
Chapter 2431: ?Cruel Island

At the same moment, on Lou Yu's side, after he finished speaking, he specifically called Yu Wenju over and said in a deep voice, "Tomorrow is an opportunity."

"Captain Lou, do you think it's a chance?"

Yu Wenju asked.

"Do you still use me to speak directly?"

Lou Yu looked at Yu Wenju.

"Captain Lou, are you talking about Chen Fei?"

Yu Wen Ju said.

"Who else is there besides him!"

Lou Yu said coldly.

Yu Wenju squinted his eyes slightly, and said, "Captain Lou wants to get rid of him?"

"Don't you want to?"

Lou Yu asked back.

Yuwen gritted his teeth and said, "Of course I do."

"Since you want to, then work hard. I don't want to see Chen Fei come back alive when tomorrow is over."

Lou Yuhan said.

"Captain Lou, don't worry, he can't live with me."

Yu Wenju coldly snorted, and then thought of something, he asked, "Captain Lou, the matter of selection——" Lou Yu looked at Yu Wenju, and said, "I have recommended you to the lord of our Poison Cloud Palace. , The palace master has already agreed."

"As long as you come back smoothly tomorrow, you can enter my Poison Cloud Palace.

At that time, taking care of your Yuwen's house will not be a big deal. "

Yu Wenju's eyes were full of excitement and excitement, and he made a fist and said, "I will definitely."

………The next day, after all the students had a rest for one night, they woke up early again.

After introducing some of today's field exploration rules again, the trainees boarded the ship and headed to an island.

The island has an area of ​​about several square kilometers, and the area is not small, with trees lined with trees and various animals infested among them.

The ship approached the island, Chen Fei and the others landed on a gentle beach, and the ship left immediately.

Everyone stood on the beach and looked at the surrounding environment curiously. Some people were in good spirits and even caught fish at the beach. Everyone was talking and laughing, as if on vacation.

However, at this moment, a scream suddenly broke this relaxed atmosphere.

Everyone instantly changed color and rushed towards the source of the sound together.

Although their speed was very fast, when they arrived, only a pool of blood and a corpse that had been chopped in half were left on the ground.

"Morton--" A student familiar with the deceased couldn't help but cried out.

The others, expressionless, watched this scene seriously.

Although everyone is not familiar with it, after all these few days in the same team, it can be regarded as acquaintance.

Now, seeing people who I knew died here as soon as they landed on the island, it is inevitable that everyone feels a little heavy.

"We will leave here as soon as possible and find a safe place to hide."

Han Xuanyu was obviously the leader of this team. After a little silence, he immediately made a decision.

Everyone had no objections, and they nodded in agreement.

As a result, all the students who were still playing around just now became tense.

At this moment, they are realizing that the rules Mu Ningyuan told yesterday are no longer empty words, but a **** reality.

Today’s island exploration is a real test! Of course, from another perspective, it is also an opportunity.

………At the same time, several similar things happened in other locations on the island.

And somewhere outside the island, the captains of Lou Yu, Mu Ningyuan, and Chi Yan were all sitting in front of a bright and smooth mirror at this moment.

In the mirror, the scene on the island was being displayed at this moment, capturing all the conditions of a team of students.

Several students were seen falling down in a pool of blood.

A team leader couldn't help sighing: "Is this really necessary?

Can't you directly remind them that they must kill? "

Upon hearing this, Lou Yu said disapprovingly, "It was not that we didn't remind us when we were talking about the rules yesterday.

But you have also seen that these boys have no memory at all, and must use reality to tell them what is cruel and what is bloody. "

"Lou Yu is right. To cultivate a truly strong person, one must experience true blood and death.

it is necessary! "

"However, just sacrificing a few innocent young people like this is really—" "There is nothing innocent. The martial artist's pursuit of martial arts is destined to be full of risks on this journey.

Now that they are dead here, it just means that they are not strong enough. "

"It's just a group of outside boys, grabbing a lot at a time. It's no need to be a pity, just look at it."

………Chen Fei and the others, who are on the island at this moment, naturally didn’t know that the captains were looking at them, pointing and talking.

Of course, even if they know, they don't have this thought at the moment.

Because, after they actually entered the island, the island is now complicated and dangerous.

The complexity is that all kinds of terrain, forests, steep slopes, mountains, and swamps are all gathered on this island.

What's dangerous is not only the complex natural environment and various deadly plants and animals here, but also the other students who have to be on guard at all times.

At this moment, here, everyone else may be their own enemy.

After all, today's island exploration assessment is a cruel game of competing resources.

Along the way, Chen Fei and his team ran into other teams twice. Fortunately, there were more people on both sides, so they didn't fight.

After some searching, they found a mine. After collecting the ore in the mine, they temporarily used this as the base camp of their team, and then expanded and explored around to find other spiritual resources.

Of course, the resources collected so far are all gathered together, and when it is over, Han Xuanyu will lead the team and distribute them to everyone according to the amount of credit.

This is the plan proposed by Han Xuanyu, which has been approved by almost all the students.

Of course, this almost does not include Chen Fei.

Because Chen Fei didn't believe it, even if their team survived smoothly to the end.

When it comes time to allocate resources, it is absolutely impossible for everyone to be satisfied with the results of the allocation. In the end, a fight or even a fight against each other is extremely likely to happen.

It's just that everyone still treats other teams as enemies and has a united goal, so it's fairly stable.

Of course, although Chen Fei thought so in his heart, he would naturally not say what he said. On the surface, he still accepted Han Xuanyu's arrangement, and everyone looked for and collected various resources together.

It has to be said that the efficiency is quite high under the concerted efforts.

Chen Fei and their team have spent most of the day finding two mines and a medicine field, which can be said to be quite rewarding.

With fewer and fewer resources, the scope of search and exploration has naturally become larger and larger.

In this way, it is inevitable to run into other teams.

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