
Chapter 2472: ?you are still alive

At the same time, in a certain room of the hotel.

Geng Jie stood in front of Chen Fei respectfully and even somewhat stiffly, "Mr. Chen, you--" Chen Fei waved his hand: "Don't be so nervous, sit down, and speak slowly."

Geng Jie sat down, took a deep breath, looked at Chen Fei, and finally spoke, "Mr. Chen, are you here for Miss Su's wedding?"

Chen Fei nodded and said, "This Jin Hongli, and this Jin family, what is the origin?

They can even suppress the Yunhai Group. Don't they know that I am the boss of Yunhai Company? "

There was already a hint of anger in this statement.

Geng Jie's face tightened and said: "The origins of the Jin family are very mysterious. We have investigated before, but we only touched some fur. We know that there should be the support of martial arts masters behind the Jin family. Otherwise, they would not have developed so much. fast."

"As for the Yunhai Group, Mr. Su talked to us.

At first, the Jin family wanted to buy shares directly, but was rejected by Mr. Su. Then they used various means to suppress the business, and finally even directly arrested people to force marriage. "

"Although Mr. Su told them, Mr. Chen, you are a major shareholder of Yunhai Company.

But during that time, the news of your death, Mr. Chen, came from the capital.

Therefore, the movement of the Jin family did not converge. "

"Even, Jin Hongli once publicly spoke at the Donghai Chamber of Commerce, saying that even if you are alive, Mr. Chen, in the eyes of his Jin family, you are just a martial artist, and it is not worth mentioning."

Hearing this, Chen Fei squinted his eyes, with a chill in his eyes, "Really?"

Immediately, he asked: "How much do you know about the specific information about Su Yunhai's kidnapping?"

When asked about this, Geng Jie couldn't help but shook his head and said: "Mr. Chen, I also thought about sending someone to rescue Mr. Su.

But the Jin family's martial arts strength is much stronger than ours. "

"It's just the guard next to Jin Hongli, a warrior of the heavenly realm, and the warrior of our Geng family is not his opponent at all."

"So, regarding President Su's news, we didn't find much specific information, only that he was taken away by the Jin family."

After listening, Chen Fei was silent for a while, and the chill in his eyes became more intense.

At this moment, there was a thumping knock on the door outside the room.

Geng Jie asked, "Who?"

"It's me, Jin Hongyuan, and Geng Shao here, I came here to toast specially."

The voice of a young man remembered.

"Jin Hongyuan!"

Hearing this name, Chen Fei couldn't help but look at Sun Xi beside him.

And Sun Xi's pretty face suddenly changed.

"Mr. Chen--" even more inquisitive gaze cast to Chen Fei.

Chen Fei nodded slightly, and Geng Jie then got up and opened the door.

Jin Hongyuan stepped in and saw the few people in the house, but he was not surprised at all. Instead, he smiled and said, "It's so lively!"

"Second Young Master Jin, is something wrong?"

Geng Jie asked.

Jin Hongyuan smiled and said, "It's okay, just knowing that Geng Shao is here, so I have a special greeting."

Then, he looked at Sun Xi and Chen Fei, his eyes finally fell on Chen Fei, and asked Geng Jie, "This is?"

Geng Jie glanced at Chen Fei and saw that he didn't say anything, so he opened his mouth and said, "A friend of mine."


Jin Hongyuan squinted and laughed, "That's right, since I am Shao Geng's friend and I know Miss Sun, then I am Jin Hongyuan's friend."

With that said, Jin Hongyuan stepped closer, then set his eyes on Sun Xi, and said, "Sun Xi, was it because of him that you rejected me before?"

Sun Xi's expression was a little nervous, and she couldn't help but grabbed Chen Fei's arm and leaned her body up.

Upon seeing this, Jin Hongyuan's smiling cheeks flashed a touch of anger.

Chen Fei caught this change in expression, but did not converge. Instead, he took the initiative to hug Sun Xi's shoulders, bringing the two closer together.

At this time, Jin Hongyuan really couldn't help it anymore, his face sank in a rush, and said coldly: "Let go of your hand!"

Chen Fei said, "This seems to have nothing to do with you!"

While speaking, Chen Fei used more force and held Sun Xi tighter.

"I asked you to let go, don't you understand?"

Jin Hongyuan's tone sank and his expression became serious.

Aside, Geng Jie reminded: "Second Young Master Jin, you'd better not do it--" "Go away, it's none of your business!"

Jin Hongyuan was not polite, and directly yelled at Geng Jie.

Geng Jie changed his color instantly, gritted his teeth and said in a deep voice, "Jin Hongyuan, you—" "What am I—I tell you that your Geng family is not worth mentioning in my Jin family's eyes.

When my brother settles the Yunhai company, the next one will be your Geng family.

If you are interested, go back and ask your old man to sacrifice his family obediently, otherwise, you won't know how you died at that time. "

Jin Hongyuan is extremely arrogant.

"Jin Hongyuan, you are too arrogant."

Geng Jie gritted his teeth.

"Hehe, is that arrogant?

This is just the beginning! "

Jin Hongyuan sneered, then snapped his fingers, "Come in!"

Suddenly, two men in their thirties, dressed up and dressed up, walked into the room.

A look at their dress and the aura that they exude, you can see that these are two warriors, and they are also not low-powered warriors.

At least he has the strength from the late stage to the peak realm, and he is definitely a master.

"This woman, I want it, take it to my room.

This man, take it out, Shen Jiang. "

Jin Hongyuan arrogantly ordered.

The two warrior guards were expressionless, and stepped forward.

Chen Fei looked at each other and said coldly: "Jin Family, are you so unscrupulous in Donghai City?"

"Unscrupulous, huh, what is this?

Our Jin family will grow stronger soon.

It's just a pity, you can't see this scene anymore. "

Jin Hongyuan smiled.

The two guards have arrived in front of them, and they are about to do it.

But at this moment, Chen Fei raised his right hand and waved at the two guards.

"Dare to fight back and find something dead!"

Upon seeing this, Jin Hongyuan sneered.

There was a chill in the eyes of the two guards, the true vitality aura burst out on their bodies, and the offensive blasted out.

But as soon as they started, Chen Fei's freely raised right hand, with invisible vigor, hit the two of them in the chest.

The two guards snorted, then they were knocked out and fell to the ground, their heads tilted, and they passed out.

In such a situation, Jin Hongyuan did not expect it.

He froze for a while, and he paused for a few seconds before he came back to his senses and looked at Chen Fei, "You, how dare you do something to my Jin family."

You, who are you? "


With a cold voice, Chen Fei took a step closer and approached Jin Hongyuan, "You Jin family, occupy my company, and move my people.

Now, you are asking who am I? "

Hearing this, Jin Hongyuan looked intently at Chen Fei's cheek, with a look of horror in his eyes, "You, you are Chen Fei."

"Aren't you dead?

How could it be alive, how could you—" "These, you don't need to know. "

With a cold voice, Chen Fei directly slapped Jin Hongyuan with a palm.

"No—" Jin Hongyuan's last cry was choked in his throat, and before it came out, the whole person fell to the ground with a puff.

Seeing Chen Fei quickly resolve the three of them, Geng Jie, who was still a little worried, couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief at this moment.

However, he immediately became worried again, "Mr. Chen, what should these three people do?

Regardless, the Jin family might find out. "

"If you find it, you will find it, what does it matter!"

Chen Fei said lightly.

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