
Chapter 2416: ?Enter the inner island

Although Yu Wenju's affairs made Chen Fei a little worried, nothing unexpected happened the next day.

The day the inner island was opened has arrived.

Early in the morning of the day, relevant personnel came to the hotel and took Chen Fei and the others to a location similar to a dock.

A group of people stood on the pier, looking at the calm water ahead, silent.

After a while, in addition to Chen Fei and his party, other people came to the dock.

Among these people, Chen Fei suddenly found several familiar faces.

Including Zhong Zhuyan, Yu Wenju and the sons of the Song family.

"It seems that people from the Zhenwu family will also participate in the assessment of the inner island!"

Chen Fei thought.

Zhong Zhuyan also saw Chen Fei, completely ignoring the special gazes of other members of the family, trotting directly to Chen Fei, smiling and saying hello: "Chen Fei, you are here."

Chen Fei nodded and said, "You members of the Zhenwu family will also participate in the Inner Island Examination?"

"Well, being selected by the inner island is also the hope of many Zhenwu families."

Zhong Zhuyan nodded.

Immediately, she glanced at the Yuwen family and the Song family, and whispered to Chen Fei: "The Song family has sent the strongest of the younger generation of the family this time, called Song Lei, with good strength."

"And Yuwenju from the Yuwen family, you have to be more careful."

"Well, I will."

Chen Fei said.

Then he asked: "What did the Zhong family say about your marriage?"

When talking about this, Zhong Zhuyan's complexion couldn't help but sink, and he whispered: "Yesterday I talked to the elders of the family.

But besides my father, everyone else persuaded me to marry Yu Wenju. "

"My uncle even said that instead of marrying Yu Wenju, he would join the Palace of Groups. I have no other choice."

After listening, Chen Fei looked at Zhong Zhuyan and solemnly said: "What I said yesterday still counts."

"Chen Fei, thank you, I will continue to think of ways.

Perhaps things are still turning for the better. "

Zhongzhu flue.

Not far away, Yu Wenju saw the scene of Chen Fei and Zhong Zhuyan having an intimate conversation, his eyes became cold, and his strange eyes became even colder.

Song Lei's eyes flickered, and he moved to Yu Wenju's side, and said, "Master Ju, Miss Zhu Yan is your fiancée.

If you are so close to other men like this, if there is any rumors, I am afraid that the reputation of Lord Ju will not be very good. "

Hearing this, Yu Wenju turned his head and looked at Song Lei, his eyes were cold and unceremonious, and he slapped Song Lei directly with his hand.

Song Lei was beaten up, standing still, holding his cheeks, not knowing what to say for a while.

He was taken aback for a long time before he came back to his senses, looked at Yu Wenju, gritted his teeth and said: "What do you mean by son Ju?"

Yu Wenju stared at him and said coldly: "What do I mean, you know it in your heart."

"Don't pretend to be clever to provoke separation, your Song family was made like this by Chen Fei. It is something that you are too weak and useless."

"Master Ju, I don't have one, I just--" Song Lei still wanted to defend.

Yu Wenju yelled coldly and said, "Don't be smart in front of me.

If you are telling the truth, maybe I can still let you make a cut while killing Chen Fei. "

"Now, let me roll as far as possible."

Song Lei's face was flushed, his expression awkward and ugly, he wanted to say something.

But thinking of the status of Yuwen's family, thinking of Yuwen's perverted reputation.

In the end, he did not speak, silently stepped back to the side.

The movement here also shocked Zhong Zhuyan and Chen Fei, and they couldn't help but turn their heads to look over, just in time to see the scene where Song Lei was slapped and left angrily.

After Yuwen hit Song Lei, he looked up and met Chen Fei's gaze.

His eyes were cold, as if a sharp edge would shoot out from his eyes, penetrating Chen Fei.

As the two confronted each other, the person in charge suddenly said, "It's all quiet, the adults from the inner island are coming."

In an instant, the scene fell silent, and everyone's eyes were cast on the water in front of the pier.

At this moment, the originally calm water surface slowly rose up with a thin layer of mist.

The mist enveloped the water surface and blocked the distant scenery, making people invisible.

In the hazy mist, a few dark shadows appeared suddenly and faintly.

The black shadow penetrated the mist and came to everyone, and everyone could see clearly.

These dark shadows are wooden boats.

At the stern of each small boat, a boatman stood danglingly sliding the oar in his hand.

However, the wooden boats approached here very fast, but after a few breaths, eight wooden boats docked on the edge of the pier.

A middle-aged man wearing cloth armor with a long knife hung around his waist jumped onto the pier and talked with the person in charge here. Then he looked at the young people present and said: "Go on. ferry!"

Hearing that, the people on the shore boarded the boat quickly and orderly.

Soon, all eight ships were full.

The long knife man also returned to the boat, gave an order, and the boatman started rowing.

As a result, the eight ships returned the same way and got into the mist.

Chen Fei and the others were sitting on the bed, looking at the white mist around them, there were many puzzles and questions in their hearts.

But at this moment, the scene was quiet, and everyone wisely chose to shut up as they looked at the serious-looking long-sword man.

I don't know how long it has passed, but the ship is still sailing in a fog, and it doesn't know where it has been.

Suddenly, Chen Fei's heart palpitated, as if he felt something through.

But he looked at the other people around him, only to find that the others did not respond.

Just as Chen Fei was thinking about the reason for the throbbing feeling just now, the long knife man said, "Everyone stands up and prepares to disembark."

Hearing this, everyone quickly stood up and looked forward.

It didn't take long for everyone to feel that the mist in front of them gradually dissipated, and a stone dock appeared in front of them, and some people could be seen faintly moving on the dock.

"Really on the inner island!"

Such a sight made many people feel excited, and their eyes showed longing and excitement.

Soon, the boat docked on the pier, and everyone disembarked.

The long-sword man asked everyone to line up, without saying much, leading the team directly.

Walk along the pier and walk inward.

Everyone did not speak, but their eyes kept turning, observing the environment of the inner island.

At the beginning, the pier and the surrounding trees were still very ordinary, but when everyone walked for about a quarter of an hour, they couldn't help being surprised when they saw the houses appearing.

The shape of the houses here is very unique, not like the architectural styles of any place on earth, ancient and modern, China and foreign countries, but somewhat similar to the houses imagined in various works of art.

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