
Chapter 2459: ?Gentle Mu Yuqing

At this moment, Chen Fei's expression changed slightly as he looked at the gentle woman in front of him.

Because the name Mu Yuqing reminded him of the stone General Xu gave him.

Moreover, even though the woman in front of her looked very gentle, her inadvertent attitude to death brought Chen Fei even more coercion than Lou Xu.

Feeling wary and nervous, Chen Fei nodded and said, "I am Chen Fei. Thanks for the help of Deacon Mu."

"It's okay, it's just a small matter."

Mu Yuqing waved her hand with an indifferent expression.

Immediately, she pointed to more than a dozen celebrities over there, and explained to Chen Fei: "These are the chief deacons of the major martial arts halls. This time we were ordered by the hall masters to go out to investigate the turmoil in the heart of the tree."

"You are the last person to contact Shuxin. The Lords have many questions to ask you.

Can you go back to the inner island with us? "

More than a dozen deacons came together to find him, still under the order of the Lord.

Chen Fei was slightly startled, it seems that he still underestimated the influence of the turbulent heart of the tree, and he did not expect to shake all the sixteen halls of the inner island.

The more this happened, Chen Fei became more vigilant, and it was even more impossible to say anything about the seedling core.

Otherwise, what will happen in the end is simply unpredictable.

Of course, Chen Fei would naturally not do that directly against the Lords, and there was no need for it.

Thinking of this, Chen Fei nodded and said: "I am willing to go back to the inner island and cooperate with the investigation--" On the side, Lou Xu was a little displeased and said coldly: "If you are willing, then act quickly, don't drag yourself. "

Chen Fei didn't respond. Yu Wenju had already killed him. He didn't need to offend Lou Xu to death.

He looked at Mu Yuqing and nodded, indicating that he could follow back.

"Then go!"

Mu Yuqing nodded, waved, and brought Chen Fei by her side.

The group turned around and proceeded towards the inner island.

For a while, the wind and thunder that had just calmed down began to thunder and roar again, and the world changed color again.

Below, everyone on the outer islands looked at this scene with shocked faces.

Zhong Zhuyan looked excited and excited, "I said, Chen Fei will definitely win, and he did it.

And it is so valued by the deacon. "

Hearing that, the complexions of the rest of the Zhong family were a bit ugly.

After all, they had never been optimistic about Chen Fei before, and they even blamed Chen Fei for causing their Zhong family and Yuwen family to grudge.

Now, Chen Fei slapped them in the face, making them a little unacceptable for a while.

Zhong Jinyu still whispered sourly: "What is important, it's just that there is something to ask him.

If you can't satisfy those big guys, it's just a matter of moving your fingers to kill him at that time. "

"That kid, too arrogant.

How dare you confront Deacon Lou Xu just now.

In the future, I'm afraid I don't know how I died. "

Zhong Yunhai also muttered.

Although Zhong Xu, Zhong Chirui, Zhong Yurui and others did not speak, they nodded slightly, which also showed their attitude.

On the opposite side of the Yuwen family, Yuwenkong took the younger generation from the family and looked at the figure in the sky. At this moment, his face was very ugly and his expression was gloomy.

Especially Yu Wenkong, at this moment, looking at Chen Fei's back, there is a deep hatred in his eyes.

After all, in his opinion, Chen Fei killed more than one genius disciple of his Yuwen family, and also abolished four worshippers, directly damaging Yuwen family's strength by half.

From then on, the status of Yuwen's family on the outer islands will probably fall a lot, and it is a question of whether it can keep the status of the second-rate Zhenwu family in the end.

Thinking of this, Yuwenkong's hatred for Chen Fei grew stronger and stronger, staring at the back in the sky, gritted his teeth and whispered: "Chen Fei, my Yuwen family, I will kill you."

Chen Fei, who was in the air, was about to leave, but his keen sense after his strength improved made him catch Yu Wenkong's words.

In an instant, Chen Fei's complexion sank, and he turned to look at Yu Wenkong, with a murderous intent in his eyes.

He didn't care too much about Yu Wenkong's threat.

Now that he has the strength of a god-level master, Yuwenjia can't kill him at all.

But Chen Fei still has relatives and friends, and countless people connected with him.

If Yuwen's family acted on these people, it would also cause Chen Fei all kinds of trouble.

Thinking of this, Chen Fei's murderous intent was awe-inspiring.

Just when Chen Fei was considering whether to let the deacons wait a while and go down and do it by themselves.

Mu Yuqing beside him suddenly slammed into the lower part.

In an instant, a bolt of lightning thundered down, smashed directly on Yu Wenkong's body with a click.

Yu Wenkong stiffened, then fell to the ground, completely lost his breath.

At the same time, Mu Yuqing's voice rang, "Chen Fei is a person valued by the inner island. Whoever dares to provoke is dissatisfied with the inner island.

This is the end! "

The sound of warning, like thunder, blasted into the hearts of everyone on the outer island, shocking them.

At this time, Mu Yuqing looked at Chen Fei who was surprised, and said lightly: "Yuwen's, I will solve it for you.

You don't need to be distracted to think about these. "

Chen Fei was silent for a while, then he looked at Mu Yuqing aloud and said, "Thank you, Deacon Mu!"

"What are you doing so politely with me!"

Mu Yuqing smiled and waved her hand, seemingly indifferent to killing Yu Wenkong.

On the contrary, Lou Xu, who was in front of him, showed dissatisfaction at this moment, and said: "Mu Yuqing, are you killing people like this for him?

That's too much! "

"It's just a patriarch of the outer island, kill it if you kill it.

Why should Deacon Lou Xu be so excited?

Or, that Yuwen's family, are you related to Deacon Lou? "

Mu Yuqing asked back.

"You don't want to spit people."

Lou Xu said solemnly, "What happened here, after I go back, I will truthfully report it to the Lords."

"As you wish!"

Mu Yuqing appeared nonchalant.

Chen Fei looked at Mu Yuqing, the mood in his heart was a little strange at the moment.

It stands to reason that Mu Yuqing is helping herself, and he should thank her.

But the temperament she revealed in her gestures made Chen Fei feel a chill.

It was a kind of condescending arrogance and contempt. With a gesture, he could kill the patriarch Yuwen who was crying out in the outer world, and he didn't take it seriously.

If it was an ordinary person in the upper world, what kind of attitude would she have? This made Chen Fei a sense of vigilance secretly in his heart.

In the air, amidst the thunder and lightning, the big deacons took Chen Fei and disappeared quickly.

The sky was clear and clear, and the outer islands were also calm.

However, at this moment, all the people on the outer islands on the ground are silent, and dare not let out the atmosphere.

Everyone in the Zhong family who had been secretly complaining just now, all of them bowed their heads at this moment, completely afraid to speak.

After all, Yuwenkong can kill at will, and what's the difference between them.

At this time, the Zhong family finally put aside their contempt for Chen Fei and truly realized his horror.

At the same time, a remorse also surged into my heart.

Why didn't their Zhong family seize the opportunity to flatter Chen Fei.

Why did they not succeed in making Chen Fei the worship elder of the Zhong family?

Why did they not follow Zhong Zhuyan's words.

………If the Zhong family regrets it, then the rest of the Yuwen family at this moment are afraid.

Looking at the patriarch Yuwenkong who had just died tragically, none of the rest of the Yuwen family had just made a sound, or even dared to show a little sadness.

They didn't care about cleaning up the messy scene, and retreated silently one by one, seeming to want to escape from here immediately.

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