
Chapter 2286: Two battles


With tremendous force, he directly shot the small body of the Poison Witch Leader to the ground, making a loud noise.

In the periphery, countless voices rang out, and in the faint, people could be seen moving.

Many people want to know how the battle is going.

However, the thick poisonous mist emitted by the Poison Witch Master completely enveloped the two of them, making it impossible to see the scene inside.

Aside, the Black Witch Master and the Sky Witch Master also frowned, looking solemnly at the center of the poisonous mist.

"Just now, it seemed to be the voice of the Poison Witch Leader?"

The Heavenly Witch Master frowned.

"It seems so, is he defeated?"

The Black Sorcerer also frowned.

Just as the two were about to ask Master Witch Master whether to interfere.

At this time, a whirlwind whizzed up, rolling up the thick poisonous mist on the stage and blowing it away, instantly dissipating without a shadow.

Afterwards, everyone could finally see the battle on the stage.

The original position in the center of the poisonous fog.

Chen Fei stood proudly with his hands on his back, with a faint smile at the corner of his mouth.

And at his feet, a small figure fell in a pool of blood.

A closer look reveals that it is the leader of the poison witch.

In an instant, the scene exploded.

"The Five Poison Leaders have lost, but that kid has won?"

"No, it's not impossible!"

"What is impossible, you see, the facts are in front of you."

"Yes, the Poison Witch Master is a warrior in the mid-celestial realm, he--"...just when the witch cultivators below were still in disbelief and were arguing.

The Heavenly Witch Master took a few steps, leaned over to check, and immediately his complexion sank, "Poisonous Witch Master, he is dead!"

At this time, the noisy scene couldn't help but quiet down, and everyone's eyes fell on Chen Fei.

The black witch leader also sank, staring at Chen Fei fiercely, gritted his teeth and shouted: "Did you kill the poisonous witch leader?"

Chen Fei's expression was indifferent, and he nodded and said, "It's me!"

"You are so courageous, you dare to kill people in public, you—" Black Witch Master drank sharply.

Chen Fei turned his head and glanced at him, and said lightly: "The rules of the competition don't seem to say that you can't kill, right?"

"The Poison Witch Master took the initiative to compete with me. He is inferior to others and his defeat is in my hands."

"Is there anything wrong with this result?"

Facing Chen Fei’s rhetorical question, the Black Witch Master looked gloomy and stared at him fiercely, "You, your kid—" Chen Fei frowned and snorted coldly, "Since there is nothing wrong with it, then give it to you. I shut up."

"If you are not convinced, then compete with me and use your strength to speak."

"Good, good.

Then I will let you kid see and offend my fate! "

The Black Witch Master rushed out in anger.

Behind him, the Heavenly Witch Master, who had always been calm, whispered a few words to the Black Witch Master.

"This kid is a little weird. Be careful and don't be careless."

The Black Witch Master nodded slightly, "Don't worry, I have a sense of measure."

After speaking, he stepped in front of Chen Fei, hooked his finger, and said, "This time, I will challenge you."

With a loud shout, the Black Sorcerer slammed out with a punch and slammed into Chen Fei heavily.

Compared with the strange tactics of the Poison Witch Master, the Black Witch Master’s fighting style is much simpler and more straightforward, directly defeating the opponent with his fists and feet.

"Boom, boom!"

With an explosive momentum, his fist broke through the air, making bursts of crackling noises.

Facing the offensive, Chen Fei's expression was still indifferent, even a faint smile hung on the corner of his mouth.

"Are you going to be hard?

Just to my liking. "

After speaking, a faint light lingered on Chen Fei's right arm, and his right fist slammed out.

"Bang, bang, bang!"

For a moment, the two fists intertwined and collided in the air.

The sound of collision was accompanied by the sound of air bursting, like firecrackers that blew in the stone fort.

The witch monks in the audience were also very excited to watch.

In the first battle just now, Chen Fei and the Poison Witch Leader were trapped in poisonous fog, and they could only vaguely see a little dark shadow. Everyone couldn’t see clearly what was the situation inside, and how did Chen Fei kill the poison. Of the witch leader.

Now in the second game, without the envelope of poisonous mist, the situation of the battle can be seen clearly.

The black witch leader's fierce and direct style of play is also quite similar to the temperament of many cultivators, so he shouted and screamed below.

"Black Witch Master, good job, kill that arrogant boy."

"Avenge the Poison Witch Master and kill him."

"The arrogant guy, dare to come to the Wumen Conference to show off his might, and he's looking for death."

………Compared to the enthusiasm of the other branches, at the position of the third level of the blood witch cult, the faces of the monks were heavy, and there was no joy on their faces.

Even the leader of the blood witch has a solemn expression at this time.

He knew that Chen Fei was great, but he didn't expect that he would use this kind of fanfare, directly in front of the lord of the witch, and also killed the lord of the poisonous witch.

If this continues, Chen Fei's identity will definitely be exposed once he is suspected by Lord Sorcerer.

At that time, his blood witch lord himself will definitely not escape the punishment of lord witch lord.

Thinking of this, the leader of the blood witch felt his heart trembling.

Discovered by Lord Witch, he had a dead end.

He took the initiative to expose Chen Fei and then jumped back, but he didn't dare.

Because, last night, Chen Fei gave him a pill, saying that as long as he has just betrayed, he will definitely die.

Faced with the words of a warrior in the half-god state who was rumored to be a top doctor at the same time, the blood witch leader couldn't believe it.

Therefore, at this moment, he seems to have only one way to go.

That is to look forward to Chen Fei's victory, continue to win, and finally spare his life.

… Everyone in the audience has different thoughts, and on the stage at this moment, Chen Fei and the Black Witch Leader have already fought a hundred moves head-on.

The black witch leader who was originally full of anger, his expression now became serious, and there were a few more solemn expressions in his eyes.

"The strength of this kid is beyond my imagination.

He is definitely a master at the heavenly rank, at least reaching the mid-level heavenly realm. "

"He can kill the leader of the poisonous witch, I thought he used some small means by surprise."

"But now it seems that his physical strength is no less than mine."

……… After gritting his teeth, the Black Witch Master’s eyes showed a sharp look, “I can’t continue like this, I have to use a unique trick.”

Thinking of this, the step taken by the Black Witch Leader suddenly increased, the aura on his body surged violently, his fists increased, and he whizzed out.

"Boy, die!"

The heavy bombardment smashed out like a cannonball.

But at this time, Chen Fei showed a smile.

"Is this your strongest strength?"

"It's just that!"

"You--" The Black Witch Master was furious.

But as soon as he spoke, he felt that Chen Fei's momentum in front of him had also changed in an instant.

That seemingly plain fist, at this moment, was mixed with a terrifying force, and it came fiercely.


There was a loud noise.

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