
Chapter 2473: ?When the wedding

Looking at Chen Fei, who was confident and indifferent, the tension in Geng Jie's heart was unconsciously relieved.

He asked aloud: "Mr. Chen, what should we do now?"

Chen Fei said lightly: "Wait for the wedding to begin!"

………An hour later, the hotel was full of guests, and almost half of the rich and powerful in Donghai City had gathered in the hotel at this moment.

A melodious music sounded, and the wedding emcee came out and officially announced the beginning of the wedding ceremony.

In an instant, everyone's eyes on the scene focused on the long red carpet in the middle of the hall.

On the end of the carpet, Jin Hongli, dressed in a navy blue suit, walked out with a smile, nodded slightly to greet everyone, and walked onto the stage.

Then, the sound of music changed, and the lights at the scene dimmed, leaving only a spotlight hitting the end of the red carpet.

Then, in the spotlight, Su Momo in a white wedding dress walked out.

Su Momo was born beautiful, and she looked pretty and lovely in this carefully customized wedding dress. Under the spotlight, she looked like a fairy, and many guests were amazed and surprised.

"I heard about Su Mo Momei before, but I didn't expect it to be so beautiful!"

"It's worthy of being the person that Young Master Jin likes, it really deserves its reputation!"

"Young Master Jin is blessed to marry such a beautiful daughter-in-law."

"Hehe, let me say that it is his real blessing to be able to marry Young Master Jin!"

………Just as everyone was talking, Su Momo stepped on the red carpet and walked towards the stage step by step.

The spotlight has also been following her to move, focusing the focus of the scene on her.

The red carpet, which was only a few tens of meters short, was very difficult for Su Momo at this moment.

Every step she took, she felt as if she was walking in a quagmire. The whole person sank deeper and deeper, and a sense of suffocation made her feel chest tightness and shortness of breath.

The physical discomfort caused Su Momo's footsteps to slow down.

Just when she was about to stop, the bridesmaid who accompanied him smiled and leaned over.

Although there was a smile on her face, the words she said made Su Momo feel cold, "Everyone is watching, you better not do something stupid?

Otherwise, your dad's life will not be guaranteed. "

Hearing this, Su Momo's body trembled slightly, and the pace of slowing down became faster again.

But the bridesmaid beside him continued to warn in a cold voice: "Pay attention to the expression, don't make a bitter face, laugh, laugh more, understand!"

Su Momo squeezed a bitter smile and walked towards the stage step by step.

Finally, she walked onto the stage and stood in front of Jin Hongli.

The wedding emcee said loudly: "The bride is here, now, please ask the groom to propose."

Jin Hong smiled after hearing the words, with an excited and confident expression on his face.

He waved his hand, and some people came out with gift boxes one by one.

"Young Master Jin's bride price!"

"A set of East China Sea Jinshan Yipin Villa."

"A Lamborghini sports car!"

"A custom-made necklace by Sir Robert, a master of English jewelry!"

………A valuable gift was announced, causing a piece of exclamation at the scene. Many girls stared in their eyes, showing an expression of envy, and they wished to rush to replace Su Momo to become the wedding. Heroine.

However, Su Momo at this moment, listening to these so-called luxurious gifts, felt cold in his heart.

It took a few minutes to recite the betrothal gift of the Jin family.

There was a round of applause.

Then, the emcee looked at Su Momo and said loudly: "Next, it's the woman's parents who will send out the dowry."

Immediately, in the curious eyes of everyone, Su Yunhai walked out accompanied by a burly man with sunglasses.

In this situation, everyone at the scene could not help but talk in a low voice.

"Su Yunhai, he is out!"

"Didn't it say that he was missing?

Why did it appear now. "

"Su Yunhai didn't deal with the Jin family before, but now he marries his daughter to Young Master Jin. This is a bit too fast!"

"Hehe, they are Young Master Jin, if it were me, I would change my face too!"

... Su Momo looked back at his father, his eyes were moist, and he almost couldn't help but jump on him, and flee here with his father.

But as soon as the impulse in her heart surged, the bridesmaid beside her grabbed her arm and threatened coldly: "You'd better not act rashly.

You know the strength of the Jin family. When the time comes, you should know what the consequences are. "

Su Momo's body trembled when he heard the words, and the impulse that had just surged slowly sank.

In this way, Su Yunhai slowly walked up in everyone's eyes.

Just when everyone was curious about what dowry Su Yunhai would give.

A document was sent out, and the wedding emcee immediately said loudly: "Wow, Mr. Su Yunhai, the dowry for my daughter Miss Su Momo is really eye-opening for me!"

This sentence made everyone even more interested.

Seeing that the situation is almost complete, the emcee announced: "The dowry given by Mr. Su Yunhai is 100% equity of Yunhai Group."

"He transferred the Yunhai Group to Jinhong Li Jinda for free."

As soon as this remark came out, the scene suddenly became lively.

"Yunhai Group directly transferred, this, this is too much artifice!"

"Yunhai Group, now a big company with a market value of tens of billions, almost hundreds of billions! It's just so free."

"No, Su Yunhai is crazy?"

"However, I heard that there is a big boss behind Su Yunhai. Yunhai Group does not belong to him alone. He directly gives out 100% of the shares. Is it feasible?"

………Some people who know the inside story sneer.

"Hehe, if you don't give it away for free, what you see now may not be a wedding but a funeral."

"It's still worthy of Su Yunhai's acquaintance. It is worth giving away the assets to keep his life safe and give his daughter a good home."

"What if it's not worth it?

Do they dare to resist the Jin family? "

………Amidst all kinds of discussions, the document was handed to Su Yunhai, "President Su, sign it!"

The muscles on Su Yunhai's face twitched fiercely, his expression was very ugly, and his movements were a bit hesitant, but after being pushed by the burly black man beside him, Su Yunhai did not dare to delay, took out his signature pen, and signed the document. Under his own name.

Upon seeing this, everyone in the Jin family showed brilliant smiles on their faces.

However, at this moment, a subordinate quietly came to Jin Hongli and said in a low voice: "Young Master, Second Young Master still don't know where it is?

He finally left with Ali, as if to find a woman he was fond of. "

Hearing this, Jin Hongli couldn't help frowning, showing a touch of dissatisfaction, "This guy, today is my wedding, I don't even know how to curb it."

"Young master, or let's look for it again--" He said.

Jin Hongli gently waved his hand and said, "No, that guy might be happy with the woman in which room, regardless of him."


The subordinate retreated.

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