
Chapter 2313: Comprehend Wu Yi

"Not always!"

Zou Dukong said, "I seemed to have seen that martial intent appeared on the first floor."

"First floor, how is it possible?"

"What are you kidding?"

"Brother Zou, what's wrong with you?

Even Li Songzhao, a disciple of his own sect, did not pay attention to him, but instead paid attention to an outsider.

Could it be that the kid has a special relationship with you? "

......Zou Dukong didn't respond, but he said with a firm gaze: "It should be correct, I'm sure, it's the first layer.

The first martial intent just now appeared on the first floor. "

"Heh, Brother Zou, you are not too old, so your eyes are dazzled, you actually—" Duan Guzhou sneered.

But before he finished speaking, at this moment, the water mirror suddenly flickered, and a grayish-brown light suddenly appeared in everyone's eyes, which was particularly eye-catching.

"I have another sense of martial arts!"

"It's the same as before, it should be the same attribute."

"It looks like it should be understood by the same person."

...... Everyone's eyes fell on the water mirror again.

Duan Guzhou was about to say something excitedly.

But at this moment, Zou Dukong said, "It's the first floor, it's really the first floor."

Hearing this, Duan Guzhou and the others looked intently, and their expressions suddenly changed.

Because, where the gray-brown light appeared, it did indeed appear in the first layer area, near those two light spots.

"How is this possible?"

"Hasn't the first floor been explored and cleaned a long time ago?

How can you still feel the intent of martial arts? "

"Who the hell, such good luck."

"This luck is simply--"...Zou Dukong looked excited, "There are only two people on the first floor, and Xiao Chen should be one of them.

This sentimental martial intent is inseparable from ten to ten, it should be him. "

"That's not necessarily, isn't there another person?

Maybe it's another one! "

Duan Guzhou said displeasedly.

Zou Dukong was happy, but did not argue with Duan Guzhou, but continued to stare at the water mirror.

At this time, the gray-brown light on the water mirror disappeared again.

However, before long, another light flickered, another gray-brown martial intent.

Without waiting for everyone's surprise, the light appeared one after another, flashing six times before finally slowly disappearing.

At this time, the people on the scene were all shocked, looking at the water mirror in their pockets, extremely excited.

"Six Dao, plus the three Dao just now, then there are nine martial arts in total."

"This is only the first level, and I realized the nine martial arts, it's too strong!"

"This luck is simply against the sky."

"You know, after exploring the entire Xuankong Valley before, most of the people who came out last did not realize the nine martial arts.

As a result, now, at the first level, I feel so much. "

"Who is it, who is it, it's too tough."

………Just when everyone outside is very lively and talks about it.

At this moment, the secret territory of Xuankong Valley is also full of excitement.

In the third layer, Du Wuxuan, Hui Kong, Guo Ming and others were originally looking for Wu Yi carefully and nervously.

Suddenly, an invisible breath spread throughout the entire Profound Kong Valley.

Several people suddenly stopped, their complexions changed, and then turned around at the same time, rushing in one direction quickly.

Soon, several people gathered at the entrance of the third floor.

Several people looked at each other, their eyes solemn and vigilant.

"Someone realizes Wu Yi?"

"Is it one of us?"

... "I didn't, I thought it was you, so come and see!"

Guo Ming, an outsider, took the initiative to speak out at this moment.

Li Songzhao shook his head and said, "It's not me. I haven't been here for a long time. I thought it was you."

Huikong Amitabha said, "It's not a poor monk."

As a result, the eyes of the rest of the crowd gathered on Du Wuxuan at once.

Du Wuxuan felt a little embarrassed and said, "It's not me, I—" At this moment, the invisible breath spread again.


Everyone was surprised.

Immediately, everyone's eyes fell to the entrance at the same time.

"It's not from our level, but from below."

"Could it be that the people on the second floor realized the meaning of martial arts?"

"Or, let's go back and have a look!"

"There is no need for this. I have looked for the second layer carefully, but haven't found it. There should be no omissions."

"Then the situation now--" "The sense of martial intentions still depends on fate.

It will not take too much time to find it. "

"That's the truth."

"Furthermore, the higher the level of martial arts, the higher the quality.

Instead of going down and wasting time, it is better to hurry up and go to a higher level to find Wu Yi. "

"I agree."

……… After the decision was made, this group of people separated immediately, and began to find their own feelings again.

With this stimulus, everyone's motivation is stronger, and each one moves faster.

At the same moment, at the second level, almost exactly the same thing happened.

It's just that they thought it was the people on the third floor who realized the martial intentions, so they became more and more eager to enter the third floor.

As for the first layer, they never considered this possibility at all.

At this moment, on the first floor, Shan Yumeng watched Chen Feipan sitting in front of a rock that was as tall as a person.

Around, a wave of invisible martial intent entered into Chen Fei's head of Shenhai, sending out waves of invisible waves.

Although this fluctuation did not deliberately target himself, Shan Yumeng, who was standing next to Chen Fei, still felt a tremendous pressure.

It looked like a huge stone, appeared out of thin air, and pressed toward her fiercely.

"This, is this Wu Yi?"

"This kind of oppression is too strong."

………Without leisure and leisure, Shan Yumeng hurriedly used his true essence to resist this invisible coercion.

Finally, after Chen Fei's comprehension of all nine martial intentions was completed, the invisible coercion was finally eliminated.

Shan Yumeng was already very tired, and his pretty face was dripping with sweat.

Chen Fei got up and opened his eyes excitedly. When he saw Shan Yumeng's appearance, he couldn't help being surprised, "Senior Sister Shan, what's wrong with you?"

Shan Yumeng glared at Chen Fei fiercely, "You are ashamed to ask.

You didn't do me like this. "

"Ah, I did it! What does this have to do with me?"

Chen Fei was at a loss.

Shan Yumeng waved his hand, covering up this slightly embarrassing topic, "Don't talk about it?

Did you comprehend the meaning of martial arts just now? "

Chen Fei nodded and said, "It should be.

I haven't felt it before, so I don't know. "

"That must be!"

Shan Yumeng was a little excited and envious, "How can you find the martial intent on the stone?"


Chen Fei said, "It's just a feeling, a special feeling, that stone is a little different from the others, so I realized it."

"Ah, it's that simple."

Shan Yumeng stared at the stone stubbornly, racking his brains to realize it, but he didn't find anything special about the stone at all, and he couldn't realize anything at all.

"I can't perceive anything, is it that my talent is so bad?"

Shan Yumeng was a little depressed.

Upon seeing this, Chen Fei comforted, "Perhaps, it's attribute discord.

The martial intent of this attribute is just right for me, so I can feel it. "

"Perhaps, it should be for this reason."

Shan Yumeng comforted himself.

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