
Chapter 261: Lisa Arrives

.., Rejuvenation

Chapter 261-Lisa Arrives

"Of course, the account you just registered? Does the nickname sound good? It's just that the avatar is a bit ugly, wife, or let's take a beautiful picture together and I will use it as the avatar." Chen Fei smiled.

Lin Qiuhan felt that his head was about to explode, and said speechlessly: "Chen Fei, I know you used the radical method. But the bet is too big, use the whole health wine factory to bet. You know, that Lisa's The taste has always been very tricky. She has criticized the dishes and drinks of many well-known hotels. Moreover, she is not necessarily adapted to the oriental taste of health wine."

Chen Fei believed, "Don't worry, my wife. The health-preserving wine will definitely conquer her."

Lin Qiuhan also wanted to persuade Chen Fei a few words, at this moment, Chen Fei's mobile phone rang a reminder. Chen Fei took a look, and suddenly smiled: "My wife, look, I said that guy will respond!"

Seeing Chen Fei’s challenge on Weibo, the gourmet Lisa was furious and quickly replied, “It’s just an aggressive method of grandstanding! Don’t use this kind of clumsy trick. I won’t be fooled.”

"That said, you dare not come!" Chen Fei immediately used Fei Ge's Weibo account to go back.

Lisa immediately responded, "Don't dare? Haha, a joke, I don't bother!" This guy's Zhongwen is quite sleek, and even the form of **** network is mastered.

Chen Fei continued to respond: "Speaking of speaking, I still dare not!"

This may have annoyed Lisa. After a while, she came back with a message, "You are the navy hired by the Autumn Group. Such an unreasonable entanglement, you are boring and not boring. Even if I agree to your challenge, Can you take charge of the health wine company? Do you have the right to be responsible for shutting down the factory?"

Chen Fei immediately replied: "Of course I have the right! I am the general manager of the health wine company."

"General manager! A navy, it's tiring to act like this, right?" Lisa immediately responded, obviously not believing the identity of this "Feige".

Chen Fei wanted to prove himself, and then turned his gaze and fell on his wife Lin Qiuhan. His eyes lit up, and he moved to his wife's side and snapped a shot of the two.

"What are you doing?" The wife was a little surprised and puzzled.

And here, Chen Fei has sent a private photo of the two of them to Lisa, saying: "Did you see the photo with the president of Qiuqiu Group. In this way, my identity will not be fake!"

After this message, several minutes passed before Lisa responded to Chen Fei's message. It looks like it should be to check whether Chen Fei's photo is real.

At this time, after confirming the authenticity of the information, Lisa sent a message again, "Are you really going to make this bet with me?"

"Of course, why, don't you dare?" Chen Fei replied.

Lisa immediately replied: "Since you are so arrogant, then I don't mind letting your false hype and deceptive businesses shut down. I promise your challenge. Time is up to you!"

Chen Fei said, "You can do it anytime. If you can arrive now, you can start right away."

"Okay, then I will arrive at your factory at three o'clock this afternoon. Note that I will bring relevant reporters to record the scene." Lisa responded.

"Yes, we are ready at any time." Chen Fei replied, and then he didn't continue to rip.

Seeing Chen Fei's confident expression, Lin Qiuhan stopped worrying about anything, and arranged for the people below to do the preparatory work.

Soon, at three o'clock in the afternoon, Chen Fei came to the health wine production workshop to wait early.

At about three ten ten, Lin Qiuhan walked in with a foreign woman, who should be the gourmet Lisa.

Lisa was about 27 or 18 years old, with short brown hair, healthy wheatish skin, slender legs, but powerful, and she was carrying a huge travel bag behind her back. At first glance, she is the kind of person who has been away all year round, and it is quite consistent with her identity as a gourmet.

Behind Lisa, followed by a man holding a camera, it should be the on-site reporter Lisa invited.

"Miss Lisa, hello!" Chen Fei stepped forward to greet her politely.

But Lisa obviously didn't wait to see him very much, turned her face, and said displeasure: "Manager Chen, if there is no problem, just start!"

Chen Fei knew that it was his words and tone on Weibo that made Lisa prejudice herself, so she explained with a smile: "Miss Lisa, before the game officially starts. I have to apologize to you first. The confidence that I posted on Weibo before, the language may be a bit too extreme, please forgive Miss Lisa."

Lisa was a little surprised by Chen Fei's apology, and her eyes looked better at him. But still coldly said: "Manager Chen, even if you apologize to me now, I will never lower my standards. I hope you can understand this."

"That's natural! Everyone recognizes Miss Lisa's professionalism." Chen Fei smiled.

"However, before the start of the gambling, I have something to explain to Miss Lisa. Our health wine is absolutely non-existent but hyped. I don't know why Lisa has such a view of our health wine company?" Chen Fei said.

Lisa couldn't help frowning when she heard this, and said coldly: "Your health wine company deliberately clings to the Kele Company, and publishes the news that Kele Company wants to acquire you. Isn't this a malicious hype based on the reputation of Kele Company? ?"

Chen Fei's tone became cold when he heard the words, and solemnly said: "Kole Company does have an idea to acquire our health wine company. However, the relevant negotiations have long been rejected by our company. So it is absolutely impossible to use Kole Company's hype? "

"Kele Company offered to buy you?" Lisa frowned in disbelief and looked at Chen Feida.

Chen Fei said, "If Ms. Lisa doesn't believe it. You can ask about Claude's news. He is a member of the Claude family of Kele Company. He is the one who negotiates the purchase of health wine."

"Claude!" Lisa frowned further at the moment, and said in surprise, "I learned from Claude that your health wine company used the Kele company to hype. And he didn't mention it to me at the time. A sentence related to the purchase of a health wine company."

"What?" Chen Fei and Lin Qiuhan couldn't help being surprised when they heard the words, and then they looked at each other and frowned.

"Why, is there any problem?" Lisa put her hands on her chest and said.

Chen Fei immediately replied: "I don't know what Miss Lisa heard from Claude. But one thing I can guarantee is that our health wine is definitely not meant to be hyped."

Lisa didn't speak, but curled her lips, obviously Xinzhong didn't believe in Chen Fei's guarantee. 【】

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