
Chapter 2259: I am your son too

The result of the inquiry made the three people even more worried.

Because the witch doctor hall suddenly did not open for business yesterday morning, the patients who had just queued up thought it was a sudden incident in the doctor hall, so the opening was postponed.

But later, when the apprentices of the medical hall came to work, they discovered that the medical hall was closed, and everyone realized that the situation was not right.

The apprentice in the medical center wanted to contact Wu Yinan, but they couldn't make the phone call at all.

Others used various methods, but they couldn't get in touch with the witch doctors at all.

In the end, everyone had to leave.

Just like that, the Witch Doctor Museum was closed for two days for no reason.

Until now, there is still no movement at all.

After listening to this, Chen Fei's complexion became more and more gloomy.

Afterwards, the three of them took pictures of Du Cang and Du Jingjie and asked the nearby merchant.

It turned out that the day before yesterday, they had indeed seen these two men visit the Witch Doctor Hall.

At that time, it seemed that controversy broke out in the hospital.

In the end, the two sides broke up unhappy.

With this result, Chen Fei could almost conclude that Du Jingjie and Du Cang had an accident, and it was very likely that they had something to do with the people in the Witch Doctor Hall.

So, returning to the car, Chen Fei immediately took out the phone and contacted General Xu, asking him to help check the whereabouts of the Witch Medical Hall and Du Lao.

In the middle of the night, through the comparison of massive video surveillance, General Xu reported the results.

Wu Yu and Wu Yinan suddenly left Rongcheng the night before, and according to surveillance video, they were accompanied by two people with their physical characteristics very similar to Du Cang and Du Jingjie.

It can almost be concluded that it was Wu Yu and Wu Yinan who took Du Cang and Du Jingjie.

This result did not exceed Chen Fei's expectations, but it made Chen Fei even more worried.

Regardless of taking a break, Chen Fei set off directly in the evening, following the route the other party had left, tracking up.

Wei Tian and Huang Weiben also wanted to go there together, but they knew that they might be dragging their feet with the past, so instead of following them, they stayed in the hotel.

"Brother Fei, Du Cang and Du Lao, you must bring them back safely!"

Huang Fatty said.

"Don't worry, I will."

Chen Fei nodded with a serious look.

Wei Tian also said: "Brother Fei, you have to be careful yourself."

"Well, I will be fine."

Chen Fei nodded solemnly, then turned and left.

After driving overnight, Chen Fei drove all the way to follow the route provided by General Xu.

While Chen Fei was driving and chasing after night, in a small mountain village two hundred kilometers away from Rongcheng, in the faint morning light, a dilapidated hut lit up with a dim light.

Inside the house, Wu Yu and Wu Yinan sat up from the dilapidated bed.

Wu Yu sorted out some messy clothes, looked at his son Wu Yinan, and said: "Clean up, we are going to set off soon and move on."

Hearing this, Wu Yinan couldn't help turning his head to look at Du Cang and Du Jingjie who were **** with twine and threw them into the corner of the house.

Immediately, there was a look of worry in his eyes, looked at his father, and said: "Dad, is it really okay for us to do this?

This is kidnapping. If the police pursue it, we might have nowhere to escape! "

Wu Yu heard this, looked at his son, and said coldly: "What do you mean by this?

Don’t you want to avenge your elder brother? "

"Dad, me, I didn't mean that."

Wu Yinan quickly explained, "I mean, if we are like this, is it a bit too much?

Revenge is okay, but we are now committing a crime and we are going to be wanted. "


Hearing these two words, Wu Yu's emotions became agitated, and he sternly said, "You ask the du and Zhong, did they pass the time when they were your elder brother?"

"Your elder brother's revenge, I must avenge it."

Wu Yu said ruthlessly, "Now there is only Du Jingjie, and there is still a missing chapter.

When the one named Zhong is caught, I will use the blood of both of them to pay tribute to Fenxi. "

Seeing his father's stern expression, Wu Yinan felt uneasy at the moment.

Originally, Du Jingjie and Du Cang personally came to the hospital a few days ago to negotiate. In his opinion, it was a great opportunity to ease the relationship between the two parties.

But what he didn't expect was that his father pretended to agree to the peace talks between the two parties, and invited the other party out at night, but directly arrested Du Cang and Du Jingjie, then took them away overnight and came here.

Until one night in this hut, Wu Yinan still did not feel relieved.

In a trance, he seemed to realize at this moment that what he and his father are doing now is illegal.

Although Wu Yinan did not have much favor with Jingfang School because of his father's influence.

But after all, he has been the owner of the medical center for so many years with peace of mind, and he is used to living in a big city.

Now let him give up the decent life in the big city and directly turn into a fugitive, Wu Yinan really can't accept it.

Thinking of this, Wu Yinan settled down, looked at Wu Yu, and said again: "Dad, I think we have done this a bit too much.

Needless to say Du Cang, Du Jingjie is now a well-known Chinese medicine practitioner in the country, and he is still serving in the Chinese Medicine Association. "

"He went to Rongcheng this time, and he also came to negotiate with our Witch Doctor Museum.

The official side of the capital must know about this.

Now that Du Jingjie is missing, the official side will definitely track it down. "

"Once the official power is used, we won't be able to escape for long."

"You said so much, are you scared?"

Wu Yu glared at his son fiercely.

Wu Yinan changed his face and immediately explained: "Dad, I don't understand why you did this.

Using such a radical method to avenge, even if we really avenge our eldest brother in the end, in the end, there is only one dead end for us! "

"Dad, don't you think this result is what Big Brother wants to see?"

"I don't know what your eldest brother thinks, but what I do know is that your eldest brother will never look down. He definitely wants us to avenge him."

Wu Yu had scarlet eyes.

Wu Yinan looked at his crazy father, really anxious, "Dad, but, but you have to consider the consequences! You are not afraid of death, am I afraid of death?"


With a crisp sound, Wu Yu slapped him with a slap, and slapped Wu Yinan's face fiercely. His scarlet eyes glared at him, gritted his teeth and shouted, "Shut up!"

Wu Yinan clutched the red and swollen cheeks slapped by his father, stared at Wu Yu with rounded eyes, gritted his teeth and said, "Dad, I know you like Big Brother.

You said that your eldest brother's talent on the journey of witch doctor is several times more than mine. I also know that you look down on me a bit and think that you are not worthy of inheriting the witch doctor inheritance. "

"But I am also your son after all!"

"In order to avenge your dead son, would you rather let me die?"

"You answer me. If so, I won't say anything. I will do whatever you ask me to do."

Wu Yinan's eyes were scarlet, staring at Wu Yuen, and even tears rolled in his eyes.

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