
Chapter 2474: ? A pile of waste paper

At this time, with the announcement of the master of ceremonies, the Yunhai Group transfer agreement came into effect.

After enthusiastic cheers and applause from the side, Jin Hongli looked at Su Momo.

The emcee said loudly: "Now, I ask the groom to propose to the bride."

Jin Hongli took out a huge diamond ring, shining with a dazzling light.

He knelt on one knee, raised the diamond ring, and looked at Su Momo with an affectionate look, "Momo, will you marry me?"

Su Momo's body trembled lightly, tears finally couldn't help but dripped from her eyes, and she couldn't help sobbing softly.

Upon seeing this, Jin Hongli's face changed, revealing a trace of unpleasantness. From an angle that everyone can't see, his complexion sank and threatened Su Momo: "You better cooperate, otherwise your dad can't survive. "

Hearing this, Su Momo squeezed out a smile, looked at Jin Hongli, nodded, and said: "I--may--" It's just that when Su Momo's last word was about to be spoken, a A deep voice rang in the hotel lobby, "I disagree!"

In an instant, the atmosphere on the scene was interrupted, and everyone couldn't help turning their heads and looked at the source of the sound.

Then, everyone saw that several figures were striding over here.

Upon seeing this, Jin Hong's complexion sank, a touch of strange color appeared on his face, and he ordered his men next to him: "Go, solve it!"

The subordinates detoured from both sides, surrounded by the shadows, and wanted to take them away directly.

But before these people approached, they fell to the ground and couldn't move.

At this time, even Jin Hongli couldn't help showing a look of surprise, squinting at the few people who were constantly approaching.

"This gentleman, who are you, what is it about coming to my wedding today?"

Jin Hongli was still calm, did not lose his attitude, but asked in a deep voice.

"Who am I!"

A slightly mocking laughter rang out, and then a broken wind roared.

Jin Hongli saw a black shadow flying towards him, and he instinctively raised his hand to remove the black shadow.

But the black shadow flew to a place not far in front of him, was illuminated by the light, and was suddenly seen clearly by Jin Hongli.

The black figure that flew over turned out to be his younger brother Jin Hongyuan.

It's just that Jin Hongyuan at this moment is dying, as if he would die at any time.


Jin Hongli's complexion changed, and he quickly changed his skills and hugged Jin Hongyuan.

"Who on earth are you?"

Jin Hongli looked at the figure in the dark, his tone was particularly gloomy, even with a cold killing intent.

At this time, with a click, the staff turned on the lights in the hall.

The dim hall suddenly lit up, and the figures hidden in the darkness appeared in front of everyone.

"Then, that's Sun Xi, Jin Er Shao had pursued her before!"

"I heard that she is still Su Momo's relative.

The Jin family originally planned to marry the two directly, but Sun Xi didn't expect that Sun Xi would disagree. "

"Why is she here now, what is this going to do?"

"What's the matter with the Second Young Master? Has anyone beaten him?"

... "Why does Geng Jie appear here?

How did he get mixed up with Sun Xi. "

"Could it be that Geng Jie moved his hands? I remember that his martial arts skills are quite strong."

"No, the Geng family was pretty good before.

But now, he was completely suppressed by the Jin family.

Geng Jie dared to touch Jin Hongyuan, didn't he find his own death? "

"Then what's going on now?"

... "The previous one is the key, haven't you seen it?

Both Sun Xi and Geng Jie are headed by him. "

"Who is that, it looks strange, isn't it from Donghai City?"

"It looks sloppy, how did this kind of people get in?"

………Just as everyone was talking about it, Su Momo, who was almost desperate, turned to see the figure under the light.

In an instant, her face changed and her expression became excited.

Ignoring everything else, he turned around, opened his arms, and rushed towards Chen Fei, "Brother-in-law, you, you are still alive—" "Brother-in-law, you, you are back—" "Oh, brother-in-law, I—"... ... plunged into Chen Fei's arms, Su Momo couldn't help being wronged anymore, and started crying.

Chen Fei hugged Su Momo, patted her on the back, and comforted her softly: "Don't be afraid of Momo, brother-in-law will be fine if he comes."

"Hmm, I believe in you brother-in-law."

Su Momo was crying and nodded seriously.

At this moment, other people on the scene exploded.

"What is Su Momo doing, escape marriage?"

"That kid, so courageous, to pry the young woman in person, is this looking for death?"

"No, that's not right! You didn't hear that Su Momo called his brother-in-law. I seem to remember that Su Momo's brother-in-law seems to be who--" "That one, who is mysterious?"

"The one in the capital, the first person in the young martial arts with boundless scenery, and our recognized second master in China-Master Chen Fei Chen!"

"What, it turned out to be Master Chen! How dare the Jin family--" "No, didn't you say that Chen Fei is dead?

This guy, isn't it true? "

………Just as everyone was screaming, Jin Hongli squinted his eyes and looked at Chen Fei. His eyes were full of angry chill, and he gritted his teeth and said angrily: “I don’t care who you are, let me loose Momo right away. She is my wife."

"Your wife?"

Chen Fei sneered, handed Su Momo in his arms to Sun Xi, and walked towards Jin Hongli.

"Look at who I am and say this to me?"

Chen Fei said sharply.

As he approached, Jin Hongli saw Chen Fei's face clearly, and suddenly showed a look of surprise, "You, you are Chen Fei, why are you still alive?"

However, after a little panic, Jin Hongli immediately said: "Even if you are Chen Fei, and you do something to my Jin family, my Jin family will never let it go."

"Don't let it go?"

Chen Fei sneered, "That's right, I'll settle an account with you."

"Yunhai Group, I own most of the shares, you forcibly occupy Yunhai Group as your own.

Do you think I will agree? "

Chen Fei asked sharply.

Jin Hongli also said with a sinking face, and said in a deep voice: "The agreement has been signed, and whether you agree or not has nothing to do with it?"


Chen Fei sneered, and with a flick of his finger, the agreement that had just been signed exploded in an instant and turned into a pile of debris, "The agreement that Chen Fei did not recognize is a pile of waste paper."

"You, you--" Jin Hongli stared at Chen Fei angrily.

Chen Fei's expression was cold, "Yunhai Group is just the first account."

"The second account, you forced Momo to marry you.

This is something I will never tolerate. "

With a cold voice, with a strong killing intent, Chen Fei approached Jin Hongli.

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