
Chapter 2476: ?Longmai Clan

Hearing Chen Fei's words, a look of surprise flashed across the guard's face. He didn't expect Chen Fei to see his realm of strength at a glance.

But then, his eyes were firm and he said: "My life is given by the Jin family. It is my mission to serve the Jin family."

"is it!"

Hearing this, Chen Fei's expression became cold. Originally, he was a little bit cherished, but when he said this, it showed that the other party had made a choice, and he didn't need to cherish his talent.

As a result, Chen Fei's voice became cold, "In this case, then you will fulfill your mission!"

After speaking, Chen Fei raised his right hand, and then struck out again.

Upon seeing this, the guard hurriedly ran vigorously, fisted out, and resisted again.

But this time, when his fist touched Chen Fei's energy again.

A scene completely different from before happened.


With a crisp sound, the right arm of the guard was directly broken, and the terrifying power continued to spread, impacted on his body, and directly knocked him out.

Finally, the guard smashed through the stage behind him, smashed on the wall, a mouthful of blood spurted from his mouth, and fell to the ground, fainting.

After solving the guard, Chen Fei's eyes fell on Jin Hongli.

Jin Hongli was really scared this time, after all, the guard next to him was his trump card.

Now, even his hole cards were knocked into the air by Chen Fei, and he could not be his opponent at all.

Panicked, Jin Hongli kept backing away, "You, don't come over.

You—" "Huh—" Chen Fei approached, and a breath burst out.

Panicked, Jin Hongli couldn't evade at all. He suffered this abruptly and screamed into the sky, causing him to smash to the ground.

Then, Chen Fei stepped forward and stepped on his left arm with a slight force.

There was another crackling sound, and his left arm was shattered.

Jin Hongli let out a miserable howl, causing the guests in the hall to hear their scalp numb, and a layer of goose bumps on their body.

But Chen Fei kept moving, raised his foot and landed on his right arm, and stepped on it again.

There was another crisp sound, and Jin Hongli's right arm also shattered.


Jin Hongli screamed in pain.

Seeing Chen Fei lifted his right foot again and moved towards his left leg.

Jin Hongli couldn't stand it anymore, his face flushed, and he cried out in pain, "You kill me, right? You kill me!"

"Can't you stand this?

I just started! "

Chen Fei said lightly, with another click, and abolished Jin Hongli's left leg.

After a scream, Jin Hongli could no longer shout, and he fell to the ground, dying.

Upon seeing this, Chen Fei's face became cold, and a touch of vigor appeared in his palm, and he aimed at Jin Hongli's lower abdomen and started to move his hands.

But at this moment, a long call came over, "Mr. Chen, please keep someone."

Hearing the sound, Chen Fei's movements stopped and turned to look over.

Then, he saw a middle-aged man in uniform rushing in hastily.

"Mr. Chen, please keep your staff."

The man gasped hard and hurriedly said to Chen Fei.

Chen Fei looked at him for a moment, and said coldly, "Who are you?"

The man hurriedly showed a certificate and said, "Mr. Chen, I am from the Special Operations Department of the Capital Military Department."

Chen Fei took a look at the man's ID. The stamp was clear, and there was a touch of military force on it. It was true.

"Military Special Operations Department!"

Chen Fei frowned slightly and said coldly, "You want to stop me?"

The man hurriedly explained: "Mr. Chen, Jin Hongli has an unusual status, so I can't move!"

"What's so special?"

Chen Fei asked coldly.

"He, he is--" The man hesitated, but when he saw Chen Fei's cold eyes, he didn't hide it. He approached Chen Fei and whispered in a low voice, "The Jin family where Jin Hongli is located belongs to the dragon family, so you can't touch them. "

"Dragon Vessels!"

This term is quite unfamiliar to Chen Fei.

He frowned and said coldly: "So what?"

The man was stunned for a moment, and then hurriedly said: "The military headquarters of the capital has a cooperative relationship with the Longmai clan now.

I was ordered to observe and protect the Jin family secretly, so once Mr. Chen you do it, the military department, I'm afraid—" He didn't say the rest, but the meaning was already obvious.

As for Chen Fei, after listening, his face sank, looking at the man, and said coldly: "You said you have been secretly observing and protecting the Jin family."

"Then, the Jin family took action against my company and my relatives and friends, as you know, just watched and let them oppress the Jin family?

Could it be that this is the attitude of the military to me, Chen Fei? "

The man did not expect that Chen Fei would come to such a rhetorical question.

"Mr. Chen, I, I didn't mean that!"

For a while, he was a little flustered and quickly explained.

Chen Fei asked coldly, "Then what do you mean?

You look at the people who moved me from the Jin family.

Now, if I want to move the people of the Jin family, you will come forward to stop it. "

"What the **** does this mean?

To indulge the Jin family, or should your military department also act on me, Chen Fei? "

At this time, the man was really panicked, but he couldn't explain, he could only say: "Mr. Chen, I, I just accept orders from my superiors.

I don't know the specific situation. "

"I don't know!"

Chen Fei snorted coldly, "Then it is enough for you to respond without being clear about what is happening now."

After finishing speaking, Chen Fei shot out with a puff, pierced directly through Jin Hongli's dantian, and abolished his whole body.

Jin Hongli let out a scream and passed out completely.

When the man saw this scene, his face turned pale and his expression was very ugly.

Chen Fei looked back at him and said coldly: "Now, I have moved Jin Hongli.

What will your Special Operations Department do, catch me, or directly rectify me on the spot? "

"I can not!"

The man said.

"If you dare not, then get out!"

Chen Fei shouted sharply.

The man didn't dare to say anything, and left in a desperate manner.

However, as soon as he walked out of the hotel, his face was full of anger, and he quickly took out a special mobile phone and reported the information: "Report to General Liu that something happened in Donghai City.

Chen Fei is not dead, he has returned from Taboo Island.

Moreover, he clashed with the Jin family and abolished Jin Hongli's dantian. "

"I'm worried that the Jin family won't let it go after knowing what's happening here.

At that time, if Chen Fei and the Jin family clashed, the situation may be difficult to control.

General Liu is also asked to prepare a response plan as soon as possible. "

In the hotel, after Chen Fei solved the Jin Hongli, in the horrified and shocked eyes of everyone, he took Su Momo and Sun Xi stepping along the bright red carpet and stepping out of the hotel.

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