
Chapter 2303: schedule

Although he was unwilling, Han Zhi knew in his heart that Brother Du's words were correct.

Withdrawing his true vitality, Han Zhi finally gritted his teeth, unwillingly let go of his palm.

Immediately, his body staggered, his legs became weak, and he fell and sat on the ground.

Immediately, Du Wuxuan ordered the disciples of Tian Wuzong to step forward and help Han Zhi back, "Get a good rest."

Han Zhi nodded, sat cross-legged on the ground, and began to adjust his breath.

"Has Brother Han Zhi only cracked 5 percent?

This formation is too difficult! "

Yu Qin didn't think so much, and said.

By his side, Shan Yumeng patted Yu Qin and said, "That's the formation set by Senior Xuanyuan Jiangshan. It's hardly normal.

Brother Han can crack 5%, which is already pretty good. "

After that, Shan Yumeng nodded to Han Zhi and Du Wuxuan's direction, expressing apologies.

Immediately, Shan Yumeng walked out, "Although he knows that there is no chance to crack the formation, it is the residence of Senior Xuanyuan after all. It is also an experience to give it a try."

After speaking, Shan Yumeng stepped forward, put his hands out, and began his journey of cracking.

Compared with Han Zhi's speed, Shan Yumeng, who was more powerful, was obviously faster to crack, but in about three minutes, the Zhenyuan pattern she activated occupies about 8% of the area of ​​the film.

Afterwards, Shan Yumeng bit his red lip slightly, intensified some vitality, and pushed the cracking progress to 10%.

At this point, Shan Yumeng shook his head, took the initiative to withdraw his true vitality, and stopped deciphering.

"It deserves to be Senior Xuanyuan's formation, it's too profound."

"Senior Sister, you can break 10%, which is pretty good."

Yu Qin encouraged the senior sister to say.

Shan Yumeng smiled and said to Yu Qin, "Do you want to try?"

Yu Qin stuck out his tongue and said, "Sister, you can't do it, so it's even impossible for me. It's unnecessary."

"If it's Brother Chen, maybe it's possible."

This was originally Yu Qin's words of trust in Chen Fei.

However, speaking at this moment, it seems a bit harsh in other people's ears.

Several people couldn't help but glanced here, then glanced at Chen Fei again, their expressions were obviously a little unkind.

In this regard, Wu Zikong on the side couldn't help but smile wryly.

Yu Qin didn't have any intentions, just spoke out what was in his heart.

But on this occasion, it caused Chen Fei trouble.

Chen Fei didn't care much about himself, but just watched quietly.

After Shan Yumeng tried, others also stepped forward to try.

Hui Kong of Juetong Temple finally cracked to about 12%, and Hui Bao cracked to 7%.

Li Songzhao from Wushuang Building also cracked about 12%, and then voluntarily retreated.

I don't know if it's the strength, or deliberately reserved.

Finally, Du Wuxuan stepped forward and tried.

Perhaps because of sufficient preparation, Du Wuxuan just reached out his palms, and in less than ten seconds, the line reached the level of 5%.

This speed is by far the fastest among the people.

After five percent, the speed slowed down, but it was still faster than everyone just now.

In about a minute, Du Wuxuan cracked the 10% level.

Then, another minute later, Du Wuxuan advanced the cracking progress to 13%, surpassing Hui Kong and Li Songzhao, Chen Fei's current best level in one fell swoop.

After another half a minute, Du Wuxuan went one step further, pushing the cracking progress to 15%.

At this moment, his complexion was flushed, and his body was constantly trembling and shaking because of the urging of the vitality aura.

It seemed that he couldn't hold it anymore, Du Wuxuan gave up the idea of ​​going further, staying at 15% of the cracking progress, and ended his journey of cracking.

Just after the end, Han Zhi stood up immediately, with a flattering tone, extremely excited.

"As expected of Brother Du, he hit 15% of the progress in one go and created the best result. It's amazing."

Du Wuxuan smiled at the corner of his mouth, but still pretended to wave his hand seriously, and said, "I still can't break the formation and increase it by a few percentage points. It doesn't mean much."

"Can't you say that?

Each time you increase a little bit, with Senior Brother Du's strength and progress, I believe that Senior Brother Du will have another chance to crack the formation within five years. "

This flattering made Du Wuxuan smile, with a smug look on his face, and looked towards Chen Fei.

"Didn't someone just say that he has the confidence to crack the formation?

Why is there no action now? "

Han Zhi also looked at Chen Fei and sneered unceremoniously.

"Han Zhi, you--" Wu Zikong and Zong Han stared at Han Zhi with dissatisfaction on their faces.

However, Chen Fei made a timely move and held the two of them.

A smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and Chen Fei stepped out and walked towards the courtyard.

"Brother Chen, this is your first attempt. You have no experience. You can come slowly!"

"Brother Chen, the formation backlash is very dangerous, you must be careful."

Wu Zikong and Zong Han reminded them with worry on their faces.

"Don't worry, I'll be fine."

Chen Fei smiled and waved to the two of them, and walked to the front of the courtyard.

Behind them, Du Wuxuan, Li Songzhao and others looked at Chen Fei with great interest, wanting to see how capable this famous Master Chen really is.

"Guess what progress that guy can crack to?"

"His martial arts realm should have reached the peak realm of heavenly rank.

He was in the same realm with Senior Brother Du, Senior Brother Li, and Senior Sister Shan.

Therefore, I speculate that the cracking progress should be between 10% and 15%! "

"Oh, I don't think there can be so many.

At most, eight percent is incredible. "

"No, Huibao can crack it to 7%.

He can still stay in the late stage realm of heaven.

Chen Fei can't even reach this, right? "

"The martial art realm is just one aspect.

The true strength is also linked to exercises, martial arts, etc.

That kid, a secular warrior, how could he be compared with the top disciple of our heavenly sect. "

...... These comments did not mean to avoid Chen Fei at all.

With a sound of sarcasm, he fluttered towards Chen Fei in the air.

Chen Fei couldn't help but shook his head slightly, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, revealing a wicked smile.

"Still laughing, I see, he won't be able to laugh anymore soon."

Du Wuxuan sneered.

At this moment, Chen Fei's right hand was attached to the formation film, and he began to arouse his true vitality.

Seeing this, several people couldn't help being surprised.

"With only one hand, that kid is too arrogant!"

"This level of formation, the true vitality of a hand, can't be solved at all.

He is looking for death. "

"Do not live by committing sins by yourself."

"At the end of the cracking process, it's just a shame.

However, if such nonsense is caused by the formation backlash, it is possible to lose one's life. "


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