
Chapter 2527: ?Tianzhu Gang

The reason why Chen Fei was so surprised was that among the people who came this time, there was actually Anita.

Chen Fei couldn't think of how Anita, a singer, would come to such a place.

"Anita, why are you here?"

Chen Fei rushed to Anita and asked aloud.

Anita saw Chen Fei with a look of surprise on her face, and then she wanted to explain, "I am—" But she didn't wait for her to finish.

Next to him, a tall and handsome young blond man walked over. It was no one else but Anita's fiance Renee Walton.

Renee directly pulled Anita to her side, hugging her shoulder affectionately, and then looked at Chen Fei and said, "I brought my fiancee here. Is it related to you?"

When Chen Fei saw Renee Walton, his eyes sank slightly, and then he said: "I just care about my friends and just ask casually."


With me, Anita doesn't need other people's care. "

Rennie said, "Besides, it's best for Mr. Chen to care about his own safety!"

Chen Fei frowned slightly, his face showing an unpleasant color.

At this moment, Anita shook her head secretly and waved her hand to signal him not to be impulsive.

Chen Fei sighed lightly and looked at Anita and said, "It won't be peaceful here, you have to pay attention to safety."

Anita nodded lightly, and Chen Fei turned and returned to Li Xucheng's team.

At this time, Renee Walton turned to look at Anita with a slightly dissatisfied face, and said in a deep voice: "You are now my fiancée, and if you are entangled with other men, don't blame me for being polite. "

"I'm sorry!"

Anita bowed her head to apologize.

In addition to the Tianzhu Gang and Walton, people from other organizations came one after another, making the scene a bit crowded.

Some people arriving later, wandering around, looking for a suitable location.

However, the good location near the tomb was almost completely occupied.

As a result, some forces can only retreat and settle down far away.

And some forces aimed at some less powerful forces, ready to grab the opponent's position.

For a time, the atmosphere became tense, and various small conflicts gradually increased.

The positions of Li Xucheng and Chen Fei were not very good at first, and the site was not large, and no one came to grab them at first.

But after a while, a group of people from the Tianzhu gang walked over here mightily.

Upon seeing this, Li Xucheng's men instantly became nervous.

"General Li, we—" Without waiting for Li Xucheng to speak, Chen Fei looked at Yao Yuhan and Zhou Duanwu who came out of the opposing team and proactively said: "It should be directed at me, I will deal with it!"

Li Xucheng nodded and let his subordinates retreat.

Then, Chen Fei stepped out to meet Yao Yuhan and Zhou Duanwu.

At this moment, the two of them didn't have the sullen temperament of a few days ago, and they looked vigorous and looked at Chen Fei with their heads held up.

"Chen, I didn't expect to meet again here?"

Yao Yuhan said with a provocative tone.

Chen Fei's expression was cold and coldly said, "What do you want to do?"

Zhou Duanwu said solemnly: "Chen Fei, today we are not here in the name of our family.

Instead, he came as the Tianzhu Gang to help the public. "

"We helped the lord to say that we want to set up a camp and let you move a position."

"Move a position?"

Chen Fei raised his eyebrows and glanced at the head of the Tianzhu gang behind them. He was a man in his forties and fifties with a brown-skinned man.

"Choose us to do it, are you instigating it?"

Chen Fei looked at the two.

Zhou Duanwu's brows trembled lightly, but there was no response.

And Yao Yuhan said solemnly: "No, so what?

Now, the question lies in front of you. Either you get out or give up your position.

You choose! "

Chen Fei was silent for a while.

Zhou Duanwu sighed at this moment and pretended to be a good person, "Of course, for the sake of getting to know each other, we can help you intercede and let us help the Lord not do it to you."

"However, there is a price to be paid for pleading."

"We don't have many requests. We will return the family property of our two families in your hand.

In this case, we can persuade our helper not to do anything to you. "

"Return the family property!"

Hearing this, Chen Fei smiled, finally knowing the real purpose of the two people in front of him.

"why are you laughing?"

Yao Yuhan said solemnly, "Our patience is limited.

This is your last chance, otherwise, we—"It's just that, before they finish speaking, Chen Fei slapped Yao Yuhan's face with a backhand and knocked him to the ground.

"You, did you dare to do it, do you know that we are members of the Tianzhu Gang now, you are so bold—" Zhou Duanwu was shocked, and then shouted.

Chen Fei's expression became cold and he shouted, "Do you want me to do it too?"

Zhou Duanwu didn't dare to say much at once, and quickly pulled Yao Yuhan back to the Tianzhu gang.

The two reached the ear of the gang leader and muttered for a while.

The head of the Tianzhu gang, his complexion instantly sank, glanced at Chen Fei, then gave a cold snort and waved his hand.

In an instant, four gangs of Tianzhu gang rushed out, one by one, holding a long golden axe in a fierce manner, and surrounded Chen Fei.

"Mr. Chen!"

When Li Xucheng saw this, he immediately said.

Chen Fei smiled faintly, then turned around and said: "Don't bother General Li to take action, I'm enough alone."

Then, Chen Fei looked at the four people who surrounded him and said, "What do you mean?"

The person in front of him was full of seriousness, staring at Chen Fei, and said solemnly: "You dare to help my Tianzhu help, you have to pay a price!"


What's the price? "

Chen Fei asked.

"Give up your territory, then you kowtow to apologize, and finally abolish your dantian, and you can stop."

The other side gritted his teeth.

"Knock your head to apologize and destroy your dantian! This is pretty good!"

Chen Fei squinted.

"If it's good, then hurry up and kneel down!"

The other party shouted.

Chen Fei shook his head and said with a smile: "I said it's good, I mean it's good for you."

"what did you say!"

The opposite has changed drastically.

But at this moment, Chen Fei started his hand, sticking out his right arm, and slammed his palm down from the sky.

"court death!"

The other party was furious, and immediately activated the vitality aura, ready to fight back.

But Chen Fei's palm had already fallen, and he slammed it down.

With a huge force, he immediately slapped his legs and fell to his knees, his forehead slammed on the ground with a loud noise.

Then, Chen Fei lightly tapped the tip of his left finger, and shot into the opponent's Dantian with vigor.

Kowtowing an apology and abolish Dantian! What the other party said just now was all returned to him by Chen Fei at this moment.

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