
Chapter 2310: Shan Yumeng

"is it?"

Chen Fei looked at Shan Yumeng.

"Then Miss Shan will appreciate it all alone!"

Suddenly, he squinted his eyes and rushed out in a hurry, instantly pulling away from Shan Yumeng.

Shan Yumeng had no idea that Chen Fei would suddenly come like this.

"You, you--" stomped, Shan Yumeng also hurriedly started, and quickly chased in Chen Fei's direction.

Seeing Shan Yumeng chasing him behind him, Chen Fei curled his mouth and suddenly paused in the air and stopped abruptly.

Shan Yumeng, who was chasing from behind, had no idea that Chen Fei would stop suddenly, could not brake in time, and ran into Chen Fei's arms.

Although Shan Yumeng moved away from Chen Fei almost instantly, the soft impact feeling just now was clearly printed in Shan Yumeng's mind.

Her cheeks were a little red, she stared at Chen Fei, bit her lip, and said, "Why are you like this?"

Facing the tearful beauty of Xuanran, Chen Fei still had no expression on his face, and said indifferently: "What is your purpose after you follow me?"

Shan Yumeng looked at Chen Fei's solemn cheeks, couldn't help showing a hint of anger, and stared at Chen Fei fiercely.

"Don't you think it must be malicious if I follow you? Isn't it a good thing?"

When Chen Fei heard the words, he paused slightly, then shook his head and said, "When you reach this state, you should always be careful when you act."

Hearing this, Shan Yumeng even burst into tears, and even cried directly in front of Chen Fei.

"I was kind enough to come and help you.

As a result, I didn't expect that you were such a person, and you doubted me. "

"help me?"

Chen Fei squinted at Shan Yumeng, his expression was a little surprised, but also a little skeptical, "Why are you helping me?"

Shan Yumeng glared at Chen Fei with tears, "Why?

If it wasn't for Junior Sister Yu Qin who kept saying good things about you in front of me, let me be with you in Xuankong Valley. "

"Do you think I will give up the opportunity to compete with Du Wuxuan and the others and stay with you until now?"

"Yu Qin asked you to help me."

Chen Fei looked at Shan Yumeng.

Shan Yumeng said, "Apart from my silly junior sister, who else will help you?"

"You didn't see it just now. Li Songzhao would rather go against his teacher's order than waste time."

After speaking, Chen Fei still had a doubtful expression on his face.

Shan Yumeng unknowingly gave birth to an anger, stared at Chen Fei, gritted his teeth and said: "I really don't know what you use, and my little junior is fascinated by it."

"Since she came back last time, Junior Sister Yu Qin has never left you in three sentences."

"If it weren't for her nagging, I wouldn't care about you!"

Chen Fei stared at Shan Yumeng for a moment, and did not seem to notice anything abnormal.

Chen Fei was a little embarrassed to think that the other party might really be kind.

It seemed that it was the various experiences during this period that made Chen Fei a little too sensitive, and when he saw a person, he would think badly about him.

Although this is safe, it is a little cold.

It is also possible to hurt people who really care about themselves.

Thinking of this, the expression on Chen Fei's face softened, and she smiled at Shan Yumeng.

"Sorry, I was too vigilant."

"If you don't mind, then let's act together!"

Hearing Chen Fei's apology, Shan Yumeng's expression improved.

But she still glared at Chen Fei angrily, and said, "It's been so long, and I won't be able to catch up anymore. I can only go to the tail of the crane with you."

Although the words were arrogant, but the attitude was agreed.

Chen Fei raised his mouth slightly, smiled, and said, "The tail of the crane doesn't mean that there is no gain. Perhaps we can gain more than those in front of them."

Shan Yumeng gave Chen Fei a glance, "Don't be whimsical."

"The good things in the first outer layer of Xuankong Valley, so many people have come in and out over the years, things that can be easily found have long been hollowed out."

"We are on the outer layer, and we can't find any good things at all."

Chen Fei didn't argue with Shan Yumeng, but suddenly rushed a hundred meters to the front left.

"what are you doing?

Here again—"Shan Yumeng was shocked and hurried to catch up.

Just when she wanted to reprimand Chen Fei.

Chen Fei stopped, leaned over and picked up something on the ground, then turned around and handed it to Shan Yumeng.

"Give it to you!"


Shan Yumeng looked at Chen Fei in surprise, and his eyes fell on a plant that resembled dry grass in his hand.

"what is this?"

Chen Fei smiled.

"The Grotto Sage."

"If I'm not mistaken, when you practice, the location near Tianchi acupoint seems a little uncomfortable."

"Taking this herb can cure your illness."

"Ah, how do you know me--" Shan Yumeng was really shocked and looked at Chen Fei in shock.

Chen Fei smiled and said, "Didn't Yu Qin tell you that besides being a warrior, I am also a Chinese medicine doctor."

"My medical skills are very good."

With that, Chen Fei stuffed the herbs into Shan Yumeng's hands.

Shan Yumeng took the herbal medicine and slowly changed his attitude towards Chen Fei.

However, just as she was thinking about how to thank Chen Fei.

He found that Chen Fei rushed out in another direction.

It didn't take long for Chen Fei to have a few more things in his hands.

There are hay-like herbs, a few odd-shaped stones, and even one or two ugly-looking insects.

"Chen Fei, what are you doing?"

Shan Yumeng came to Chen Fei and said.

Chen Fei took the collected things with him and explained, "Look for things! These are all good things. They are definitely rare herbs in the outside world."

"Unexpectedly, I was lucky. When I first came, I found so many good things on this first floor."

Shan Yumeng heard this and couldn't help but frown slightly.

She took a breath and said to Chen Fei: "Chen Fei, I know you are a doctor and have a special interest in these medicinal materials."

"I also know that these things are good things. Taking them outside is absolutely valuable."

"But don't forget, our biggest purpose in coming to Xuankong Valley is to understand the meaning of martial arts.

That is our way to the realm of gods. "

"Compared to this, these treasures are not worth mentioning at all."

"Chen Fei, you have to distinguish the priority and don't waste too much thought on these things!"

Facing Shan Yumeng's enthusiastic persuasion, Chen Fei nodded and said: "I understand, thank Sister Shan for her kindness."

"Then let's act quickly. If we don't act, it will be really late."

Shan Yumeng couldn't help but nodded when he heard this, and then looked in the direction where Li Songzhao and them had left just now, preparing to leave.

But Chen Fei didn't mean to leave at all, and shook his head to her: "I don't want to leave yet. I want to stay longer on this first floor."

"You--" Shan Yumeng was a little angry, staring at Chen Fei.

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