
Chapter 2461: ?Question

Chen Fei had an ignorant expression on his face and shook his head: "I was completely unconscious at the time. I thought I was dead, but I didn't expect that after waking up, I would be above the sea."

"This--" Many hall masters frowned, and Chen Fei's answer did not contain what they wanted to know.

Later, they asked some detailed questions.

Chen Fei all responded with a coma and didn't know. For this, the hall masters couldn't distinguish the true from the false, so they could only whisper in whispers.

After some discussion, the lord of the thunder palace looked at Chen Fei and said: "The heart of the tree is very special. It is the core of the Taboo Tree and the key to our Taboo Island."

"You are the first person to enter the heart of the tree and return safely.

So, for the sake of safety, we will check your body so as not to leave any hidden dangers. "

It was said that it was a health check, but it was actually an investigation of Chen Fei's physical condition to distinguish the truth of his words.

Chen Fei naturally knew this, but he didn't hesitate. Instead, he looked grateful and excited, and said, "Thank you, all the masters, for helping me check my body, thank you!"

"Hall Master, what am I going to do?"

Chen Fei looked at a loss.

The lord of the Thunder Palace said: "You just stand in place and don't use any true vitality aura.

Understand? "


Chen Fei nodded and stood there obediently.

Then, he felt that a different kind of aura entered his body, and he began to explore in the odd meridian, eight meridians, and internal organs.

Of course, the pubic area is the core, and naturally it is also the focus of exploration.

And the sapling core in the Dantian is naturally the key.

Although Chen Fei had tried before, outsiders could only detect his dantian, but could not detect the core of the dantian.

But after all, these sixteen hall masters are almost all masters of the god-level realm.

Chen Fei couldn't guarantee that they really couldn't find out anything.

For a while, Chen Fei couldn't help feeling nervous.

And this kind of instinctive tension, in the eyes of the Lords, is Chen Fei's normal reaction.

After all, whoever faces the coercion of sixteen god-level masters will do the same.

After a careful investigation inside and out, the hall masters looked at each other and shook their heads.

Obviously, they did not find any abnormalities in Chen Fei's body.

In the end, the Lord Thunder said: "Our investigation is over, Chen Fei, your body is very simple.

True Qi has also strengthened a lot. It seems that this experience is a good thing for you. "

"Really! That's great, thank you Lords!"

Chen Fei looked excited.

Afterwards, the Green Wood Hall Master said: "Chen Fei, before entering the Forbidden Tree, we let you choose to join a martial hall.

At that time, you said that you want to think about it. Now, don’t you know how to think about it? "

Sure enough, he still mentioned the matter of choosing Wudian to join.

For a moment, Chen Fei felt that the gazes of Mu Yuqing, Chi Snake and others behind him looked straight at him.

Chen Fei paused slightly, and said: "It is an honor for me to be favored by the Lords.

? Being able to join any martial arts palace is my glory. "

"It's just that the kid has something in his heart that I can't let go of."

"what's up?"

Palace Master Aoki asked aloud.

Chen Fei's tone sank, and he said, "That's what pushed me into the heart of the tree and almost killed me."

Mentioned this, the hall masters looked at each other, communicated in a low voice, and immediately understood what was going on.

At this moment, Lou Xu's expression changed. He vaguely thought of what Chen Fei wanted to say. He hurriedly spoke out and said, "Report to the Hallmaster that the student named Yuwenju is a disciple of the Yuwen family on the outer island."

"Not long ago, Yuwenju was killed by Chen Fei, and even Yuwen's house was half destroyed."

"Moreover, this happened when Yu Wenju's so-called crime was not determined."

Speaking of this, Lou Xu's expression sank and looked at Chen Fei and Mu Yuqing.

"Although Yu Wenju is a suspect, he was still a disciple of my Poison Cloud Palace before he was convicted.

As a result, he was directly sentenced to capital punishment. In my opinion, this is extremely unfair.

In this regard, I hope that Deacon Chen Fei and Mu Yuqing can explain. "

After Lou Xu said these words, the complexion of the Poison Cloud Palace Master was obviously dark, and his expression was a bit ugly.

Chen Fei and Mu Yuqing also frowned slightly, as if they didn't expect Lou Xu to use this incident to make trouble.

After a slight pause, Chen Fei looked at Lou Xu and spoke without evasiveness: "Grand Deacon Lou Xu wants me to explain, then I will explain.

That Yu Wenju was the culprit who avenged my grievances and pushed me into the heart of the tree. Of course I killed him! "

"Before the conviction, it was just your side words.

Besides, Yu Wenju has been killed by you now, whether it is black or white, it's all about your mouth. "

Lou Xu retorted.

Chen Fei said, "Is it a one-sided word? There were more than ten students present at the time, and everyone has seen it.

If Grand Deacon Lou Xu doesn't believe him, he can ask, and the result is naturally clear. "

On the side, Mu Yuqing said leisurely: "Hall Masters, those students, I have all summoned and waited outside.

If you want to know the truth, just call in and ask. "

"Mu Yuqing, you--" Lou Xu obviously didn't expect that Mu Yuqing would come with such a hand, and his expression was very ugly for a while.

At this time, Palace Master Qingmu waved his hand and said: "If this is the case, then call in and ask!"

So, Bolton, Nakano Mina, Han Xuanyu and other students were all called in.

It's been a while since they joined the Martial Hall, but it was the first time that they directly faced the hall masters.

Therefore, they will inevitably become nervous.

Afterwards, Palace Master Qingmu spoke in person and asked about it.

These students thought that Chen Fei was already dead, and they didn't want to offend the Poison Cloud Palace, so they didn't explain the matter.

Now, instead, Yu Wenju was dead, and Chen Fei came back to life, and he still looked quite valued.

In this case, of course they spoke one after another, telling the truth at the time.

Even, there are people who evoke how Chen Fei worked hard to rescue everyone, and how Yu Wenju avenged his revenge at the last moment, and shot Chen Fei into the heart of the tree with one palm, and explained it completely.

After speaking, Mu Yuqing said: "Everyone has said it. It seems that this is the truth! Deacon Lou Xu, I wonder if you have anything else to say now?"

Lou Xu's complexion was a bit ugly. He glanced at the Poison Cloud Palace Master sitting on the seat, but did not respond, so he could only gritted his teeth and said: "The investigation is clear. It is a good thing for everyone."

"Since Yu Wenju is the murderer, his death is also taken for granted."

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