
Chapter 2386: ?The reception begins

After listening, Chen Fei fell into silence and paused for a few seconds before speaking, "General Xu, I know."

Xu Junshan on the other end of the phone noticed Chen Fei's abnormality and quickly persuaded him: "Xiao Chen, you must not be impulsive.

We will talk to them about the Song family, and we will definitely give you an answer at that time.

And Song Hongyue, we—" But before Xu Junshan finished speaking, Chen Fei's cold words interrupted him, "General Xu, you said the same last time. "

With such words, Xu Junshan choked speechlessly and fell into silence.

Listening to the silence on the other end of the phone, Chen Fei said, "General Xu, I know that you are not letting me act for my own good and for the stability of the overall situation."

"You are caught in the middle, and you must have suffered a lot of grievances.

I can understand you! "

"But the Song family is really too much.

He shot me twice, tried every means to kill me, and also acted on the people around me.

This is something I absolutely cannot tolerate. "

"But, Xiao Chen, the Song family is not easy to mess with—" Xu Junshan said anxiously.

Chen Fei said, "General Xu, I know this.

But the origin of the matter was that the Song family was wrong first. I have given in a few times, hoping for peace. "

"But in the end, the Song family not only didn't repay my concession with goodwill, but thought that I was a bully, and continued to carry out provocative assassinations."

"If I continue to give in, will the Song family really stop?

General Xu! "

Facing Chen Fei's questioning, Xu Junshan was speechless for a while. He wanted to say that he would let the Song family stop.

But even as the **** of war in the army, he knew that he couldn't fulfill this promise at all.

The Song family will not give up.

After a few seconds of silence, Xu Junshan finally sighed and seemed to have made a major decision, and said to Chen Fei: "Xiao Chen, I won't persuade you."

"What to do, I believe you have your own sense."

"On the high-level side, I will try my best to explain to them."

"Thank you, General Xu!"

Chen Fei said sincerely.

Xu Junshan sighed lightly: "I am also responsible for this matter.

You take care of it, I believe you. "


In response, Chen Fei hung up.

...In the evening, the cocktail party that alarmed the entire capital was held on time.

In the magnificent hotel, a famous celebrity in the capital shuttled with a glass of wine with a smile on his face. Everyone greeted each other politely, which was a harmonious and lively scene.

In the greeting, a group of people walked into the arena and attracted everyone's attention.

The attraction is not only because of the appearance of Huo Siyu, a well-known beauty in Beijing, but also because of the arrival of the Huo family.

For a while, everyone's eyes almost swept over here, and they started talking in a low voice.

"The Huo family is really here. It seems that the previous rumors are not fake!"

"Unexpectedly, it only took a few days! The speed of the Huo family's face change is fast enough!"

"Chen Fei is embarrassed now."

"When Master Yuwen announced to deal with him, there was no room for things to change."

...Wei Han greeted Huo Siyu with a smile, and introduced everyone from the Huo family to his Zhenwu family companions.

Such a scene immediately attracted the envy of many people.

"It's great to have a boyfriend of childhood sweethearts!"

"Wei Han is so good, I don't know what the Huo family thought before, so that Huo Siyu gave up Wei Han and went to be Chen Fei's junior."

"I heard that the old man of the Huo family made the decision. Could it be that I am always confused!"

"It is possible, you see, Huo Hongxing did not appear today."

...The excitement continued. About half an hour later, as a handsome and elegant figure appeared in the venue, the scene fell silent for a moment, and everyone's eyes were focused on the man.

Naturally, the man was Yu Wenji. He wore a white robe, airy and unrestrained, coupled with a handsome face, immediately made all the women on the scene unable to move their eyes.

With a faint smile on Yu Wenji's face, he spoke softly and said, "Thank you all for giving me Yu Wenji face and come to today's reception."

"It turned out to be here, that's my Yu Wenji's guest.

In the future, we will make money together and carry it together when we have things! "

"Welcome to everyone, everyone have fun!"

With Yu Wenji's words, the atmosphere on the scene suddenly became lively.

Immediately, there were all kinds of compliments and toasts.

Yu Wenji didn't have any shelf, holding the wine glasses and clinking with the guests present.

Some excited guests fled the contract on the spot and signed it directly to show their determination to cooperate.

Someone took the lead, and the rest followed suit.

For a time, the scene was extremely lively.

The Huo family also actively joined the contract signing army.

Just when the atmosphere reached its peak, suddenly, a little eager footsteps sounded, and a hotel security hurried in.

"what happened?"

Yu Wenji asked the people around him.

The security guard looked a little panicked, pointed in the direction of the gate, and said, "Outside, someone is coming outside."

"Someone is coming, isn't it normal?

What's all the fuss about. "

"It's Chen Fei!"

The security guard gasped.

"Chen Fei!"

Hearing this name, the lively scene suddenly became quiet, and everyone's eyes fell on Yu Wenji.

Everyone in the Huo Family, Song Hongyue, and Wei Han had strange gazes, which seemed particularly complicated.

Yu Wenji was calm. After he was slightly surprised, he smiled and said: "The visitor is a guest, and Mr. Chen actually wants to be a guest, then I naturally welcome it."

"Master Yuwen, you mean, let Chen Fei come in?"

The security asked.

Without waiting for Yu Wenji's answer, a figure walked directly into the venue, instantly attracting everyone's attention.

"Chen Fei!"

Someone looked over and couldn't help but let out an exclamation.

In an instant, everyone in the venue turned their eyes and fell on Chen Fei.

Yu Wenji's face changed slightly, but then he squeezed out a smile, took a glass of wine, and walked towards Chen Fei.

When he came to Chen Fei, Yu Wenji said, "I didn't expect Mr. Chen to come!"

"It's my mistake. I forgot to send an invitation letter to Mr. Chen."

"Come here, make up an invitation letter for Mr. Chen!"

Yu Wenji said with a smile.

This sounds fine, but in this case, it seems very weird.

It was made clear that Yu Wenji satirized Chen Fei that he did not have an invitation letter, was not someone he invited, and was not welcome.

At this moment, Chen Fei glanced at Yu Wenji and said coldly: "The invitation letter is no longer needed. Today I am here not to attend the reception, but to find someone!"

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