
Chapter 2261: Shanlinshan Village

The dense trees and steep mountain roads did not create any obstacle to Chen Fei. He followed the trail of the other party in the mountains and moved forward quickly.

After walking in the mountains and forests for several hours, the sky was already dark.

The entire mountain forest was plunged into a thick ink-like darkness, and the nocturnal animals hidden in the dense forest gradually began to haunt.

For a while, the entire forest looked strange and terrifying, and suffocating.

Naturally, Chen Fei was not afraid of this, but the sky was too dark, and it was difficult for him to find the trace of the opponent walking in the dense forest, so he had to slow down.

"Could it be that you have to sleep in the mountains and forests for one night."

When Chen Fei was thinking about how to arrange the night, suddenly he turned a corner ahead and a lighter appeared in Chen Fei's eyes.

"There are still people here! It's a village."

Chen Fei was slightly surprised.

Immediately, he thought of something, "It is not too convenient for me to walk in this dense forest alone.

Wu Yu and Wu Yinan, who kidnapped Du Cang and Du Lao, must have gone too fast. "

"If the direction is right, they would most likely stay in this village last night.

Ask in the past, maybe you can get any useful clues. "

Thinking of this, Chen Fei immediately started to move and headed towards the village where the lights were burning.

A quarter of an hour later, Chen Fei appeared in the village.

Chen Fei walked over to a nearby house, which was completely dark. He knocked on the door and yelled a few words without responding.

Chen Fei thought that there was no one at home, so he continued to walk towards the village.

Finding a house with lights on, Chen Fei knocked on the door again, but no one responded, which made Chen Fei feel a little strange.

"What's the matter with this small village?

How come people are not at home at night? "

When Chen Fei was puzzled, he saw an uncle in his 50s and 60s trotting out of the house in front of him and hurriedly rushing towards the south of the village.

Suddenly, Chen Fei hurriedly chased after him, and asked, "Master, hello!"

"Ah--" The uncle was also taken aback when he saw Chen Fei suddenly appearing behind him.

Chen Fei quickly explained: "I am a tourist and lost my way in the mountains and forests.

I want to stay here for one night. I wonder if there is a place in the uncle's house? "


If you don't dislike it, there is an extra bed in the small room at the back of my house, and you can rest in my house tonight. "

The uncle said, "But, now I have something, you have to wait a while."


Chen Fei's eyes changed, and he asked, "Master, has something happened in the village?

Why are the villagers not at home? "

The uncle said: "Lao Miao was picking medicine on the mountain and was bitten by a snake. Now the situation is critical, and everyone in the village has gone to help."

"What! Then I'll be with you, and I will help."

Chen Fei said.

The uncle saw that he was enthusiastic, so he did not refuse.

Soon, Chen Fei followed his uncle to a bungalow at the southern end of the village.

The small house was brightly lit at the moment, and there were thirty or forty people standing inside and out. It seemed that almost all the people in the village had arrived.

Vaguely, Chen Fei could still hear the sound of crying inside.

The uncle took Chen Fei through the crowd and came into the house.

On the bed lay a man in his forties. At this moment, his left calf was red and swollen, almost as thick as his thigh.

Sitting beside the bed, a middle-aged woman and a delicate girl of fifteen or sixteen were crying with tears on their faces.

The people around are talking about various methods, but the villagers are not professional doctors after all, and they can only say that if they really treat the disease, they will be helpless.

"Old Miao's, don't cry.

I think Lao Miao's situation is very serious. Let's take him to the hospital overnight! "

Uncle suggested.

Before the middle-aged women could speak, some villagers nearby spoke.

"It's from the town, and the tricycle is driving for three hours during the day.

At night, the car is not driving fast, and it will take at least four or five hours to get to town.

By then, I am afraid it will be too late. "

"so what should I do now?

I can't just watch Lao Miao finish like this! "

"In my opinion, let's call Doctor Ma from the village next door! He is a master at detoxification, especially snake venom, he is very good at it."

Just made this suggestion, Lao Miao, who was lying on the hospital bed, suddenly struggled, and sternly said: "Even if I die, don't invite that animal."

Upon seeing this, many villagers couldn't help but persuaded them with all their faces.

"Lao Miao, what's wrong with you?

Have a conflict with Dr. Ma? "

"Although Lao Ma's reputation is not very good, his medical skills are indeed very good, and he will definitely find a way."

"Lao Miao, you are not a kid anymore, the contradiction is over.

Now it's a matter of life and death! "

… The villagers still want to persuade, but at this time, Lao Miao’s wife, the middle-aged woman, said in tears, "Don’t persuade you. Even if both of us are dead, we won’t ask for it. The surname is horse."

"From the Miao family, what's wrong with you?"

"Did Dr. Ma do anything?"

………Faced with the villagers’ inquiries, the middle-aged woman was full of tears, hugged the delicate young girl next to her, and said: “Then, that surnamed Ma is not a thing! He actually asked Xiao Miao to marry him as his wife.”

"He also said if he disagrees.

He will not treat our patients in the future, and will let his brother deal with our family, so that we will not be able to live in peace. "

"Even last time Xiao Miao ran into an old horse on the way back from school.

He wanted to do something to Xiao Miao, but fortunately, Lao Miao arrived in time and drove the guy away. "

Upon hearing this, the villagers looked at the delicate little girl and were shocked.

Immediately one after another swearing sounded.

"Xiao Miao is only sixteen years old. That old horse is almost sixty. Is he crazy to ask Xiao Miao to marry him?"

"Damn, I know that Lao Ma is not a thing, but I didn't expect him to be a beast!"

"It's a crime to dare to act on Xiao Miao.

Call the police and catch him. "

... "Don't be angry, Lao Ma has a younger brother who has been mixing outside. I heard that he is very good, and he knows some martial arts. He is famous in the city. It is useless to call the police. We can't afford him."

"Besides, Lao Miao, this snake venom, can't be cured!"

"It's better to ask the old horse, let's get rid of the poison first.

Others, you can talk slowly! "

"Yes, it's great to help!"

... "No, no, I don't want to beg that surnamed Ma when I die."

Lao Miao struggled to wave his hand and said a word, but his face turned paler in an instant, and he fell on the bed with a puff, panting heavily, as if he was not working.

Upon seeing this, the wife and daughter rushed over and burst into tears.

"Old Miao, you can't go!"

"Dad, dad, don't die.

You can't die, I am willing to do anything. "

The villagers were also anxious, but there was nothing to do.

At this moment, a voice came from the crowd, "I am a doctor, I can detoxify."

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