
Chapter 2336: ? One day

Hearing what Han Zhi said, Duan Guzhou couldn't help but his eyes brightened, and then he patted the armrest and said in a deep voice, "It is possible, it is very possible."

"I think that kid was on the ninth floor deliberately to delay punishment to avoid punishment."

"So, I propose that we should take action together, open the secret realm forcibly, and catch that kid out."

Duan Guzhou said loudly.

As soon as this remark came out, everyone couldn't help but change their faces.

This mysterious realm of Xuankong Valley, under normal circumstances, after opening, can only wait for the people inside to take the initiative to crush the jade slip and exit.

But in order to prevent unexpected situations, there are still some additional measures.

As long as the four heads work together and through special means, the secret realm can be forcibly opened.

However, in recent decades, there has been no need to use such a method.

Now, in order to punish Chen Fei, Duan Guzhou actually proposed to open the secret realm forcibly, which naturally surprised everyone.

Of course, after hearing this, Zou Dukong immediately expressed his opposition, "No, absolutely."

"Why not?"

Duan Guzhou looked over.

Zou Dukong said coldly, "Forced to open the secret realm, it is because the people in the secret realm are in great danger, or some huge accident happened.

In this situation, there is no need to force open the secret realm. "

"The kid deliberately delayed time, hiding in there and not coming out, avoiding punishment."

Duan Guzhou said, "Could it be that so many of us are waiting for him."

"That's just Han Zhi's guess. No one of us knows what Chen Fei is doing."

Zou Dukong said, "Maybe, he is comprehending Wu Yi?"

"Sense of Wu Yi?

Huh, is it possible?

Nothing happened for four or five hours! "

Duan Guzhou Road.

Zou Dukong was not polite, "I haven't moved for four or five hours. Isn't this normal?

The head of Duan had forgotten that when you first comprehended Wu Yi, it took three days to comprehend Dao Wu Yi.

It's only four or five hours now, what anxious! "

"Zou Dukong, you--" Duan Guzhou's expression sank, and his complexion looked a little.

Zou Dukong deliberately mentioned the time he felt Wu Yi back then, and he said it under such circumstances.

Isn't this in contrast to Chen Fei, saying that Duan Guzhou is far inferior to Chen Fei, which makes Duan Guzhou save his face?

Suppressing the anger in his heart, Duan Guzhou's complexion sank, and gritted his teeth and said: "Now you can be in a hurry, but if it's another four or five hours, or four or five days, or even four or five months, the kid can't escape. What?

Could it be that we can't touch him yet, and we still have to wait for him here? "

"It won't be like that, Chen Fei is not that kind of person."

Zou Du Kongdao.

"Whether he is that kind of person, you can't count it."

Duan Guzhou said, "I just want to ask, if that kind of thing really happens, what do you say, Zou, do?"

"I, I--" Zou Dukong also frowned.

On the side, Master Ji Ling said "Amitabha Buddha", clasping his hands together and said: "The two of you don't need to quarrel, I think it's better than this.

In one day, we give Chen Fei another day. If he still doesn't come out, we will forcefully open the secret realm and take him out. "

"One day, this is too short."

Zou Du Kongdao.

Master Ji Ling said: "Head Zou, this is the mysterious realm of Xuankong Valley, not a place outside. One day is enough.

After all, it took only a few hours for the previous eight floors. "

"Besides, no one has been to the ninth floor before.

We don't know how great the pressure inside is and what kind of danger it is. "

"If Chen Fei stays inside for too long, an accident is very likely to happen. I don't think Chief Zou would want to see that kind of situation!"

These words made Zou Dukong unable to refute, he could only nod his head and said, "Master Ji Ling is right."

Master Ji Ling nodded, looked at Duan Guzhou again, got the confirmation from the other party, and then said: "If that's the case, it's settled.

From now on, wait another day, if Chen Fei still doesn't come out, we will force open the secret realm. "

The sound spread all over, so that everyone present could hear it.

Suddenly, there was a rush of discussion in the crowd.

Immediately, Duan Guzhou got up, "If this is the case, then I won't waste time here."

After speaking, he walked away.

Others also left.

After all, these high-level sects don't have so much idle time waiting here.

On the Shui Jing side, just arrange a few disciples to take turns on duty.

Watching the high-levels leave, the ordinary disciples slowly dispersed with the sound of clattering discussions.

Du Wuxuan, Han Zhi, Hui Kong, Hui Bao and others were also in the crowd, chatting and walking away.

Behind him, Shan Yumeng looked at the back of them leaving, his complexion changed for a while, couldn't help but rush up, wanting to ask what they thought and why they slandered Chen Fei.

However, just as she moved, an invisible breath of true vitality came from behind, pulling Shan Yumeng back.

"Master, why are you—" Shan Yumeng looked at Master Zhan Biyun who suddenly appeared behind him in surprise.

Zhan Biyun looked at his apprentice and said, "Are you going to question Chen Fei?"

Shan Yumeng was stunned for a moment, then nodded and looked at Master, "Master, I don't understand, they and Chen Fei have no grievances, why should they slander Chen Fei?"

Zhan Biyun looked at the disciple, sighed, and said, "Don't tell the truth about this matter.

Even if what you said is fact, Chen Fei hasn't come out yet and there is no evidence.

Do you think there will be gains from your questioning? "

"But, I can't—" Shan Yumeng was speechless for a while.

"It seems that for so many years, allowing you to practice by my side has made you too lack of tempering!"

Zhan Biyun sighed softly, "This world is much more complicated than you think. Even if there are no grievances and no enmity, only benefits will cause anything to happen."

"Moreover, there are some things that you can't say clearly."

"In the final analysis, this world is still a world of strength.

You have no strength, even if you are reasonable, what can you do? "

It was the first time Shan Yumeng heard such cruel and realistic words from Master, and was stunned for a while.

Zhan Biyun looked at his disciple and said, "I know, you may not understand it now.

But what I want to tell you is that the only thing you have to do now is to strengthen your own strength. Only in this way can you have a greater voice and make more people believe in you. "

There was a moment of silence, and Shan Yumeng nodded, "Master, I understand, thank you for your teaching."

"Well, you just need to understand.

This time Xuankonggu and his party have gained a lot. You must seize the opportunity and practice well. "

Zhan Biyun asked.

"Yes, Master!"

Shan Yumeng nodded.

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