
Chapter 2477: ?Wife's Whereabouts

Back in the hotel, Chen Fei calmed Su Momo and Su Yunhai, and then asked about the cause and effect of the incident.

Su Yunhai and Su Momo talked about it, and the general course of the matter was similar to what Sun Xi said before. It was basically the sudden rise and suppression of the Jin family. As for the so-called Dragon Vessel family of the Jin family, there is also this special operations department of the military department. , They don't know.

After learning of these circumstances, Chen Fei immediately asked Lin Qiuhan. After all, he came to Donghai City to see his wife Lin Qiuhan.

Originally, he thought that his wife should be in the hotel to attend Momo's wedding.

At that time, in the hotel crowd, he did not find his wife, but because the rescue of Su Yunhai and Momo was urgent, he did not ask at that time.

Now that the situation has stabilized, he immediately asked about Lin Qiuhan's whereabouts, "Momo, Qiuhan has come here to attend the wedding, where is she?

Didn't you arrive at the hotel? "

Su Momo was taken aback when he heard the words, and then said: "Brother-in-law, my sister did come to my wedding.

Originally, she was going to stay in the hotel today to attend the wedding. "

"But yesterday, she suddenly received a call. The situation seemed urgent, so she left overnight."

"What, left overnight, where did she go?

Whose phone number? "

Chen Fei frowned slightly and asked aloud.

Su Momo said: "My sister didn't talk to me in detail, but it seems to have mentioned what the Lin family called, and also said it might be related to her parents' affairs."

"The Lin family, parents!"

Upon hearing this, Chen Fei immediately thought of the Lin family of the hidden family.

That was the family of Lin Qiuhan's father, Lin Zhidong, and it was also the place where her mother Xie Lingshuang once stayed.

Once, the Lin family even deliberately held Lin Qiuhan under house arrest for a period of time because of his mother Xie Lingshuang.

Only later, with the arrival of Chen Fei, the entire hidden family was directly subdued, and in the end they were all subdued and integrated into one force.

After the integration, the hidden family family developed a low-key development without making any major changes, but it also developed smoothly, and its comprehensive strength has slowly moved closer to the four heavenly sects.

Because of this, Chen Fei seldom took care of the affairs of the hidden family, and basically left it to Lin Zhentian, the ancestor of the Lin family.

Unexpectedly, this time his wife suddenly left, it was actually related to the Lin family.

This reminded Chen Fei of the last time Lin Jiaxun cheated his wife under house arrest.

For a while, the expression on his face sank, and his complexion was very ugly, "Lin Family, you'd better not do stupid things, otherwise, I won't be merciful this time."

"Brother-in-law, nothing will happen!"

Su Momo noticed the change in Chen Fei's complexion and asked.

Chen Fei shook his head and said, "It's okay, don't worry.

I went to the Lin's house to see when I looked back, there should be nothing wrong with it. "

"that's OK!"

Su Momo nodded.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door, "Mr. Chen, I am Geng Jie!"

Chen Fei opened the door and asked, "What's the matter?"

Geng Jie said: "Mr. Chen, many rich people and businessmen in Donghai City have come outside the hotel. They want to see you, Mr. Chen, and want to talk to you?"

"See me, talk?"

Chen Fei's expression turned cold, and he said in a deep voice, "I saw that I drove the Jin family away. Now it's time to make the rudder by the wind!"

"Ahem, this—" Geng Jie coughed and didn't say anything, but it was basically what Chen Fei said.

Upon seeing this, Chen Fei gave a cold snort and waved: "No, let them all go back.

Do you really think that Chen Fei is so good to cheat me?

If next time, tell them that their fate will be the same as the Jin family. "

"Mr. Chen, will this be too tough? After all, those businessmen--" Geng Jie was a little worried.

Chen Fei waved his hand and said, "People who are not convinced can let them come to me.

That's what I mean, let's pass it on! "


Geng Jie turned and left.

Soon, the wealthy businessmen around the hotel learned what Chen Fei meant from Geng Jie's mouth, and they burst into excitement.

"Shao Geng, does Mr. Chen really say that?"

"Geng Jie, you didn't lie to us!"

"There was something wrong with this matter, but we were also forced!"

"We want to have an interview with Mr. Chen, can you arrange it, Shao Geng?"

......... Geng Jie said coldly, "I have already said what Mr. Chen asked me to take.

Next, what should you choose, it's up to you to figure it out. "

After speaking, Geng Jie turned and walked into the hotel.

There was a Donghai city business tycoon who was left looking at each other, and finally scattered and left.

It's just that when they left, some people couldn't help being dissatisfied and murmured in secret.

"Then Chen Fei is too arrogant, he doesn't give any face."

"Doing business? What is going to be peace and wealth.

Since he doesn't give us face this time, then we don't give him face either. We won't cooperate in the business of Yunhai Group in the future. "

"I'm just a martial artist, do you really think you can control everything?"

"The power of the Jin family is greater than he thought.

When the Jin family returns, it will be too late for him to cry! "

………After arranging for Su Yunhai and Su Momo in the hotel, Chen Fei did not stay long and set off directly from Donghai City towards the place where the Yinmen family was located.

When Chen Fei arrived and entered the site of the Hidden Family, everything seemed to be the same as before. There was no change. Many people didn't even recognize Chen Fei.

Chen Fei went all the way to the Lin Family, the deepest place.

While on the road, he met an acquaintance, Xing Rui of the hidden Xing family: "Brother Fei, is that you?"

Xing Rui looked at Chen Fei, a little bit dare not to recognize it, with a look of doubt on his face.

Chen Fei nodded and said, "It's me."

"It's really you Fei, great, Fei, you are still alive, great, really great.

I said, Brother Fei, you can't be okay. "

Xing Rui was very excited.

Chen Fei smiled, and then asked: "Why are you here without staying in the capital?"

Asked about this, Xing Rui's face was a little dim, and he said: "The situation in the capital has changed a little now.

I didn't stay well, so I came back. "

"The situation has changed?"

When Chen Fei heard this, he had some doubts in his heart.

But he was even more worried about his wife, so he didn't go into it.

"By the way, Brother Fei, what are you doing here?

Is there a problem? "

Xing Rui asked.

Chen Fei's eyes changed slightly, and he said, "I'll come to the Lin family to see."


Xing Rui didn't think there was anything.

"Has the Lin family changed recently, or did they bring anyone back?"

Chen Fei asked.

Xing Rui shook his head, "Bring someone back?

No, I didn't see it. "

"Speaking of changes, there are some.

That is, the Lin family seems to have been a little low-key recently. They have been absent from several meetings of the Presbyterian Church, and they have not sent anyone to attend. "


Chen Fei frowned slightly, his eyes cold.

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