
Chapter 2432: ? Encountered Yu Wenju

Chen Fei, Zhong Zhuyan and Chen Ziling were looking for spiritual resources in the northeast.

As a result, I was very lucky. I found a lush and lush medicine field. The quality was very good, much better than the mines and medicine fields before.

Just as Chen Fei was about to return to report back the information of the medicine field.

There was a sudden movement in the woods opposite, and then a group of people walked out.

"Wow, we sent such a big medicine field."

"Good luck, we will definitely get the first place in our team when we get this medicine field!"

"Master Yuwen, there are good things ahead."

...... In the exclamation, Yu Wenju and his party walked out of the woods.

When they came out, they obviously saw the three of Chen Fei on the opposite side.

Suddenly, the face of the person opposite changed.

Yu Wen cast his gaze at once, his eyes were cold and his expression was cold, the air seemed to become cold all at once, and the atmosphere became tense.

The corners of his mouth curled, Yu Wenju coldly snorted, and said: "You guys, why are you here?"

Chen Ziling frowned and said, "We saw this medicine field first.

Don't mess around! "

Hearing this, Yuwen kept moving wildly, and continued to walk towards Chen Fei and the others, with a sneer on his face, "Chaos?

Hehe, why do you say that you saw this medicine field first, and I said I saw it first? "

"Furthermore, it's a competition for spiritual resources, not a first-come-first-served game."

"I'll just leave the words here, this medicine field, I want it very much.

You guys, get out of me. "

After speaking, Yu Wenju waved his hand, and the students around him rushed over, occupying all the positions of the medicine field, and at the same time faintly encircling Chen Fei.

Chen Fei glanced at the opponent, looked at Yu Wenju, and said, "What do you want to do?"

Yu Wenju stared at Chen Fei and said, "I said, let you go away.

Didn't you hear it? "

While talking, Yu Wenju stretched out his right hand, ready to pat Chen Fei's cheek.

But Chen Fei slid gently, avoiding Yu Wenju's right hand, but instead pushed Yu Wenju out with a backhand.

Yu Wenju didn't expect Chen Fei to fight back. He didn't notice for a while, staggering, and almost fell into the medicine field.

Steady his figure, Yu Wenju's face sank, his expression turned angry and ugly, and he stared at Chen Fei fiercely, "Damn, dare to do it with me.

Are you looking for death?

Go together and kill him. "

In an instant, nearly twenty people clattered towards Chen Fei and the three of them, each with a grinning smile and a vicious look in their eyes.

Chen Fei guarded Chen Ziling and Zhong Zhuyan, glanced at the crowd, and said in a calm tone: "Originally, I just wanted to find resources and didn't want to do it.

But if you have to do it, I don’t mind staying with you to the end. "

"Damn, death is imminent, and I'm still pretending to be in front of Lao Tzu."

Song Lei sipped fiercely, and rushed out first, and he was about to attack Chen Fei.

"You fought against Lao Tzu yesterday. Today, Lao Tzu must avenge it."

Song Lei said fiercely.

Chen Fei squinted slightly, the real vitality aura on his body surged, and he was about to do it.

However, at this moment, there was a sharp shout, "Stop!"

The billowing sound waves contained a decent breath of true vitality, and they shocked Song Lei back.

Then, a group of people walked out from behind Chen Fei mightily.

The leader is not someone else, it is Han Xuanyu.

Song Lei staggered and fell back, his face looked a little ugly when he was held on.

And Yu Wenju's gaze also fell on Han Xuanyu, "Han Xuanyu, what do you mean?

Grabbing resources, have you grabbed me? "

Han Xuanyu smiled and shook his head: "Wu Wenju, Zhong Zhuyan and the three of them are my teammates.

We discovered the medicine field first, so how can we say it was a looting? "

"To say, you are the one who grabbed it."

"So, are you ready to go to war with me today?"

Yuwen squinted his eyes to look at Han Xuanyu.

Han Xuanyu did not respond immediately, but walked forward with a smile.

He set his eyes on Zhong Zhuyan, smiled softly, and said: "Miss Zhong, I'm here, are you okay?"

"Uh-" Zhong Zhuyan was a little startled, but still responded aloud, "I'm fine."

"It's fine."

Han Xuanyu nodded and said, "Of course, with me, I won't let Miss Zhong you have an accident."

After speaking, Han Xuanyu stood up directly, looked at Yu Wenju, and said, "Although I am not a warlike person, Han Xuanyu, if it is a war, I am not afraid."

Following the sound of Han Xuanyu's words, nearly twenty people behind him also stood up and confronted Yu Wenju's people.

For a time, the two sides were at war, and the atmosphere was tense. Fighting broke out almost instantly.

Yu Wenju's eyes changed, staring at Han Xuanyu for a few seconds.

Suddenly, his complexion changed and he actually laughed, "Hahaha--" Upon seeing this, Han Xuanyu frowned and said: "Yu Wenju, if you are afraid, you can leave by yourself, don't force me to do it.

I don't like the sensation of blood on my palms. "

"I'm scared?

Haha, a joke, it's a big joke. "

Yuwen laughed wildly.

Suddenly, his face sank, he looked at Zhong Zhuyan, and said to Han Xuanyu: "The surname is Han, you are acting so hard in front of Lao Tzu because of Zhong Zhuyan, a **** woman?"

"You--" Zhong Zhuyan's face sank, and he looked at Yu Wenju fiercely.

Han Xuanyu raised his eyebrows, revealing an angry expression, "Yuwenju--" Yuwenju smiled and said, "Haha, I am angry, it seems that I was right.

"You want to show up in front of this woman and win her favor!"

"Then I will tell you now, what is she?"

As he said, Yuwen paused, and then quickly said: "This Zhong Zhuyan was engaged to my cousin a few months ago and became the fiancée of my Yu Wenle family.

But she didn't know what to do, went out to stray, met the guy surnamed Chen over there, and killed my cousin. "

"Then, a few days ago, her Zhong family asked her to make a marriage contract with me and become my woman.

But she was still a bad guy, and continued to fool around with that guy. "

"You Han Xuanyu don't know that you are after this kind of stuff, right?"

Hearing this, Han Xuanyu frowned visibly, and even turned his head to look at Zhong Zhuyan, with inquiring and suspicious eyes in his eyes.

Upon seeing this, Zhong Zhuyan was angry and angry, his pretty face flushed red, and gritted his teeth and shouted: "Yu Wenju, you are nonsense.

Who do I like, Zhong Zhuyan, and what does it have to do with you? "

"Hehe, it has nothing to do with me!"

Yuwen laughed and said, paused for a few seconds, then his tone sank, and suddenly said, "But it has something to do with Qunfang Palace, right?"

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