
Chapter 2387: ?Chen Fei kill

"Find someone!"

Yu Wenji raised his eyebrows and was about to speak.

At this time, Chen Fei's gaze swept across everyone on the scene, and he quickly locked onto Song Hongyue, and walked over directly.

When Song Hongyue saw Chen Fei walking towards her, her expression suddenly became tense.

"You, what do you want to do?"

Song Hongyue looked at Chen Fei who was standing in front of her, and couldn't help becoming nervous.

Chen Feining stared at Song Hongyue, and said solemnly: "A few days ago, you told me that your Song family has nothing to do with the assassination."

Hearing this, the expression on Song Hongyue's face flickered, and her muscles twitched fiercely.

"I, my Song family, really have nothing to do with the implied matter, you--" Song Hongyue explained hard.

Chen Fei shook his head and said coldly, "I have found the dark web account left by Guo Ming.

The person in charge of contacting him is you Song Hongyue. "

"Now, do you continue to deny it?"

Hearing that Chen Fei actually found the dark web, Song Hongyue's expression changed again, her expression a little flustered, and she hurriedly explained: "What I said is true. I don't know what dark webs are, nor did I contact Guo Ming.

You must have misunderstood something. "

"I have heard enough of your lies!"

Chen Fei shook his head coldly, and took another step forward, approaching Song Hongyue.

"A few days ago, I gave you one last chance.

You should know the fate of lying to me! "

The faint words, at this moment, carried an extremely cold chill, like a fierce ice skate, fiercely oppressing Chao Song Hongyue.

Song Hongyue rushed to a huge pressure immediately, and her whole body shuddered, waved her hands, and desperately explained: "I, I didn't lie.

I--" However, Chen Fei didn't listen to her explanation at all. The true vitality aura on his body surged, and the whole person carried a majestic aura.

Upon seeing this, Song Yuan who was beside Song Hongyue immediately changed his expression, and stood up in a sigh, his true vitality aura surged, facing Chen Fei's true vitality coercion.

"You are so courageous, you dare to attack Miss Hongyue.

Have you considered the consequences of doing this? "

"Go away!"

Chen Fei glared at Song Yuan and shouted sharply.

"Boy, you are so arrogant!"

Song Yuan sullenly and angered, his aura becoming more and more turbulent.

Suddenly, the aura of the two heavenly pinnacle masters filled them, and instantly plunged the venue into a kind of heavy oppression.

Many guests felt their chests become stuffy, their complexion flushed, and they almost fainted to the ground.

Upon seeing this, Yu Wenji snorted coldly, waved out a breath, and rushed away a little vigorous oppression for the guests.

Then, Yu Wenji stepped forward, looked at Chen Fei, and said: "Mr. Chen, let's stop it, you're a bit past now!"

Chen Fei glanced at Yu Wenji coldly, and said coldly, "I said, it's none of your concern."

When Yu Wenji heard the words, his eyes rolled, his complexion sank, and a little angry, "This is the reception I held, and Song Hongyue is the guest I invited.

Don’t you think it’s ridiculous that you are doing something to my guests on my site, but you say it’s none of my business? "

Chen Fei glanced at Yu Wenji, his eyes were cold and unceremonious, "I said the last time, I'm here to find Song Hongyue, and it has nothing to do with other people."

"But if anyone wants to stop me, it's my enemy."

In the end, the word "enemy" was bitten very hard, causing everyone present to shudder, and a chill surged in their hearts.

Even the Huo family, who deliberately hid behind the crowd, were very nervous at this moment.

They were very worried, and Chen Fei treated the Huo family as an enemy.

In the panic of everyone, Yu Wenji frowned fiercely, looked at Chen Fei, and snorted coldly: "The person who moves me in my place is also my enemy of Yu Wenji."

For a moment, the swords were drawn and the air seemed to be filled with leaked gas and gas. As long as a little spark would be ignited, it would explode.

Chen Fei looked at Yu Wenji who looked proud, his eyebrows trembled lightly, and said coldly, "If this is the case, let's fight!"

After speaking, the breath on Chen Fei's body directly rushed towards Yu Wenji.

At this time, everyone was shocked. Everyone didn't expect Chen Fei to have such a hot temper, and he didn't agree with each other, and even started to attack Yu Wenji.

"Chen Fei is crazy?

Don't say offending Song Hongyue, and then act on Yu Wenji, this is to offend the Zhenwu family! "

"The Song family had a conflict with Chen Fei before, and he was angry and understandable.

But there is no conflict between the Yuwen family and him, why bother! "

"That's right, besides, the position of the Yuwen family in the Zhenwu family is one level higher than that of the Song family."

"Does he really want to be an enemy of all the Zhenwu families?"

……… Chen Fei did not consider all these questions, but after considering them, he did not take them seriously.

Because what Song Hongyue did has touched his bottom line, he must make punishment.

Therefore, whoever blocks is his enemy.

And Yu Wenji at this moment was also particularly angry.

When he was in a western restaurant not long ago, he was dissatisfied with Chen Fei because of Zhong Zhuyan's affairs.

And now, Chen Fei slapped him in the face in public, which was a shame to him, and Chen Fei must be taught a lesson, otherwise he could not explain the face of Yu Wenji.

The two of them who did not back down, under the aura burst at this moment, rushed into the house, instantly forming a huge aura, shaking the guests back again and again.

"Last time I let you escape, this time, you won't have such a chance."

Yu Wenji snorted and took the lead in attacking.

The air is as strong as a knife, and with the whistling wind, it comes fiercely slashing.

Facing the offensive, Chen Fei did not reserve, and directly used his own sentiment to send out several streams of light.

In an instant, the streamer turned into a whirlwind, colliding with Yu Wenji's vigor, crushing them easily.

Then continue to fly towards Yu Wenji.

Yu Wenji was obviously caught off guard by this, and never expected that Chen Fei's strength in this battle would be stronger than when he was on the top of the building.

The attack he launched could not stop Chen Fei's offensive at all.

Moreover, the whirlwind that continued to hit Yu Wenji's chest violently.

Yu Wenji, who was full of resistance, was hit by the whirlwind, and his complexion instantly changed. He vomited a mouthful of blood. He staggered a few steps and almost fell to the ground.

In such a situation, everyone was shocked instantly, and many Zhenwu disciples rushed towards Yu Wenji.

"Master Yuwen, are you okay!"

"Quickly, hold on to Young Master Yuwen!"

………The rest of the guests were stunned and shocked.

As for Chen Fei, instead of continuing to entangle with Yu Wenji, he turned to look at Song Hongyue and stepped forward.

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