
Chapter 2415: ?Yuwenju

On the other side, Chen Fei took Chen Ziling and his party back to the hotel.

The crowd had just settled down, and when Chen Fei was about to rest, there was a knock on the door.

"Mr. Chen, is someone looking for you downstairs?"

"Look for me, who is it?"

Chen Fei asked.

"I, I don't know.

They called for you, Mr. Chen? "

The hotel staff said.

Chen Fei groaned slightly for a few seconds, and then said: "Well, I'll get down right away."

After tidying up his clothes, Chen Fei went out and went downstairs.

As soon as he arrived on the first floor, Chen Fei's eyes were immediately attracted by a young man in the hotel lobby.

The man looked very young, but he looked handsome at the age of seventeen or eighteen.

But his dress is very weird, even weird.

A tight leather jacket completely outlines his lean figure.

Then, on a pair of pale hands, there were long slender black nails, curved and spreading, like animal minions.

On the head, the long hair with ears was dyed into black and white, and they were covered on both sides, which was very eye-catching.

On his face, his lips were scarlet, as if he had been soaked in blood.

A pair of long, narrow eyes narrowed slightly, his gaze fixed on Chen Fei.

Before Chen Fei could speak, the young man stood up, walked directly to Chen Fei, and said, "Are you Chen Fei?"

Chen Fei nodded and said, "I am.

Are you looking for me? "

The young man snorted coldly and said, "Apart from me, are there anyone else in the hall?"

This arrogant attitude and tone made Chen Fei frown slightly.

However, he still maintained a calm tone, looked at the young man and said, "I don't know what this gentleman is called?

What can you do with me? "

"How to call it?"

The young man squinted at Chen Fei, his eyes moved up and down, and then squeezed out a few words from his teeth, "I am Yu Wenju."

"Yuwenju, a member of the Yuwen family?"

Chen Fei's complexion changed.

Yuwen Ju said: "It seems that you already know what I'm here for."

"I don't know how my unbelievable cousin died in your hands!"

"Although, I am not sad about his death, even a little joyful."

"But he was originally the prey I left for my eighteen-year-old adult.

Now, my prey is killed by you, then you can replace him as my prey. "


The words, expressions and tone of this Yuwen made Chen Fei feel unspeakably strange and uncomfortable.

"Do you want to do it?"

Chen Fei's tone became cold, and the vitality aura on his body began to flow.

Yu Wenju didn't do anything, but licked his tongue, looked at Chen Fei and said, "Do it?

It's not in a hurry, and soon, there will be a chance.

At that time, I will let you know that I am very good at Yuwen. "

"Bong to the end!"

Chen Fei was neither overbearing nor overbearing, staring at Yu Wenju, and said coldly.

"Hehe, it's kind of interesting."

Yu Wenju stared at Chen Fei and smiled.

Then he turned and walked outside the hotel.

Chen Fei frowned fiercely looking at the back of the weird person in front of him.

Just when Yu Wenju walked to the entrance of the hotel, he suddenly stopped, turned around, looked at Chen Fei, and said, "By the way, there is one more thing.

In the future, stay away from Zhong Zhuyan. "

"Zhong Zhuyan!"

Chen Fei was a little puzzled. I don't know why Yu Wenju suddenly mentioned Zhong Zhuyan.

Soon, Yu Wenju gave an explanation immediately, "From today onwards, Zhong Zhuyan is my woman.

If you dare to get closer to her, I will let you know what life is better than death. "

After speaking, Yu Wenju left the hotel.

Chen Fei frowned and whispered to himself: "What happened to Zhu Yan and Yu Wenju?"

Doubtful, Chen Fei took out his mobile phone, called Zhong Zhuyan, and explained the matter here.

After listening to Zhong Zhuyan, he couldn't help but exclaimed, "What, Yu Wenju, he came to trouble you! Chen Fei, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, he just came in and let out a few ruthless words, we didn't do it."

Chen Fei said, "Then Yu Wenju, who is it and what happened?"

When asked about this, Zhong Zhuyan couldn't help but lower his mood.

Gently, Zhong Zhuyan whispered: "Just after you left our Zhong family, my uncle and eldest brother immediately went to the Yuwen family and dismissed the relationship between the Zhong family and Chen Fei."

"Moreover, because Yu Wenji died.

They transferred the marriage contract between me and Yu Wenji to Yu Wenju. "


Chen Fei exclaimed. The Zhong family dismissed the relationship, and Chen Fei was not surprised.

But the transfer of the marriage contract to another person was beyond Chen Fei's expectation.

On the other side of the phone, Zhong Zhuyan took a deep breath and said, "Chen Fei, can't you really marry me?"

"Ah--" Chen Fei didn't expect Zhong Zhuyan to bring up the matter again, and was shocked for a while, "Zhuyan, why are you--" "Woo-" Zhong Zhuyan on the phone came With a low cry, "The family asked me to either marry Yu Wenju or marry into the Palace of Qunfang. I don't want to choose——" Zhong Zhuyan doesn't want to marry into the Palace of Qunfang. Chen Fei can understand, but Yu Wenju is unfamiliar. Then Yu Wenju, don't you like him?"

"He is a pervert!"

Zhong Zhuyan gritted his teeth directly.


Chen Fei was a little surprised.

Zhong Zhuyan said in succession: "Yuwenju is the youngest son in the Yuwen family's direct line. He has been favored at home since he was a child. He also showed his martial arts talent since he was a child. It can be said that in the entire Yuwen family and even the entire Zhenwu family. They are among the best in existence."

"Now, he is less than eighteen years old.

He has reached the pinnacle realm of the heavenly rank, not far from the half-god realm, and has realized three hundred and sixty martial arts, which is more powerful than my elder brother Zhong Jinyu. "

Hearing this, Chen Fei couldn't help being a little surprised.

Less than eighteen years old, close to the realm of a demigod, and even more terrifying is the three hundred and sixty martial arts.

You know, the heads of the four heavenly sects, they have only realized about four hundred martial arts.

This Yuwenju is already comparable to the four masters, and it's really amazing.

When Chen Fei was surprised, Zhong Zhuyan continued, "Yuwenju is very talented and powerful, and was originally cultivated by the Yuwen family as the next generation successor."

"But after the age of ten, the Yuwen family discovered that Yuwen had a strange temperament, and the police abused the servants and animals in the family.

As he grows older, his weird character becomes more and more obvious, and even becomes more and more cruel and perverted. "

"I heard that for so many years, there have been no fewer than a hundred servants in Yuwen's family who were tortured and killed by Yuwen."

"Moreover, he has no respect for women.

Once they are fancy, they will find ways to possess them, and when they are tired of playing, they will torture and kill the women. "

"In the past year, three women from small families have been taken over and killed by him.

The three families were very angry, but they were finally suppressed by Yuwen's family. "

After listening to this, the weird look of Yu Wenju just appeared in Chen Fei's mind, and his eyes became cold.

After a few seconds of silence, Chen Fei said: "Zhu Yan, you and your family can make your thoughts clear.

If your Zhong family really pushes you, I will do it for you when the time comes. "

"Chen Fei, thank you."

Zhong Zhuyan said in gratitude with a cry of gratitude.

Chen Fei whispered, "No thanks, we are friends."

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