
Chapter 2528: ?Vulcan Agni

The remaining three people were shocked when they saw their companions being scrapped, and they were furious and attacked Chen Fei together.

However, before the three of them took action, Chen Fei shot one after another.

"Bang, bang, bang!"

"Slap, slap, slap!"

With three beeps, the three of them were beaten to the ground by Chen Fei one after another, and then Dantian was dethroned and fell to the same end with their companions.

The four members of Tianzhu's gang were disbanded in an instant, fell to the ground, clutching their abdomen, and howled in pain.

Such a movement naturally attracted the attention of other forces. Almost all the eyes of the people present turned towards this side.

Some people give pointers and talk more.

Someone looked at Chen Fei curiously, and seemed to be discussing what he was coming from.

Under such circumstances, in the Tianzhu Gang, the gang leader's complexion was obviously darkened, with a gloomy expression on his face, he stared at Chen Fei fiercely.

Then, he took off the golden robe draped on his body and walked towards Chen Fei.

Facing the leader of the Tianzhu Gang, Chen Fei did not flinch, his face was as usual, and he looked straight at the opponent.

"Either surrender or die!"

The leader of the Tianzhu gang came to Chen Fei and directly spoke harshly, with a very majestic tone and an oppressive momentum.

Chen Fei squinted slightly, looked at the other person, and said, "There are many people who want me to die, but the result is that I am still alive and they are the ones who die."

"You--" Tianzhu Gang's face sank, his anger surged, and his aura became stronger and stronger.

Around him, the woods seemed to be shocked, and there was a frantic commotion.

At the same time, a layer of golden light bloomed on the main body of the Tianzhu Gang, like a round of the sun, which is scorching eyes.

Upon seeing this, some people from other forces quickly activated the True Essence Shield, and some retreated again and again, worrying that the aftermath of the battle would affect them.

Of course, while protecting themselves, they also started to talk about the two of them, guessing who wins and who loses.

The Lion Hall represented by He Yu, as the largest force on the scene, naturally attracted the attention of many people.

He Yu looked like it had nothing to do with him, but suddenly, a subordinate brought Yao Yuhan to He Yu's side and said something in a low voice.

After listening, He Yu's face changed.

The subordinates whispered: "Elder He, Deputy Hall Master Zhao Zhi was abolished by that kid's Dantian. Before, he rioted in our Lion Hall and wounded Elder Huang.

Now, he is mingling with Li Xucheng again.

He is the enemy of our Lion Hall. Should we do it now and take the opportunity to kill him! "

He Yu looked at Chen Fei, squinted his eyes for a while, and after a few seconds, he finally said, "It's not in a hurry.

Check it out! "

"Yes—" The subordinate was a little puzzled.

He Yu said: "Needless to say, I have my own arrangements."


His subordinates stepped back and took away Yao Yuhan, who was disappointed.

In the other direction, among Renee Walton, Anita put her hands on her chest, looking straight at Chen Fei, with a worried look on her face.

Upon seeing this, Renee said, "Are you worried about your friend?"

Anita hurriedly lowered her head and shook her head slightly and said, "No, I'm just not used to this kind of occasion, and I'm a little nervous."

"is it?"

Renee said lightly, "However, you are my fiancee, and I am the angel knight of the temple.

You will experience more of this kind of thing in the future.

From now on, get used to it slowly! "


Anita hesitated slightly, then nodded and said yes.

Renee squeezed Anita's chin, forced her to raise her head, and said at the same time: "Since I agree, look good.

I will explain to you. "

"Uh-uh -" Anita didn't dare to struggle, she could only let Rennie push her around.

A triumphant and cruel expression flashed across Renee's face, and he said, "I'll introduce them to you first!"

"Your friend, you are more familiar with it, so I won't say more."

"Let me tell you about the leader of the Tianzhu Gang.

His name is Agni. Agni was originally the **** of fire in Vedicism and a very powerful deity. "

"He was not originally called by this name, but ten years ago, on the edge of a volcano, he realized his first martial arts and mastered the ability to control fire with one hand.

Later, he changed his name to Agni, calling himself Vulcan, and defeated dozens of well-known masters.

Over the past ten years, more than sixteen heavenly masters have died in his hands. "

"In recent years, I heard that he has been searching for volcanoes all over the world, feeling the penance of self-cultivation and improving his strength.

After several years of painstaking practice, the amount of fire that he felt was at least more than five hundred. "

"Some people even say that he and the lord of the Lions Hall, He Linyuan, are no different.

Although the truth is not known, one thing is certain.

This Agni is a demigod who is not easy to provoke. "

Listening to Rennie's words, Anita's face turned pale, her clenched hands trembled, and the worry on her face became more and more intense.


Upon seeing this, Renee asked with a smug smile on the corner of his mouth.

Anita endured the worry in her heart, nodded gently, and said: "I, I understand."

"is it?

Then tell me, what do you understand? "

Renee continued to ask.

Anita bit her lip and said, "I, I understand, that Agni is very powerful and strong."

"Yes, what else?"

Renee continued to ask.

A look of intolerance flashed in Anita's eyes, biting her lip, unwilling to speak.

Upon seeing this, Renee snorted coldly: "I don't know?

It seems that I haven't spoken thoroughly enough, so I have to elaborate more. "

"No, no need!"

Anita showed a touch of pain, and then said, "Also, in this competition, Agni is very likely to win and Chen Fei will lose."

"Not very likely, but almost 100%!"

Renee smiled, "However, that kid is considered a bit of strength. I don't know how long he can support Ajini. Can the ten tricks work?"

"I, I don't know!"

Anita shook her head and whispered.

Renee squinted his eyes and said: "I don't know, then look carefully and study hard."

At this moment, Anita is already full of tears.

But at this moment, looking at the rising momentum of Agni, Chen Fei showed a faint smile at the corner of his mouth, and even shook his head gently, "Is it the fire?

Unexpectedly, it was such a coincidence, I realized that the strongest martial intent is also the fire intent. "

"It looks good, but the intensity seems to be a little weak! There are only about five hundred and fifty martial arts, which is not enough!"

Chen Fei said to himself in his heart.

After all, he didn't say it himself, who had realized nearly 20,000 martial arts.

On Forbidden Island, Chen Fei encountered many geniuses and masters with hundreds of martial arts and thousands of martial arts.

This Agni's five hundred and fifty martial arts can be considered very good.

But compared with the people in Taboo Island, it is completely inadequate.

Therefore, Chen Fei was not surprised at all.

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