
Chapter 2287: identifying

The Black Witch Master let out a scream, his figure flew out, and hit the thick walls of the stone fort heavily, smashing the huge stones to pieces.

Then, a big mouthful of blood spurted out of his mouth, and then his head tilted, and his whole person was stuck in the wall like this, losing his last breath.

For a while, the scene was silent, and only a few seconds later did it explode.

"Black Witch Master, he, he has also lost?"

"It's not just lost, it's dead."

"Another one died, this, what is going on?"

"What is the origin of the new blood witch cult?"

………Amid the discussion, everyone's eyes couldn't help but fall on Chen Fei and the blood witch cult.

Even the Lord Sorcerer, who had not made any major movements, moved obviously at this moment, looking up in the direction of the Lord of the Blood Sorcerer.

The blood witch leader faced the questioning gaze of the witch master, and he naturally knew what the witch master wanted to know.

But at this moment, he has no choice but to pretend not to see it and keep silent.

The Heavenly Witch Master looked at Chen Fei and looked at it for a few seconds before finally opening his mouth: "Who are you, anyway?"

Chen Fei said lightly: "It doesn't matter who I am!"

"The important thing is, next, will you accept my challenge?"

After speaking, Chen Fei took a step towards the Master of the Sky Witch, with a strong fighting spirit.

In an instant, the focus of everyone's attention was on the Heavenly Witch Leader.

Some people shouted to cheer up, and some secretly analyzed it.

"Sorcerer Heavenly Witch, teach that guy a lesson."

"Damn, that kid is crazy, I think he is very upset."

"However, the leader of the poisonous witch and the leader of the black witch are dead, and the leader of the sky witch is not necessarily his opponent?"

"The Heavenly Witch Leader is the strongest of the four branches, much stronger than those two, and won't lose."

"That's not necessarily true. No one knows what realm that kid's strength has reached?"

………Although the atmosphere is warm, the Heavenly Witch Leader at this moment is becoming more calm.

Now he found that he couldn't see through the kid in front of him at all.

If it is shot, it's better to say that you have won.

If he loses, he will not only lose his position as deputy witch master, but he may even follow in the footsteps of the poisonous witch leader and the black witch leader and be beheaded by this kid on the spot.

Thinking of this result, the Heavenly Witch Master couldn't help but hesitated.

Afterwards, he did not respond to Chen Fei's challenge, but instead looked up in the direction of the leader of the blood witch.

"Before the competition starts, I want to ask the leader of the blood witch."

"This player, is it really your blood witch sect person?"

The leader of the Blood Witch didn't expect that the leader of the Sky Witch suddenly asked himself a question, and he was taken aback.

Immediately, he said solemnly: "Of course it is!"

"of course?"

The corner of the Heavenly Witch Sect’s mouth moved, and he continued, “Although I’m not a strict organization, the witch sect is not a strict organization, but it’s not everyone who wants to join.”

"Since the leader of the blood witch cult says that he is a member of your blood witch cult, then I would like to ask the leader of the blood witch cult to show you the corresponding evidence to prove that he is a member of your blood witch cult."

"Sorcerer Heavenly Witch, what do you mean by that?

Are you doubting me? "

The Blood Witch Master shouted angrily.

The Lord of Heaven Witch glanced at Lord Witch, and saw that he didn't mean to stop him, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Doubt is not counted, I just want to confirm the identity of the contestants.

Isn't the blood witch leader even willing to prove this, does that mean that there is really a problem with this person's identity? "

The Heavenly Witch Master asked back.

When the blood witch leader heard this, he couldn't help feeling a little panicked, but his face could only be supported.

"Heaven Witch Master, you don't check the identity of other people, you have to check the identity of my Blood Witch Cult player.

Are you deliberately targeting me? "

The leader of the blood witch stood up, his face full of anger.

The Heavenly Witch Master squinted and smiled, "It's just that this person is face-to-face, I want to confirm it, just for safety's sake."

"For safety reasons, I think it's obvious that you are not strong enough and can't match my blood witch cult, so you deliberately find fault."

The leader of the blood witch knew that he could not continue to struggle with Chen Fei's identity, and brought the topic to the supremacy of strength.

"I can't beat your blood witch cult. The blood witch leader can come down and have a try."

The Heavenly Witch Master gave a cold snort.

"What do you mean by this, want to fight me!"

The breath of the blood witch leader surged.

For a moment, the monks were all stunned, completely unexpected that things would develop into such a situation.

Just when the atmosphere of the two was tense and the battle was about to start.

The Lord Sorceress on the giant chair said in a rare voice, "Blood Witch, Sky Witch's words are not unreasonable. Since he wants to confirm his identity, you can prove it to him."

"If it turns out that he misunderstood you afterwards, I will ask him to apologize to you."

Master Witch Master spoke in person, and the situation on the scene suddenly changed.

A triumphant smile appeared on the corner of the Tianwu Sect Master's mouth, his expression proud.

As for the leader of the blood witch, his complexion collapsed, his expression was very ugly, his eyes couldn't help but looked towards Chen Fei's direction.

At this moment, his heart was about to jump out, Master Witch Master spoke in person, and it was almost impossible to hide Chen Fei's identity.

When the time comes, Lord Witch is angry, he is probably going to be buried with Chen Fei.

Upon seeing this, the Heavenly Witch Master squinted his eyes and continued: "Blood Witch Master, what's wrong with you?

His face is so ugly, could it be that I was right about certain things. "

"No, no, don't spit people."

The blood witch leader quickly denied.

"is it?"

The Heaven Witch Master sneered, "Why the Blood Witch Master still doesn't move, don't you even listen to the words of Master Witch Master?"

"Of course not, I—" The Blood Witch Master waved his hand in a panic expression.

Just when the leader of the blood witch was panicked, Chen Fei smiled at him and then spoke lightly.

"Since you found out, there is no need to keep hiding."

Chen Fei looked at the Heavenly Witch Master and Master Witch Master, "Don't you want to know my identity?

Then I will tell you myself. "

After speaking, Chen Fei took a step towards the two of them.

Upon seeing this, the Heavenly Witch Master's expression sank, the true vitality aura on his body began to revolve, and he looked at Chen Fei vigilantly, ready to take action at any time.

The Master Sorcerer under the hood also exudes a chilling breath.

"who are you?"

Chen Fei paused, suddenly turned around, and volleyed in the direction of the three-tier Celestial Sorcerer.

In an instant, the two figures flew down directly from the high platform, and fell into Chen Fei's hands screaming.

These two people are not others, they are Wu Yu and Wu Yinan of the Witch Medical Center.

Captured by Chen Fei in the air, the two struggled hard, but they had no effect and were directly thrown to the ground by Chen Fei.

"they are?"

The Lord Witch squinted his eyes.

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