
Chapter 2460: ?Inner Island Hall

The group of people returned to the inner island in a mighty manner. Without any stop, Chen Fei was taken directly to a tall stone building in the center of the inner island.

The building hall is very large, with hundreds of seats on either side.

In the middle of the front, there are a total of nineteen seats.

In the middle are three huge and gorgeous seats, representing the position of Sannomiya.

On both sides of the three palace seats, the sixteen seats are separated on both sides, representing the location of the sixteen halls.

It's just that there is no one in these seats at the moment.

The big deacons, leading Chen Fei, stood in the hall, constantly discussing things about Shuxin.

On the contrary, Mu Yuqing took care of Chen Fei and said with a smile: "Wait a moment, the Lords will come out and ask you about related matters personally."

"Don't be too nervous, say whatever you know, don't hide it, understand?"

Chen Fei nodded obediently, and said, "I understand!"

"You know the best!"

Mu Yuqing nodded, and then said again, "You were originally the first among this group of students. Originally, you should choose a martial arts hall to enter.

But the previous thing was delayed. "

"If there are no accidents, after the Lords of the Palace ask questions, you will be asked to choose to join a certain martial arts hall."

"Our Qingmu Temple has always been very optimistic about you.

Moreover, I also received the stone you sent earlier.

At that time, you--" Before Mu Yuqing finished speaking, the other big deacon interrupted her.

"Mu Yuqing, don't you be authentic! Before the hall masters started to question, you should start pulling people."

"Chen Fei, although Qingmu Temple is good, our Flame Palace is truly strong. You have to choose. Our Flame Palace is the best."

"Hehe, what is the Flame Palace? It's not worth mentioning in front of our Hurricane Palace."

... "Little brother, Mu Yuqing, the woman, looks gentle, but in fact she is a poisonous snake. Don't be fooled by her."

A charming and coquettish woman approached Chen Fei, her voice full of temptation.

"If it's Chen Fei's little brother, if you want to taste women, our Qunfangdian is the best choice.

There are hundreds of beauties in all kinds of beauties, as well as my sister and me. Do you like my little brother? "

"Red Snake, stop making a fuss.

Don’t you keep recruiting women in the Hall of Fame?

Chen Fei is a male, what does it have to do with you? "

Another chief deacon shouted.

This woman called the Red Snake was the chief deacon of the Qunfangdian, and immediately went back, "Our Qunfangdian changed the rules this year. We want to recruit men, can't we?"

Almost all the chief deacons of the martial arts hall were speaking out to solicit Chen Fei.

The only exception is the Poison Cloud Palace. Because of Yu Wenju's incident, Lou Xu had a very bad impression of Chen Fei. The look in Chen Fei's eyes was obviously angry.

………Just as everyone was discussing enthusiastically, a voice came in, "Hall Master is here!"

In an instant, the scene fell silent.

Everyone stood quietly aside and bowed their heads respectfully to welcome those who came.

Chen Fei also stood beside Mu Yuqing in every way.

Then, he felt a group of people walk in silently.

Although they didn't look at them face-to-face, the aura on them was like moving mountains, which brought great pressure to Chen Fei.

"God-level masters! These hall masters are basically god-level masters."

Chen Fei's heartstrings tightened, and once again recalled the matter of the tree heart core in his mind, confirming that he did not show any flaws.

Sixteen hall masters, seated here.

"Okay, everyone is here, let's get started!"

The thundering palace master said aloud.

Mu Yuqing hurriedly brought Chen Fei forward, bowed respectfully to the sixteen hall masters, and then said: "Hall masters, that student Chen Fei has already brought home."

In an instant, Chen Fei felt that sixteen sharp gazes fell on him at once, like sixteen sharp long swords, stabbing him fiercely.

Instinctively, Chen Fei wanted to dodge, but rationally told him that he could not move at this time.

So, he met the gazes of the sixteen hall masters, raised his head, and looked directly at it.

"Boy, you are so bold, you still don't bow your head in salute.

How dare to look directly at the Lords, are you looking for death? "

Lou Xu was initially dissatisfied with Chen Fei, so he seized the opportunity and immediately drank in a low voice.

However, Chen Fei did not wait for a response.

Palace Master Qingmu waved his hand and said, "Chen Fei is not from the inner island, so you don't need to be so strict.

Besides, his performance is very good. "

"Able to look directly at us without flinching, and a firm heart, this alone surpasses many people."

The Lord of Hurricane Palace also nodded appreciatively.

All of this made Lou Xu's expression stiff, and his expression was tense and ugly.

Fortunately, the Poison Cloud Palace Master still protects himself, waving his hand and saying: "Okay, don't delay time, just ask!"

"Chen Fei, after you have entered the Taboo Tree, you have to tell you what happened after you finish it, and don't miss any details."

"Including the scene where you fell into the heart of the tree, and how you finally got out of it and returned to the outer island, please tell me carefully."

The Lord of the Fire Palace added.

With a smile on his face, the Greenwood Hall Master nodded gently to Chen Fei, and said, "Don't be nervous, let's talk!"

Chen Fei had anticipated this, and had already prepared in his heart, so he was not very nervous.

But he still pretended to be a little nervous, widened his chest and took a breath, then spoke, and told the story again, "At that time, I was sent to the forbidden tree by the little deacons together with the students..." Chen Fei spoke very carefully, and the previous content was the truth, without any concealment, he had all told it all.

Of course, when it comes to the key point, that is when it enters the content in the heart of the tree.

Chen Fei only vaguely mentioned some young shoots in the shape of saplings, but did not say that the young shoots were absorbed and refined by himself and became his own core.

Rather, the sapling was floating in the mist, he just absorbed some of the breath from the sapling, and then fainted inexplicably.

When he woke up, the sapling had disappeared.

And Chen Fei himself appeared on a piece of sea.

After that, it was the process of Chen Fei's survival at sea, which was to try different directions, and finally returned to the outer island.

The whole process was basically true, but Chen Fei concealed the content of the seedling core.

And this is obviously the focus of the Lord's attention.

After listening, they couldn't help frowning.

"After entering the heart of the tree, I saw the sapling and then fainted?"

"Chen Fei, have you seen anything else?

How did you get out of the tree's heart and finally return to the outside world, you just don't feel at all? "


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