspected that Liu Yue had a grudge because of being kicked out of the house, so he deliberately slandered and framed the Song family. "

"The Song family showed conclusive evidence, and our side, apart from Liu Yue's confession, there is no other evidence."

After listening to General Xu's words, Chen Fei was silent for a while, and then said: "General Xu, therefore, the current result is that it can only be inferred that this matter was most likely instigated by Song Zhengqing.

But there is no evidence, unable to do anything against the Song family. "


General Xu sighed, then hurriedly calmed Chen Fei and said, "Xiao Chen, on my side, the secret investigation will not be interrupted.

As long as the other party does it, we will always find evidence.

At that time, we will definitely not let any offender. "

"So, Xiao Chen, don't be impulsive.

The Song family is a real martial arts family, and its background is deeper than you think, and there is even more than one demigod master.

Xiao Chen, don't--" Chen Fei understood what General Xu meant, nodded, and said in a flat tone, "General Xu, don't worry, I won't be impulsive. "

"You can be so calm, I'm relieved."

General Xu said, "When I find more information, I will notify you immediately."

"Well, thank you General Xu."

Chen Fei nodded, then hung up the phone.

Putting down the phone, Chen Fei stared at the window, motionless, staring blankly for more than ten seconds.

At this moment, a scarlet flame was lit in his eyes, which contained an expression of anger, not as calm as his tone just now.

He knew in his heart that General Xu didn't lie in what he said, and now there is no evidence, so he can't move the Song family.

But there is another point that General Xu did not say.

That is, even if the evidence is really found, there will be a huge question mark if the Song family can be moved.

General Xu is a Chinese army god, the number one in the army, and a master of the semi-god realm.

In the eyes of ordinary people, he is already in the sky.

But compared with the Zhenwu family, General Xu is alone, I am afraid it is still difficult to fight.

After all, General Xu himself said just now that the Song family has a profound background and there is more than one demigod master.

At that time, if the two sides are in conflict, it will be even if General Xu is on Chen Fei's side.

There are still huge doubts about how the senior management will treat the Song family.

New here, Chen Fei took a deep breath and suppressed a little bit of anger in his heart.

After a while, Chen Fei calmed down.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door outside, and Weitian's voice rang, "Brother Fei, are you there?"


Chen Fei got up and opened the door.

Wei Tian said: "Brother Fei, we will go out for a meal in the evening, and call Du Cang to get together, let the fat man relax."

Chen Fei knew that although in the hotel auditorium, the fat man seemed to be relieved.

But the influence of Fang Qingxi's affairs on him is not so easy to completely let go.

Therefore, it is a good choice for everyone to gather together and relax the mood for Fat Huang.

"Okay, I'll change my clothes."

Chen Fei said.

Five minutes later, Chen Fei went downstairs to the hotel lobby.

Wei Tian and Fatty Huang have arrived. Wei Tian is making a call. When Fatty Huang and the previous glance, a pair of thieves' eyes rolled around, looking at the beauties passing by in the hotel.

Looking at his relaxed expression, Chen Fei was relieved a lot.

When Chen Fei walked over, Wei Tian frowned and hung up.

"what's happenin?"

Upon seeing this, Chen Fei asked Weitian.

Wei Tian said: "I can't reach Du Cang. I made several calls and kept shutting down."

"Shut it off! Did that kid get so over-ridden last night and is still sleeping now?"

Fatty Huang used his own habit to guess.

Wei Tian said: "Maybe, let's go out first, and I'll call him later on the way."

On the contrary, Chen Fei frowned slightly at this moment in thought.

Du Cang has a stable and reliable temperament, and generally does not turn off his mobile phone for no reason.

In addition, before participating in the martial arts competition, Chen Fei learned from Du Cang about the past conflicts between the Witch Doctor Hall and the Jingfang School.

Thinking of this, Chen Fei said to Wei Tian and Fatty Huang, "Wait, I'll make a call."

Immediately, Chen Fei took out his cell phone and dialed the number of Du Jingjie Du Lao.

After a while, Chen Fei hung up the phone and his face sank.

Because Du Lao's phone is also turned off.

You know, before going to the Qingcheng Mountain to participate in the competition, Du Cang told Chen Fei that Mr. Du would fly to Rongcheng to persuade the Witch Doctor Hall to join the Chinese Medicine Association.

The witch doctor hall was not dealing with the Jing Fang faction. The old owner of the witch doctor hall Wu Yu even had a hatred of Du Lao, thinking that he was an accomplice to the death of his eldest son Wu Fenxi.

In this case, Du Cang and Du Jingjie both shut down and lost contact at the same time, which had to worry Chen Fei.

Thinking of this, Chen Fei didn't care about eating, and said to Wei Tian and Fatty Huang, "I'm worried that something happened to Du Cang, and I want to go out and have a look.

Let's eat! "

"Brother Fei, what happened to Du Cang?"

Fatty Huang asked hurriedly.

Wei Tian said: "Brother Fei, where are you going?

Let's go together. "

"Uh-well, let's go take a look together."

Chen Fei did not refuse, and nodded.

Immediately, the three drove out.

In the car, Chen Fei told the two about the Witch Medical Hall.

After listening, the two couldn't help but become worried.

After more than an hour, the three drove to the entrance of the Witch Doctor Hall.

At the usual time, the door of the hospital is closed, and it is completely dark.

Upon seeing this, Chen Fei stunned, and he was even more worried.

"Perhaps, it's just off work!"

Fatty Huang also felt something was wrong, but he added a comforting sentence.

"Let's go down and ask!"

Chen Fei said.

Immediately, the three of them got out of the car and asked the nearby merchant about the situation of the Witch Doctor Hall.

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