
Chapter 2402: ?First entry to Taboo Island

When Chen Fei's figure disappeared, behind Xu Junshan, a middle-aged man wearing a tunic suit and glasses appeared silently, sighed, and said: "Old Xu, you gave him all that token. , Are you so optimistic about this kid?"

Xu Junshan didn't look back, and sighed lightly: "Although this kid is a little impulsive and reckless, sometimes he is a little unreliable."

"But in the general direction, I believe that there will be no problems with him."

"I hope that in twenty years or even ten years, he will be able to support China."

The man in the tunic sighed and said leisurely: "Old Xu, have you really decided?"

Xu Junshan looked serious, looked into the distance, and said: "I am a Chinese soldier, this is my mission."

………A week passed quickly. After Chen Fei had prepared, he bid farewell to relatives and friends and set off again on the journey.

First of all, he took his junior sister Chen Ziling to the four heavenly sects, and met Zou Pu, Zong Han, Yu Qin, Huizheng and others who had previously obtained places.

Then, the group took the special plane again and flew directly towards Taboo Island.

After flying for more than five hours, when the sky gradually dimmed, the plane landed on an island and the area of ​​the island was not enough, it could even be said to be small, and the end could be seen at a glance.

To put it bluntly, there is a vast sea around, and apart from the seabirds flying in the sky, there are hardly any other living creatures in sight.

Everyone turned their heads and looked at this plain and deserted island, with some doubts and surprises.

"Could it be that this small island is a taboo island?"

"No way, this small island is just so big, there is nothing but an airstrip on it, how could it be a taboo island?"

"Then what do you bring us here?"

...... Just when everyone was puzzled, a stern voice rang, "People over there, come and gather."

Hearing the sound, everyone turned their heads and saw that at the end of the runway, in a small forest, a small wooden house was built.

At the moment, it was a middle-aged man wearing a leather jacket in front of the cabin.

The man was a burly figure, exuding a powerful aura, his eyes and expressions were very arrogant, and he looked quite impatient with Chen Fei and the others.

"Are they all deaf? What are you doing in a daze, get out of here!"

The man in leather shouted sharply.

"You can't have a good attitude--" Wu Zikong was a little annoyed when he was scolded for no reason.

However, halfway through the conversation, Zong Han held it down.

Chen Fei glanced at everyone, nodded slightly, and said: "Everyone is following me, I will communicate."

Everyone nodded, and they all shut up and followed Chen Fei.

After all, after the US delegation last time, this group of people were all convinced by Chen Fei.

Not to mention the secret realm of Xuankong Valley, which made them admire Chen Fei even more.

Bringing everyone to the cabin, Chen Fei smiled at the man in leather and said: "Hello, we are a group of warriors from China who come to Taboo Island. I don't know what's next--" "I know, don't So much nonsense!"

The leather-clothed man waved his hand, interrupted Chen Fei's words, and then glanced over everyone.

Immediately, he said solemnly: "Before entering Taboo Island, I will ask you one last time. It is too late to give up, otherwise once you step in, there will be no chance of regret."

"Now, is anyone going to give up?"

Everyone looked at each other, and finally showed firmness in their eyes, and said, "Don't give up!"

"Okay, then go in from here. Once you enter, you can't go back."

With that said, the man in leather opened the wooden door of the cabin.

It was pitch black inside, and I couldn't see what was going on at all, but faintly, I could feel a wave of true vitality from inside.

"Hurry up, one by one, are they all babes?"

The man in leather was a little impatient.

Chen Fei stepped out first, "I am the first."

When he reached the door, Chen Fei looked at Chen Ziling behind him, and said: "Ziling, follow me."

Chen Ziling hurriedly followed.

Immediately, Chen Fei stepped into the wooden house.

In an instant, Chen Fei felt black before his eyes, as if he had stepped into a void, and his body spun.

This feeling of you is somewhat similar to entering the mysterious realm of Xuankong Valley.

"Forbidden Island, is also in a small space similar to a secret realm?"

Chen Fei thought in his heart.

After a while, Chen Fei felt his eyes light up, and then guessed the hard ground with his feet, and the surrounding environment slowly became clear.

However, what surprised Chen Fei first was not the surrounding scenery.

It was the refreshing and rich aura that rushed into the mouth and nose.

"The aura of heaven and earth in this space is too rich. Just taking a breath can compare with the hard work of the outside world for several days."

Chen Fei thought in his heart, and then took a few breaths of spiritual energy.

Then, the gradually regained vision allowed Chen Fei to see the environment in front of him clearly.

He stood on a green grass, and the breeze blew, with a strong breath of true vitality, which made people feel refreshed and happy.

Under his feet, is a circular formation bursting with light.

The light inside flickered, and the true vitality aura fluctuated, which looked a bit similar to the transmission channel in the mysterious realm of Xuankong Valley.

"I was teleported from here?"

Chen Fei thought.

A gust of wind blew, and a rush of waves sounded.

Chen Fei turned his head and saw that less than a kilometer behind him, there was a vast ocean with turbulent waves. The waves crashed against the rocks on the shore, making a clattering sound.

"Here, is an island?

The island just now was just a transit point for teleportation? "

Chen Fei guessed in his heart.

After that, he heard a sound of footsteps, and immediately turned his head and looked forward.

Directly in front of the grass, a group of soldiers dressed in armor and armed with spears, stepping in order, stepped toward this side.

Behind the soldiers, you can vaguely see the silhouettes of ancient Chinese buildings.

"There is the outer island of Taboo Island, where the Zhenwu family is located?"

Chen Fei looked at those buildings and wondered in his heart.

Afterwards, the companions came out of the teleportation array with light.

Like Chen Fei, they were first surprised by the rich aura of heaven and earth here.

Then he looked at the surrounding environment curiously.

Seeing that group of soldiers approached, Chen Fei reminded everyone, and took the initiative to greet them, "Hello, we are the warriors from China on the Taboo Island."

The leading soldier looked like he was in his thirties, his face was serious, and he didn't speak, he directly took out a palm-sized jade slip and turned around Chen Fei and their bodies.

Afterwards, the soldier put away the jade slip and said: "Identity confirmation, you come with me!"

Then, the soldier turned and walked in the direction of the distant building.

Chen Fei hurriedly led everyone to follow.

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