
Chapter 2309: level one

There are five or six people in the first echelon at the front, and they have moved closer to the center of the water mirror from the edge.

After these five or six people, the second echelon is a large force, with more than ten people, crowded together indiscriminately, chasing the first echelon.

As for the final third echelon, there are four light spots, still staying at the entrance position, almost not moving.

Under such a situation, everyone can't help but talk about it.

"The first echelon must include Du Wuxuan, Li Songzhao, and Shan Yumeng.

After all, they are strong. "

"The second echelon is a large unit with the most people."

"In the last third echelon, there must be that Chen Fei."

"I can guess with Chen Fei, but who are the remaining three people?

Why did they fall to the end? "

"This is not clear."

......Just as the outside world was talking about it, at this moment, in front of the entrance to the secret territory of Xuankong Valley.

Chen Fei looked at the surrounding scenery curiously, trying to figure out what the secret realm of Xuankong Valley was.

At this moment, what Chen Fei saw was a piece of gravel, which was spread directly and spread to the distance. At first glance, there was no end in sight.

This space seemed quite deserted, like Gobi, with almost no signs of life.

"Could it be that the mysterious realm of Xuankong Valley is like this next door?"

Chen Fei was a little surprised.

Because General Xu told him that in Xuankong Valley, there are many treasures of all kinds of heaven and earth, as well as the remnants of martial arts and even broken cores.

But now, Chen Fei can't see what he said at all.

By Chen Fei's side, Zong Han explained to Chen Fei: "Brother Chen, this is only the first level of Xuankong Valley, the most barren and there are not many treasures.

The real good things are all in the inner layer. "

"level one?"

Chen Fei looked at Zong Han.

Zong Han explained: "The entire Xuankong Valley secret realm is divided into nine layers, and each layer has a different environment."

"For example, the current first layer is a deserted Gobi, an element belonging to the soil attribute. For warriors who want to absorb the martial intent of the soil attribute and refine the core of the pill, this first layer is the right place. Look for the martial meaning of the soil attribute here, and feel it."

"It's just that this is just a theoretical statement."

"Because the first level is the simplest in comparison, the most warriors have been here over the years.

Therefore, the good things on the first floor were almost completely searched.

As for Wu Yi, it is even more vague and difficult to find. "

Hearing this, Chen Fei understood.

"That is, the higher the level, the higher the difficulty, the fewer people who have entered, and the more good things inside."

Zong Han nodded and said, "Exactly."

"So it is!"

Chen Fei nodded, "So as soon as everyone came in, they rushed to the top. It turned out to be for the treasure!"

"Then how are each layer connected together?"

Chen Fei continued to ask questions.

Zong Han was about to answer.

But at this time, a cold voice came from the side, "I don't know anything, what are you doing in here?

Is it taking my time? "

The gazes of several people immediately fell on the tall and tall man with a cold complexion next to him.

"Wait your time?"

Hearing that, he looked at Li Songzhao, and asked in a cold voice, "I don't seem to let you wait for me.

What do you mean by staying here and getting angry at me? "

Li Songzhao's face sank when he heard the words, and his brows were dyed with anger.

"If it weren't for the boss to let me take care of you, you thought I would delay my stay here."

Hearing this, several people showed a sudden realization at the same time.

After all, according to everyone's opinion, Li Songzhao should be the same as Du Wuxuan, as soon as he enters, he will quickly go to the top and try to find good things early.

Unexpectedly, after Li Songzhao came in, he stayed where he was with Chen Fei.

It turned out that this was Zou Dukong's order.

"Head Zou asked you to take care of me?"

Chen Fei raised his eyebrows.

Li Songzhao gritted his teeth, "Do you think I would be here waiting for you if it weren't for the chief to speak in person?"

Chen Fei nodded slightly, guessing Zou Dukong's thoughts in his heart.

Zou Dukong knew that he was a disciple of the old man Xuanyuan, so he had a good attitude towards him and kept talking for himself.

He specifically reminded Li Songzhao, presumably to make himself and build a good relationship.

But he didn't expect that his own disciple would look down on Chen Fei from the bottom of his heart, which caused the current situation.

After thinking about this, Chen Fei waved his hand to Li Songzhao and said, "I understand the kindness of the head of Zou.

But you go, I don't need your care. "

"You--" Li Songzhao looked more angry when he heard the words, and stared at Chen Fei fiercely.

Chen Fei said, "I'm not joking with you, I don't need your care, you can go now."

"Of course, if you are worried about the punishment by the head of Zou, after going out, I can testify for you and explain the situation to the head of Zou."

Chen Fei's statement made Li Songzhao unexpected.

"What you said is true?"

"of course it's true."

Chen Feidao, then glanced at the remaining two, "If you don't believe me, you can ask them to testify at that time."

"This—" Li Songzhao hesitated.

Chen Fei said, "If you delay any more, I'm afraid Du Wuxuan will be pulled far away, and you won't be able to chase you back then."

Upon hearing this, Li Songzhao's face showed a touch of anxiety.

"This is what you said!"

After gritting his teeth, Li Songzhao turned around and rushed out with a swish.

The figure looked like a sharp sword, burst out of the sky in an instant, and rushed towards the depths of Gobi.

Seeing Li Songzhao's figure disappearing quickly, Chen Fei turned his head and looked at Zong Han beside him, "Zong Han, you go too!"

"Yes, Brother Chen, you--" Zong Han hesitated.

Chen Fei smiled, and said, "I remember your heart for helping me.

However, if you stay, you won't be able to help me too much, but you will delay yourself. "

"This—" After hesitating, Zong Han bowed his hand to Chen Fei, "Brother Chen, take care of yourself, I'll go first."

"Go, you are also careful."

Chen Fei waved.

Zong Han also broke through the air and rushed in the direction where Li Songzhao disappeared.

Watching him leave, finally, Chen Fei turned his head and looked at Shan Yumeng, who was smiling at the corner of his mouth, and said, "Miss Shan, why are you staying here?"

The last of the four was not Huizheng, whom Chen Fei knew, but Shan Yumeng.

This was not only unexpected by the outside world, but also completely unexpected by Chen Fei.

Shan Yumeng smiled at Chen Fei and said, "Of course I stayed with Master Chen!"

The beauty smiled cleverly, very seductive.

But Chen Fei was very calm, shook his head, and said, "Be with me?

Miss Shan and I don't seem to know each other, so how can you tell me? "

"Okay, that's not to accompany you.

It's that I am very interested and want to stay here for a while and see the scenery next door. "

Shan Yumeng gave Chen Fei a glance.

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