
Chapter 2263: Doctor Ma

The uncle thought of something, his face was gloomy, and gritted his teeth, "Ma Yuan, this kid, turned out to be in collusion with Ma Zhikang.

Otherwise, how did you stop Xiao Chen from treating his illness like that? "

"This Malaysian yuan, eat something inside and out!"

"Damn, forcing Xiao Miao, maybe this Ma Yuan also participated."

………A group of people were filled with righteous indignation, and the uncle waved his hand and said, “Let’s go out, I want to see what the surname Ma wants to do.”

"Yes, go out and have a look!"

"If he still wants to be unruly towards Xiao Miao, we have to give him some color."

………While speaking, a group of villagers rushed out.

Lao Miao's family also wanted to go out, but they were stopped by the uncles and stayed at home to rest.

A group of people came out of the house and didn't go far before they saw two figures walking towards this side.

One of them was the thin and tall Ma Yuan, and the other was short and fat, with a handful of mustaches, and a pair of small mung bean-like eyes inlaid with a fat face, and he was holding a medicine box with his complexion. Coming from here proudly.

This person is naturally the famous horse doctor Ma Zhikang.

"It's all out!"

Ma Yuan looked at the crowd, with a smug look on his face, pointed at Ma Zhikang next to him, and said, "Doctor Ma is here, and I won't welcome Dr. Ma in."

However, the uncle and the villagers standing in front of them did not give way, but took a step forward and approached the two of them.

The uncle gave Ma Yuan a fierce look, then looked at Ma Zhikang, "What are you doing?"

Ma Zhikang looked at the house at the back, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and said, "What am I here for, don't you know?

Lao Miao was bitten by a snake and couldn't detoxify, so naturally I came to detoxify him. "

"You told him?"

Many villagers immediately stared at Ma Yuan upon hearing this.

Ma Yuan argued: "I am also kind, from ten miles and eight villages, no one knows that Dr. Ma is a master of snake venom.

I think that Lao Miu's snake venom, no one can solve it except Doctor Ma.

You--" Ma Zhikang waved his hand, did not let Ma Yuan continue to speak, but took a step and said: "Don't delay time, life is at stake, detoxification is important! "

However, the uncle and others did not give way.

Instead, he continued to stare at Ma Zhikang fiercely and said: "What do you want to do, Lao Miao has already told us just now."

"Xiao Miao, you can't touch it."

Upon hearing this, Ma Zhikang's complexion immediately sank, the expression on his face changed a little, and then he said in a deep voice: "I really like this girl Xiao Miao, I want to marry her, what's wrong?"

"Furthermore, these ten miles and eight villages, when talking about family conditions, my Ma Zhikang's family does not say that it is one of the best, and it is definitely ranked.

Marrying me is the blessing of Xiao Miao and Lao Miao. "

"I'm! Ma Zhikang, you don't look at your virtues, you still want to marry Xiao Miao."

"How old is Xiao Miao? You are almost ready to be Xiao Miao's grandfather.

Don't you panic when you say this? "

"I don't repair it, at such an old age, I still want the old cow to eat tender grass."

………A curse sounded.

Ma Zhikang changed his face, but then he snorted coldly and said, "What age is it, and what a little age difference is."

There are 18-year-old girls married to 70-80-year-old old men. What am I? "

"Besides, I really love Xiao Miao."

"Shit, true love! If true love, what happened to you last time you tried to do something with Xiao Miao?

This is a crime. "

"Also, what's the matter with you threatening Lao Miao's family?"

"If you mess up again, we will call the police."

………Ma Zhikang’s expression became even more ugly in the face of a group of scolding.

He frowned, looked a little impatient, waved his hand, and said: "My business, you don't need to be nosy."

Then, he pulled his throat and shouted to the people in the room, "Lao Miao, your snake venom is also a rare fire ring snake venom. There is at most one hour left. If you don't treat it, your life will not be saved."

"Also, Xiao Miao.

If you want to save your dad, come out and promise to marry me. "

"By the way, my patience is limited. If you don't come out for ten minutes, then I will leave.

At that time, it will be too late for you to regret. "

After speaking, Ma Zhikang directly sat down on a rock full of mouths, with Erlang's legs tilted and whistling, with a triumphant appearance.

At this moment, the villagers couldn't help being full of anger, wishing to rush up and beat this guy violently.

But thinking of Ma Zhikang's fierce brother Ma Zhifu, the villagers did not dare to step forward.

At this time, Chen Fei walked out of the crowd and looked at Ma Zhikang and asked, "You just learned about the snake venom in Lao Miao, then how do you know that it was a fire ring snake that bit Lao Miao?"

Ma Zhikang heard the voice, looked up at Chen Fei, and couldn't help frowning, "Who are you?"

Beside, Ma Yuan hurried over and whispered a few words in a low voice.

The expression Ma Zhikang looked at Chen Fei suddenly changed, "Oh, are you the tourist?

You said you can cure Lao Miao? "

"Yes, it's me!"

Chen Fei nodded.


Ma Zhikang laughed, then looked at Chen Fei in a mocking tone, "What a joke.

Boy, do you have all your hairs?

It is a joke that you can cure the poison of the fire ring snake! "

Chen Fei did not laugh, but asked in a cold voice: "You haven't answered my question yet, how do you know that Lao Miao was bitten by a fire ring snake?"

Facing the questioning, Ma Zhikang changed his face, and then he stalked his neck and said, "I just know, how do you care about me?"

"Just know?"

Chen Fei squinted his eyes and said, "If I'm not mistaken, Lao Miao's bite by a snake has nothing to do with you!"

"I just talked to someone, and I know that Lao Miao is a famous herb picker here, who has been in the mountains and forests for 30 years.

He couldn't be more familiar with this place, he knew exactly where there were venomous snakes. "

"For so many years, nothing has happened.

But this time he was bitten by a snake suddenly.

Do you think this is weird? "

"Furthermore, the snake that bit him is still extremely venomous, but the fire ring snake that rarely appears nearby?

In addition, Dr. Ma, you seem to be good at detoxifying snake venom. There are still many poisonous snakes in your family, right? "

"Plus the fact that you forced the marriage of Xiao Miao, this is related to each other.

Have to make me have some bad associations? "

"Doctor Ma, what do you think?"

"I--" Ma Zhikang was speechless for a while.

And all the villagers, listening to Chen Fei's reminder, suddenly woke up.

"What Xiao Chen said makes a lot of sense.

There are too many doubts in this. "

"It's too doubtful."

"Is it all arranged by Ma Zhikang?"


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