
Chapter 2262: Detoxification and treatment

Immediately, the villagers turned their heads and saw Chen Fei walking out of the crowd under the leadership of the uncle.

For a while, everyone looked over curiously and questioningly.

"Old Liu, who is this young man?"

"He said he was a doctor, is it true?"

"Who will show up here this big night!"

… The uncle answered questions for the villagers, “This young man is called Chen Fei, he is a tourist, lost his way, and came to our village to take a rest.”

At this time, Chen Fei came to the bed and said, "Mr. Miao's snake venom, I can cure it."


Lao Miao's wife and daughter all looked at Chen Fei at once.

Chen Fei took out the silver needle and nodded, "Really.

In ten minutes, I promise to cure the condition. "

As soon as this remark came out, Lao Miao's wife and daughter were immediately excited, and they said quickly: "Then hurry up."

However, just when Chen Fei was about to be treated.

Among the crowd, some villagers voiced doubts.

"Ten minutes, I promise to cure the condition.

This is too much, right? Seeing you are young, are you so good? "

"The old horse's character is not good, but his medical skills are really good.

Even if he comes to treat it, I am afraid it will take an hour or two. "

"It was late at night, and suddenly appeared in a young man in a remote village like ours.

It seems—"... Hearing these voices, Lao Miao's wife and daughter couldn't help but change their faces and looked at Chen Fei.

Of course, Chen Fei understood the other party's concern and explained to the villagers: "I am a Chinese medicine doctor from Beijing. I have a certificate and I am a regular doctor.

Moreover, I have also studied with famous doctors in Beijing. "

After speaking, Chen Fei hurriedly found out his ID, and showed the photo of himself with Lao Chai, Lao Du and others in the phone.

At this time, the villagers nodded their heads to express their belief.

Lao Miao's wife and daughter were about to speak again, asking Chen Fei for treatment.

But at this moment, the thin and tall villager who was the first to question Chen Fei just now said again, "Who knows if this document is true or false."

Now the fake certificate is very powerful.

And that photo. I heard that there is any PS technology on the Internet that can make people look the same as they really are.

Who knows if your picture is real? "

"I can guarantee that these things are all true."

Chen Fei explained, "If something goes wrong, I am willing to take responsibility."

"Can you take responsibility for things that matter to you?"

The thin tall man questioned again, "Furthermore, Lao Miao had just been infected with snake venom, and then by coincidence an outsider appeared, and he said he was a Chinese medicine doctor and could be treated.

This is a coincidence. I suspect that some people will be unsuccessful in the follow-up. "

As soon as these words came out, everyone looked at Chen Fei's expressions, and they couldn't help but change, and there were a few more suspicious expressions in their eyes.

Chen Fei also frowned, unexpectedly this villager was so vigilant.

Just as Chen Fei was wondering whether to use strong hand therapy, the uncle who brought Chen Fei over stood up, stared at the thin man with round eyes, and sternly shouted: "Ma Yuan, you don't usually talk so much. .

What is going on today, so many words will come out at once? "

"I, I just care about Lao Miao.

Isn't this also ok? "

The thin and tall man Ma Yuan looked a little flustered and hurriedly said.

The uncle snorted coldly and said, "You care about Lao Miao?

Normally, I haven't seen you and Lao Miao have such a good relationship! "

"Everyone is in the same village. I usually have hot inside and cold outside, so I didn't show it."

Ma Yuan continued to defend.

What else does the uncle have to say. At this time, Lao Miao on the bed said with difficulty, "Stop arguing, let me treat Xiao Chen."

"Lao Miao, the origin of this kid is unknown, you must never--" Ma Yuan started again.

Lao Miao waved his hand weakly and said, "Ma Yuan, needless to say.

I have a bad life. This Mr. Chen came from a big city. I have something that can make people feel bad, you think too much. "

Upon hearing this, Lao Miao's wife also figured it out in an instant, and quickly said to Chen Fei: "Mr. Chen, please, save my husband."

Xiao Miao, the delicate little girl, also asked with tears, "Big brother, you can save my dad."

"Don't worry, he will be fine."

Chen Fei comforted.

Immediately, Chen Fei walked to the bedside and began to diagnose Lao Miao's pulse.

When Ma Yuan saw this, he clung to his arms and sneered sarcastically: "I'm not too old, and he still pretends to be decent! It's just that I think the pulse technique is not right. People doctor Ma didn't know the pulse like this--" "To shut up."

The uncle was angry and stared at Ma Yuan fiercely, sternly shouted, "If you don't want to see it, stop talking nonsense and get out."

Almost all the surrounding villagers were angry and stared at Ma Yuan.

When Ma Yuan saw this, his face became flustered, gritted his teeth, shook out a cruel word, then turned around and ran away dingy, "This kind of snake venom can't be solved by ordinary doctors.

When something happens, I think it’s too late for you to cry. "

Chasing Ma Yuan away, the uncle comforted Chen Fei, "Xiao Chen, this Ma Yuan is a lazy gangster in the village. Don't care about him."

"Uncle, don't worry, I won't care."

Chen Feidao immediately continued the diagnosis.

One minute later, Chen Fei finished his diagnosis, and immediately took out a silver needle, put a needle on Lao Miao's injured calf, and started treatment.

Ten minutes later, Chen Fei pulled out the last silver needle and said at the same time: "Alright! Snake venom, it should have been solved."

At this moment, everyone's eyes all fell on Lao Miu on the bed.

It can be clearly seen that Lao Miao's pale cheeks have now recovered their blood, and the whole person has become much more energetic.

Then, under the attention of everyone, Lao Miao actually sat up from the bed by himself, and then tried to move his calf.

Suddenly, his face was full of joy, "It's okay, I don't have any pain at all.

It's really okay, I'm all right. "

"Doctor Chen, thank you so much."

Lao Miu shook Chen Fei's hand excitedly and was extremely grateful.

Next to him, Lao Miao's wife and daughter Xiao Miao rushed over with excitement.

He was about to kneel down and apologize to Chen Fei, and Chen Fei quickly helped them up.

The villagers also gathered around one after another, some caring for Lao Miao, and some thanking Chen Fei.

When the house was full of excitement, suddenly, a person rushed in with a panic expression, and said: "Come, here.

Ma Zhikang is here! "


Everyone changed their faces when they heard this name.

Because this Ma Zhikang is the name of Dr. Ma in the village next door.

"Why did he come here?"

"what is the problem?"

"Ma Yuan and Ma Zhikang are together! We have reached the entrance of the village and will be here soon."

Someone speaks out.

Hearing this, the villagers were even more surprised.

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