
Chapter 2312: Number of Wu Yi

Duan Guzhou was not polite, snorted coldly, and mocked: "I thought that some people would not be strong enough, but I didn't expect that they would be so weak.

It's a waste of places. "

Others naturally understood that Duan Guzhou was talking about Chen Fei.

Although some people do not agree with Duan Guzhou's statement, the other party is the head of the Tian Wuzong after all, and most people will not openly oppose Duan Guzhou.

Zhan Biyun of Lingyan Pavilion and Master Ji Ling of Juetong Temple lowered their heads to be silent at the same time, meaning they didn't hear these words.

On the contrary, Zou Dukong, at this moment, once again spoke out to support Chen Fei.

"Head Duan's words are a bit biased, staying on the first floor does not mean the strength of the strength.

Maybe there are other plans. "

"Other plans, what plans?"

Duan Guzhou is welcome.

On the side, Zhan Biyun felt the atmosphere was a little nervous, and smiled and added, "Maybe I found some good things, so I stopped on the first floor."

"What good things can be on the first floor, at most, it is just a few medicinal plants."

"If this kind of stuff confuses him, it would be too ignorant, it's really ridiculous."

Duan Guzhou spoke again.

Master Ji Ling, who had not spoken, finally spoke at this time.

"If this is the case, then it would be a good thing for others, one less competitor."

To Master Ji Ling, Duan Guzhou nodded in face.

However, after a pause, he couldn't help but sarcastically said: "However, let's talk about it.

This kind of stuff is probably not qualified to be a competitor to our Wushuanglou disciple. "

Zou Dukong frowned and couldn't help but say: "It seems that the head of Duan is very confident in his disciples?

I don't know how much martial arts Du Wuxuan can feel this time. "

Duan Guzhou glanced at Zou Dukong, self-belief: "The disciples I taught myself naturally have confidence."

"As for how much martial intent can be sensed, it is naturally based on their own abilities."

"However, I still have confidence in Du Wuxuan.

I set a small goal for him, at least feel fifty martial arts! "

As soon as these words came out, the other heads couldn't help being shocked and looked at Duan Guzhou.

Because, at their level, although there is still not a small distance from the god-level realm, after all, they know much more than ordinary warriors.

Wuyi is generally measured by "Tao".

Generally speaking, if a martial artist can perceive the martial intent of a certain attribute to about 10,000, he will have the opportunity to attack the god-level realm.

Of course, different attributes and different warriors have different standards.

But overall, if you want to enter the god-level realm, it is the basic condition to realize that a kind of martial intent can reach ten thousand ways.

Now, Duan Guzhou said that Du Wuxuan could at least sense fifty martial arts, which didn't sound like much, and there was still a huge distance from ten thousand martial arts.

But in fact, the fifty martial arts is already a very good number.

After all, even Duan Guzhou, Zou Dukong, Zhan Biyun, and Master Ji Ling, the masters of the four heavenly sects and masters of the semi-god realm, have no more than five hundred martial arts.

The strongest Duan Guzhou is about 500 Dao.

Zou Dukong and Zhan Biyun are about four hundred and sixty roads.

Master Ji Ling, there are only about four hundred and twenty.

But in comparison, Master Ji Ling, because of his teacher's sect, has a pure martial intent and a good quality.

Therefore, although the number is less than the other three heads, if it is true to speak of strength, it will not necessarily be inferior to them.

It is precisely because the masters have practiced for decades that they have reached the current number, so the number of Du Wuxuan's fifty martial arts seems quite astonishing.

Duan Guzhou couldn't help showing a smile when he saw the surprised appearance of the other people.

Immediately, he added faintly, "The reason why I am so confident in Du Wuxuan is not blindly confident."

"It's just that this kid is indeed upright. To tell you the truth, he realized his first martial intent a month ago. Now, the number of his martial intent has reached five."

"That's why I have such confidence in him."

As soon as this remark came out, everyone on the scene was shocked again, and the expressions of the other heads changed obviously.

They know very well that the perception of the first martial intent is equivalent to a threshold. As long as they cross this threshold and gain experience, they will have to relax further in the future.

Because of this, many people are stuck on this threshold and cannot break through for a long time.

Even, someone has been blocked outside for a lifetime, unable to realize a martial intent.

Now, Du Wuxuan has passed this threshold, and compared to others, his advantage is indeed great.

For a while, the other heads did not speak.

The atmosphere at the scene suddenly seemed a bit silent.

But at this moment, suddenly, everyone on the square made a noise.


"what is that!"

"What's the matter with that flash?"

………Following the voices of the crowd, several heads couldn’t help but raise their heads and looked in the direction of the water mirror.

On the water mirror at this moment, in addition to the light spot that represents the explorer, a gray-brown light, like a ribbon, floats on the water mirror, then slowly disappears, and finally turns into nothingness.

"This is - Wu Yi!"

"Someone has realized the meaning of martial arts."

"The first martial intent appeared."

"It looks like it should be a martial intent of stone or soil attributes."

"Who is it, who understands this martial intent?"

………At this moment, even a few heads could not help but get excited.

"It must be Du Wuxuan, with his strength and position, absolutely correct."

Duan Guzhou said confidently.

Master Ji Ling also nodded, and said, "It should be, the natural martial intent, very good."

Zhan Biyun also spoke at the moment, "This year is pretty good, and when I reach the third floor, I realize the first martial intent, which is faster than in previous years."

In the end, only Zou Dukong did not speak, but stared at the water mirror solemnly, as if trying to find something.

Seeing this, Duan Guzhou couldn't help but laughed, "Zou, why don't you speak anymore?

Could it be that Du Wuxuan was shocked by the first martial intent to realize the mysterious realm of Xuankong Valley. "

Zou Dukong ignored Duan Guzhou's slightly sarcastic words, but continued to stare at the water mirror, focusing very much.

After looking at it for a while, Zou Dukong suddenly shook his head and said: "No, this martial intent is not what Du Wuxuan has in mind."

"It's not Du Wuxuan, who can it be?"

"Haha, Brother Zou, I think it is difficult for you to accept it!"

"Even if it's not Du Wuxuan, it's Li Songzhao, Hui Kong, Shan Yumeng and others. Anyway, it can't be the Chen Fei that Brother Zou you think.


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