
Chapter 2403: ?Outer Island World

A group of people followed the soldiers and walked silently towards the building.

These soldiers are obviously martial artists, and their realm of strength is at least around the early days of the heavenly ranks, so they move very fast.

After about a quarter of an hour, the group finally arrived in front of the building.

Looking at the densely packed buildings in front of them, Chen Fei and his party couldn't help but stare widened, their faces were full of surprise, and their eyes were filled with shock.

Because, in front of them is a dense antique building, at first glance, you can't see the side.

In the building, the streets are criss-crossed, and people walk among them. There are even lively commercial streets around, selling various goods and services.

For a time, Chen Fei and the others seemed to feel that they had entered a world of ancient costumes.

However, the occasional waiting costumes and various mobile phones, computers and other items that occasionally appeared on the street brought Chen Fei and the others back from their fantasy.

The leading soldier glanced at Chen Fei and others who were shocked, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, and he said, "This is the outer island of Taboo Island, where the Zhenwu family is located."

"Let's go, follow me to the hotel."

The soldiers led Chen Fei and them through a tall wooden gatehouse and walked in.

Entering it, Chen Fei and the others can even feel the breath of life in this building, the sound of carts and horses, the cries of various shops, and even the sound of quarrels and fights.

On the whole, it seems that this place is not much different from the outside world.

But if you feel it carefully, you can find that the concentration of aura here is much stronger than the outside.

Moreover, the pedestrians here are all martial artists, and even the most common hawkers on the street have a martial arts realm of the Xuan level, which is quite impressive.

Across the street, the soldiers took Chen Fei and the others to a three-story wooden hotel.

After completing the formalities, the soldiers left immediately.

Chen Fei led the crowd and asked the innkeeper about the situation on the outer islands of the Forbidden Island.

The boss obviously knew Chen Fei and their identities. He was not surprised. On the contrary, he was very kind and told Chen Fei and them all about some conditions on the outer islands.

Chen Fei and the others learned that because they had to wait for warriors from other regions to arrive, they would not come to the inner island until three days later, and they would be brought into the inner island for a unified experience.

And these three days, they rested and waited in the Outer Island Inn.

You can stay in the hotel, or you can go around.

Under normal circumstances, there is no major problem.

However, after all, this is the realm of the Zhenwu clan, some big Zhenwu clan, naturally, don't offend them, so as not to cause trouble.

As for the cost of eating and drinking, even shopping.

Outside money is useless here, here is a self-issued stone coin, which contains a special aura, which is difficult to counterfeit.

If you want to get stone coins, you can exchange it with herbs, weapons, martial arts, and even exercises.

Essentially, the resources needed for martial arts practice are the real currency here.

Of course, the cost of food and clothing in the hotel has been arranged long ago, so there is no extra cost.

After learning the information, Chen Fei and the others thanked the boss, and then went back to their rooms to rest.

After resting in the hotel for a night, I have to say that the environment here is really good. After a simple nap, when I wake up the next day, everyone can't help feeling refreshed and feel that it is more effective than usual meditation for a week.

After breakfast, Chen Fei continued to return to the room to practice.

As for the others, they couldn't sit still. Wu Zikong and the others met to go out together to experience the customs of the outer islands.

Chen Ziling is a lively temperament. Under such circumstances, he naturally couldn't sit still and joined in.

Chen Fei was worried about thinking that this was in the territory of the Song family and the Yuwen family, although there are regulations not to hurt people at will.

But they were just outsiders after all, so Chen Fei still exhorted Chen Ziling.

Chen Ziling agreed, and then let Chen Ziling out.

In the afternoon, Chen Fei woke up from meditation and was about to go downstairs to find something to eat.

And just at this moment, a loud noise came from outside the hotel, "Stoppy boys from the world, get out of me immediately, or I will kill you."

"Uh—" Chen Fei frowned instantly, got up and went out, knocked on the doors of the surrounding rooms, but no one responded.

Then, Chen Fei went downstairs and saw Chen Ziling, Wu Zikong and others, who were talking to the innkeeper at this moment.

The boss had a serious and embarrassed expression, and his brows were frowning so that they could almost catch the flies. "It's hard for me to do this too!"

"what happened?

what happened? "

Chen Fei walked over and asked aloud.

In an instant, everyone's eyes focused on Chen Fei.

Chen Ziling immediately lowered his head, stirred the corners of his clothes, and said to Chen Fei timidly: "Brother, yes, I'm sorry, I got into trouble."

"Brother Fei, Zi Ling is right, those people are deceiving too much.

We--" Wu Zikong said a little excitedly from the side.

Chen Fei interrupted their words, looked at Zong Han, and asked aloud, "What happened?"

Zong Han said solemnly: "We just went out and walked around in the nearby street.

Chen Ziling saw a jade pendant in a booth, and she picked it up and looked at it. "

"As a result, as soon as she picked it up, the other party asked us to pay for the purchase, and the price was very expensive.

We don't plan to buy it because we don't think it is worthwhile

But the other party is reluctant, saying that we have to buy what we touched. "

"After a few words, the other party wants to do something with us.

I was worried that the matter would be serious, so I stopped everyone and said that I was willing to compensate.

However, the other party was reluctant and insisted on buying from us, and even acted against Chen Ziling and Yu Qin. "

"Zikong was so angry that he couldn't help but beat people.

I was worried that things would go wrong, so I dragged everyone away and returned to the hotel. "

"Unexpectedly, the other party chased him.

They also slandered that we damaged their goods and blocked the door and demanded compensation from us. "

"Brother, it's all my fault.

If I listen to you, there won't be such a thing unless I go out. "

Chen Ziling blamed herself and did not dare to look up at Chen Fei.

Chen Fei rubbed her head and said softly, "Ziling, it's okay.

This incident is not your fault, but the other party deceived too much. "

"But, this is their place--" Chen Ziling was a little worried.

Chen Fei squinted his eyes, and said coldly: "Which site is not unreasonable."

After speaking, Chen Fei stepped out, "I will meet them."

"Mr. Chen, don't be impulsive, they—" the innkeeper was a little anxious, shouting to Chen Fei.

Chen Fei waved his hand and said: "I am not impulsive, but I can't let my relatives and friends be wronged."

After speaking, Chen Fei took a few steps, walked out of the hotel, looked at the cursing people at the door, and sternly shouted, "Shut up, everyone!"

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