
Chapter 2304: Crack directly

But, just when they ridiculed constantly.

As soon as Chen Fei's right palm was attached to the film, a layer of incomparably complex lines spread quickly on the film.

In less than five seconds, half the area of ​​the film was spread instantly, reaching a 50% cracking progress.

The progress of Chen Fei's cracking was too fast. When half of the film was covered by the lines, Du Wuxuan and others were still mocking.

But when they saw such a scene, they were dumbfounded, froze in place, unable to speak for a while.

With this sluggish effort, Chen Fei's right hand shook slightly, and the lines of true vitality on the film quickly continued to spread.

In just a few seconds, half of the remaining area of ​​the film was also covered by the veins of the true vitality.

In this way, in just over ten seconds, the entire film was covered with lines.

Chen Fei's cracking progress has reached 100%.

Zou Pu couldn't help but exclaimed, "Brother Chen, you, have you cracked the formation?"

Yu Qin was also very surprised, "Is it true?"

"Brother Chen, can you go in?"

Several players who are familiar with Chen Fei all shouted in surprise at this moment.

As for Du Wuxuan, Han Zhi and others, the expressions at this moment were obviously another scene.

"How can it be?

In such a short time, it was cracked to this extent. "

"Is there something wrong with the formation?"

"No, this formation has been here for more than ten years, and there has been no problem."

"But, what is going on now, Senior Brother Du has only cracked 15% of the progress, how could he--" "There should be a problem, otherwise, it is absolutely impossible to achieve 100% of the progress.

After all, even if they are the masters, at most they can crack 30% to 40%, not even 50%. "

"That is, there must be some inexplicable reason, it can't be his own strength.

You see, he didn't even go in, it must be so. "

...... But at this moment, a smile appeared on the corner of Chen Fei's mouth.

He turned his head, smiled at Wu Zikong, Zou Pu, and Yu Qin, and said: "I'm in, there are still a few days before the mysterious realm of Xuankong Valley opens. Don't worry, I will come out when that happens. "

After speaking, Chen Fei lightly patted the film with his right palm.

Suddenly, a wave-like pattern rippled on the film.

The whole film flickered, and then Chen Fei walked straight forward, his body smoothly penetrated the film and entered the small courtyard.

Below, everyone was really shocked.

Especially the few people who vowed to say that Chen Fei could not enter just now were even more stunned.

"How is this possible?"

Han Zhi gritted his teeth and was very unwilling to see Chen Fei entering the small courtyard.

Looking at the film that was still shining, Han Zhi gritted his teeth, suddenly activated, and rushed directly towards the film.

Seeing this, everyone couldn't help being shocked.

"Han Zhi, what are you doing, come back soon!"

Zong Han shouted.

Li Songzhao's expression also sank, and his expression became serious.

Monk Huikong, Jingang glared, the true vitality aura on his body began to flow.

Only Du Wuxuan was the only one with his eyes rolling, smiling, not knowing what he was making.

"I can't, that kid really got into the cabin by breaking the formation on his own."

Han Zhi mumbled, and rushed towards the place where Chen Fei entered.

He believes that Chen Fei's ability to enter the cabin is definitely a problem with the formation.

Therefore, if Chen Fei can get in, he can get in too.

So he rushed over.

Inside the cabin, Chen Fei raised the corner of his mouth when he saw it, showing a sneer, and then shook his head.

"You--" Han Zhi was even more annoyed when he saw Chen Fei's smile, speeding up, and coming in shock.


Han Zhi and the film formation collided.

Then, a scream rose to the sky.

Han Zhi's whole body was bounced off in a rush, blood spurted from his mouth, flying upside down, falling heavily to the ground, and he couldn't move for a while.

"Han Zhi!"

"Han Zhi, are you okay!"

………For a time, everyone gathered around.

In the formation, Chen Fei shook his head, turned and entered the cabin.

Then, the originally transparent formation suddenly began to change, and a milky white mist was born, covering the entire small courtyard, so that outsiders could not see the situation inside.

When everyone outside saw this, they didn't know why.

But they knew that it should be related to Chen Fei's cracking open formation.

Seeing the big white formation turned into a white circle, Du Wuxuan's eyes showed a sharp look, then looked at Han Zhi, and waved: "Let's go back!"

The people of the Tianwu Sect left, and the remaining people of the sect did not have the need to stay here, so they also left one after another.

Not long after, the news that Chen Fei broke into the back mountain and cracked the formation of the cabin spread among the high-level monks.

For a while, there were constant discussions, and the corresponding discussions became enthusiastic.

………However, just as the outside world was talking about it, Chen Fei, who entered the cabin at this moment, seemed extraordinarily relaxed and at ease.

The humble cabins made Chen Fei feel familiar and kind to everyone.

The simple wooden tables, wooden chairs and wooden beds are almost exactly the same as before Chen Fei left. There is no change or even a little dust.

After walking around in the cabin, Chen Fei was slightly disappointed that he did not see the old man, although he was prepared.

"I don't know what the old man is doing. I haven't been able to contact him during the recent period!"

Chen Fei was slightly worried.

However, he immediately took a deep breath, hiding his worry in the bottom of his heart.

"It's worthy of the old man's formation, the concentration of aura here is four or five times stronger than that of Tian Wuzong!"

Chen Fei sighed.

"In the past few days, stay here and practice well! Wait until the mysterious realm of Xuankong Valley opens, and then go out."

With a clear goal for the **** realm, Chen Fei's power of repair has also increased a lot.

Sitting cross-legged on the bed, Chen Fei was about to meditate.

However, just when he was about to start, he found a small purse placed on the pillow of the bed.

Chen Fei hadn't seen this little purse when she was blocked by the curtain just now.

Picking up the purse and seeing the crude stitches and awkward shape, Chen Fei knew that it must be the masterpiece of the old man.

"After I went down the mountain, the old man came here."

With curiosity in his heart, Chen Fei opened his purse.

When I took out the contents, it was a crumpled piece of paper, and there seemed to be something wrapped in it.

Open the paper and arrange it flat.

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