
Chapter 2726: ?Practice magic

Such a scene made Selena's face full of doubts, "Mr. Chen, what happened here?

How could the cardinal--" Chen Fei said lightly: "Moss and the others, I killed them.

Therefore, he dare not listen to me. "

"Ah, what!"

Selena was taken aback, her face stunned.

Chen Fei then told the story slowly.

After listening to Selena, there was a moment of silence, her mouth moved, she wanted to say something, but in the end, she couldn't say anything.

At this time, Chen Fei had already brought Selena to the bathroom.

Without stopping, Chen Fei walked directly into the bathroom.

Selena suddenly flushed, lowered her head and said shyly: "Next, I can do it myself."

"Is it really possible?"

Chen Fei asked with concern.

"But—" Selena was about to nod, but the movement pulled the wound, and she couldn't help but let out a painful cry.

Upon seeing this, Chen Fei said, "You are seriously injured, let me help you."

"Yes, but—" Selena's face was blushing.

At this time, Chen Fei waved his hand gently and closed the bathroom door.

………After half an hour, Chen Fei walked out with Selena who had changed her clothes.

Not only was the stains on the body washed away, but even some of the lighter wounds quickly recovered under Chen Fei's treatment with Mu Yi.

At this moment, Selena has restored her previous holy and exquisite beauty.

Even, because of the blush, Selena's face still has a touch of sunset-like red, which is intoxicating.

"Are you ready?"

Chen Fei took Selena's hand and asked softly.

Selena nodded, her eyes firm, "Ready.

I will tell you all the truth I know. "

Then, the two went out together.

Outside the church, except for the reporters and passersby who were onlookers at the beginning.

More people who had received the news rushed over and surrounded the sanctuary.

In the hustle and bustle, when everyone saw Chen Fei and Selena walk out together, they couldn't help but quiet down.

Then, there was a bang, and the silence turned into noisy in an instant, and countless questions rushed toward the two of them.

Upon seeing this, Chen Fei gave a soft drink, an invisible sound surging out, directly suppressing the noisy scene.

Afterwards, Chen Fei's complexion condensed, and he said in a deep voice: "I said at the press conference before that my witness is Saint Selena.

Now that Saint Selena is here, she will explain to everyone what happened that day! "

After speaking, Chen Fei nodded to Selena and cast an encouraging look.

Selena nodded slightly, then took a gentle step, and said leisurely: "That day, Princess Irene's celebration banquet was held, and Mr. Chen..." The whole thing was basically exactly the same as Chen Fei said.

Moreover, next, Selena exposed her experience during this time.

Since Chen Fei was wanted by the temple and the royal family, he escaped from the Shadow Kingdom.

Selena was taken back by the church. Archbishop Moss asked her to appear in public, accusing Chen Fei of assaulting her, but Selena refused.

So, Archbishop Moss locked Selena up and tortured her constantly, trying to force her to accuse Chen Fei.

As a result, Selena has always insisted on not letting go, and even, in the process, discovered a big secret.

That is, in the sanctuary, Archbishop Moss, who is second only to Lord Lord, actually practiced magic skills secretly.

If you say that Selena's testimony above, they are all expected.

After all, she has come out with Chen Fei, who knows if she has been deceived and controlled by Chen Fei.

Therefore, many people still have the attitude of believing in the words before.

But in the end, Selena accused Archbishop Moss of practicing magic, which was a big deal.

You know, the temple has always claimed to be righteous and orthodox, and it is the representative of the gods in the world.

They attribute all those who do not believe in them to heretics.

Of course, because the temple is basically only influential in Europe, there are many heretics in the mouth of the temple.

For example, before calling Chen Fei a heresy.

Under normal circumstances, the temple may disdain this kind of heresy in its heart, or it may be negligent in its attitude.

But there is not much difference.

And among the heretics in their mouths, there are also a group of extreme existences called demons.

For example, the blood ancestors, werewolves, snake monsters, and water monsters in ancient European legends. These demons are the most hostile enemies of the temple.

And the exercises practiced by these demons are called magic exercises.

In order to suppress the devil and prevent the devil from causing disaster, the sanctuary has forbidden human beings to practice magic power thousands of years ago.

Even as long as they come into contact with magic power, they will be punished with capital punishment.

It can be said that the temple and the devil are completely opposite.

So, now Selena accuses Moss, the archbishop of the temple, of practicing magic.

This is absolutely shocking news, which is even more shocking than Chen Fei's direct killing of hundreds of people in the temple.

It can be said that this is to shake the spiritual dominance of the temple in the shadow of the kingdom and even in the hearts of Europeans.

For a time, the news spread out like an explosion in an instant, causing countless heated discussions.

"Impossible, it is absolutely impossible, I don't believe this lie!"

"Selena and Chen Fei are very close. I think she is completely controlled and she is telling lies!"

"It must be fake. The temple and the devil have fought against each other for nearly a thousand years. They are enemies of life and death.

Archbishop Moss, how could it be possible to practice magic. "

"Then Chen Fei is too vicious.

Not only killing people, but also destroying the reputation of the temple. "

"Archbishop Moss was defeated, at best he was inferior to others.

But to slander him for practicing magic skills is to pour dirty water naked. "

……… The crowd on the Internet is very exciting. It can be said that the vast majority of people don’t believe what Selena said.

Chen Fei didn't explain much about this. After Selena finished speaking, he took Selena's hand and looked in the direction of the palace, and said, "It's time to go to the next place."

After speaking, Chen Fei took Selena, squeaked, and broke through the air.

Below, a group of onlookers were immediately surprised.

"Leaving again, what are you going to do?"

"Didn't you hear me? Then Chen Fei said he was going to the next place."

"Where is the next one?"

"Then need to say, it must be the palace! Haven't you heard him say it before?

The little princess Irene was possessed by a demon. He must be looking for Irene now! "

"He is so courageous, he just broke into the temple, and then he wants to break into the palace, does he want to die?"

"With the lessons just now, it's really impossible to know who will live and die now."

"Hurry up, this is definitely big news, you can't miss it."

………For a time, the crowd below began to surging, rushing towards the palace.

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