
Chapter 2335: ?Abandoned Dan core

However, it seems that Chen Fei's own observation angle has changed, as if flying into the air to watch.

Moreover, at this moment, his body is still flying high, farther and farther away from the grass.

The farther the distance is, the grass and small wooden houses become smaller and smaller, and the whole gradually takes on a spherical shape.

At this moment, Chen Fei felt that he had become a satellite, constantly flying towards the depths of the universe. The green sphere, like the earth, became smaller and smaller in his eyes.

I don't know how long it took, and the green ball in front of Chen Fei's eyes was only the size of a nail shell.

From a distance, only a group of green light can be seen.

"What exactly is going on?"

Just when Chen Fei was puzzled, the green ball suddenly turned around, and the speed was getting faster and faster.

As the sphere rotates, a burst of turquoise aura emanates from the sphere, transforms into countless small air currents, and spreads in all directions.

"This, this is--" Suddenly, Chen Fei suddenly thought of something, his eyes lit up.

"How does the state of the ball feel similar to the Dantian in the martial artist.

When the dantian is practicing, it is rotating, and those small air currents are the true vitality aura of the refining and fusion of the dantian. "

"Could it be that that piece of grass and wooden house turned out to be a Dantian?"

At this moment, Chen Fei was really surprised.

But at this moment, the air current surging on the sphere, floating between the waves, spread out, forming a phantom of a forest, filling this space with a refreshing fragrance of vegetation.

"Well, what's going on?

Dantian won’t be like this either! "

Chen Fei, who had just thought that he had gained something, was once again confused.

But suddenly, he thought of a sentence that General Xu once said.

"The legend says that in the mysterious realm of Xuankong Valley, if you are lucky, you can find the abandoned cores left by the senior masters of the gods."

"Could it be that this, that is not the Dantian, but the Dan core left by the predecessor?"

Thinking of this, Chen Fei couldn't help but get excited.

Taking a closer look, Chen Fei found that there was indeed a small gap missing on the green ball.

"Really, it is really a core! The core left by a master of the gods!"

Chen Fei's eyes lit up and he was excited. He shot out a touch of true vitality, and wanted to refine the core of the pill.

When Chen Fei's true vitality touched the core, he felt a tremor, and then a mysterious feeling appeared.

He felt that his true vitality aura had turned into a rope, pulling the core of the core towards his own Dantian a little bit.

"Can it really be refined?"

Chen Fei was pleasantly surprised, "The martial intent I have realized has reached 23,000 Dao, and the number is enough. If I refine this core now, wouldn't I be able to directly enter the realm of God."

For a while, even Chen Fei couldn't help his heart beating violently.

He almost instinctively separates out more true vitality aura, wanting to speed up the refining speed.

But at this moment, suddenly, his body was shaken and he thought of something.

"No, no."

Chen Fei took back the true vitality aura he had released, with a frantic and excited expression, calming down at this moment.

"This discarded core is of wood at first glance.

And myself, I have a lot of martial arts, but there is no wood in it. "

"Besides, what I feel most is Huoyi, Huo and Woody conflict with each other.

If I really refine this core, even if I can reach the **** realm, because of the conflict of attributes, I am afraid that my strength will not be much stronger at all, and it is even not as good as some of the lowest **** realm masters! "

"Plus, this pill core is abandoned and has defects.

If it is the core of refining, there may be some problems. "

The more he thought about it, the more calm Chen Fei became, and finally he completely calmed down, taking back his true vitality, and was not ready to refine the core.

However, Chen Fei would not let go of the pill core, but such a cherished good thing.

"I don't use Dan core, but others may use it."

Chen Fei thought so, and several names immediately appeared in his heart.

Wife Lin Qiuhan, although Chen Fei led her to practice, Lin Qiuhan's talent in martial arts is not low, but her main energy is not placed above martial arts, so the progress is not too fast.

If Lin Qiuhan's martial arts stops in the future, he can use this core to help his wife improve his cultivation.

Also, disciple Zhuo Qingyu.

She has great talents, and she works hard in her practice.

Especially her special Aoki spiritual body physique fits perfectly with the pill core of this wood attribute.

If the core is given to her, it is almost certain that her strength can advance by leaps and bounds, and it is not impossible for her to step into the realm of the gods in the future.

Of course, if possible, Chen Fei still hopes that Zhuo Qingyu can find a core that suits him, instead of using other people's discarded cores.

After all, there is a defect, and it is not his own, after all, it is somewhat inferior.

Taking 10,000 steps back and keeping this core is also a way for Chen Fei to leave himself.

Although Chen Fei was confident, he would definitely be able to find the core and refining to enter the realm of God.

But everything is afraid of accidents, if something really happens, it will prevent him from entering the gods.

This pill core can also be his last choice.

Thinking of this, Chen Fei couldn't help but nodded, settled in his heart, and wanted to get this pill core and bring it out of the secret realm space.

Immediately, Chen Fei immediately began to act.

Dan core is very special, it is impossible to take it out by grasping it directly with your hands.

Chen Fei must use his true vitality aura to control it a little bit. Of course, he can't refine it directly by himself. A balance must be ensured.

As a result, Chen Fei carefully controlled the vitality aura, and entangled the core of the core a little bit.

………Just when Chen Fei was trying to control the core of the core a little bit, the outsiders were a little impatient at this moment.

Just now, they were still shocked that Chen Fei actually entered the ninth floor.

But what happened next made them a little confused.

After Chen Fei entered the ninth layer of space, the light spots almost stayed in place, motionless.

At first, everyone thought that Chen Fei was comprehending Wu Yi.

But after four or five hours passed, the sky was completely dark, but there was no movement on the water mirror. Chen Fei was on the ninth floor without even a martial intent.

This not only made everyone wait a little irritable.

Duan Guzhou couldn't help frowning and said: "This kid, motionless inside, what the **** is doing?"

On the side, Han Zhi gritted his teeth, with a hint of hatred in his eyes, and said, "Master, I guess.

The kid knew that we were out, and what he was doing inside must have been exposed.

He was worried that the teachers would punish him, so he stayed inside deliberately not to come out. "

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