
Chapter 2727: ?The palace meets the enemy

At this moment, in the palace.

The queen looked at the guard who was kneeling down and reported the matter, her face sank.

The queen, who has always disliked her appearance, slapped a palm on the exquisite armrest of the seat, and shouted angrily: "This Chen Fei is too arrogant.

Under all eyes, they dared to destroy the sanctuary and dared to break into my palace. "

"Call up people immediately to prevent him from entering my palace.

Otherwise, our shadow of the royal family will become a joke of the whole world. "

The queen shouted angrily.


The guard responded and stepped back.

Then, the ministers around him leaned forward and helped the queen up.

"Moyes, you say, can we stop Chen Fei?"

Without the other people, the queen's face did not have the expression of indignation and passion just now, but there was a touch of worry and sorrow.

Moyes paused slightly, thought for a while, and said, "Queen, there is no problem with the royal guard."

"Moyes, it's this time, are you still unwilling to tell the truth?"

The queen looked at Moyes with a solemn expression, "Gerante is defeated.

Even the entire sanctuary was defeated by the Huaxia boy.

With the power of the royal guard, I think it's hard to resist Chen Fei! "

Moyes opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but when the words reached his mouth, he couldn't say it. He could only sigh softly and said, "Queen, nothing will happen."


The queen sighed, waved her hand and said, "Retreat!"

Moyes stepped back. The queen looked at the distant sky and was silent for more than ten seconds. Finally, she gave a long sigh, picked up her phone, and whispered quietly: "It seems that I can only agree to their request."

After speaking, the queen made a call.

At the same time, in the mansion of the little princess Irene on the side of the palace, Irene, who is as exquisite and beautiful as an elf, is lying in the bathtub under the service of a servant.

The little princess hummed a cheerful song softly, and asked the maids around her to help scrub her soft skin.

Outside, an anxious subordinate was pacing.

Finally, Irene finished taking a bath, changed into a white dress, and walked out of the bathroom.

He immediately greeted him, half-kneeled on the ground, and said: "Report the princess, the big thing is not good!"

"What's the matter, so flustered?"

Irene said lightly.

The subordinates said anxiously: "Princess, Chen Fei, the Chinese criminal, came to Wudu.

Just now, he almost completely destroyed the temple.

Now, he is taking the saint Selena, rushing to our side. "

"Is it finally here?"

Irene glanced at the corner of her mouth, revealing a weird smile that didn't fit her age.

However, the smile flashed quickly.

Irene looked at her men and said in no hurry: "Come on, then let the guard prepare to meet the enemy.

Does this still need me to teach? "

"But, princess, the criminal Chen Fei is strong.

Our guards, I'm afraid they can't stop him.

For your safety, please transfer as soon as possible! "

The subordinate hurriedly said.

Irene shook her head and smiled and said: "I am a dignified royal princess. Facing the enemy, turning around and fleeing, how proper is this."

"Princess, but—" the subordinate still wanted to persuade.

But Irene waved her hand to interrupt him, and said coldly: "Needless to say, I have decided.

Do your best to meet the enemy! "


The subordinates can only say yes, and then go down and get ready to go.

At this time, the little princess Irene raised her head to look in the direction of the temple, her eyes pure and like the sea, a flash of scarlet color, the corners of her mouth lightly raised, and she whispered to herself: "Last time, you let me Abolished a clone.

Unexpectedly, this time you delivered it yourself. "

"If that's the case, then I'm not welcome."

………Chen Fei took Selena to the front of Princess Irene’s residence.

Looking at the luxurious and glorious palace not far away, Selena became inexplicably nervous, and couldn't help but look at Chen Fei, "Chen Fei, we--" Chen Fei shook Selena's hand slightly and face. With a confident smile, he said, "Don't worry, I am here."

Selena nodded seriously and looked at Chen Fei, "I believe you."

Chen Fei smiled, then lightly shot a ray of light, covering Selena, and then, with a movement, rushed towards Princess Irene's residence.

Seeing Chen Fei rushing over, the mansion guard suddenly became nervous.

"This is Princess Irene's residence. Stop right away, otherwise you don't want to kill you."

Chen Fei ignored the yelling of these guards at all, waved his hand lightly, and a beam of light bombarded the guards back.

Then, Chen Fei stood in the sky directly in front of the palace, and said loudly: "I'm here, don't you dare to dedicate yourself?"

Following Chen Fei's voice, a delicate little girl who looked like an elf walked out of the palace.

She wore a simple white dress, slightly moist long hair draped behind her head, and her eyes were pure and deep, with blue eyes like the sea.

Countless onlookers, when they saw the little princess Irene, seemed to feel their heart stopped.

"Is this the little princess Irene?

So beautiful. "

"I just heard that the little princess is beautiful, but now it's not a lie!"

"Such a beautiful and pure little princess.

How could it be evil, then Chen Fei was lying completely. "

"Protect the little princess, and don't let Chen Fei hurt the little princess."

... "Big brother, are you here again?"

Irene, who came out, looked at Chen Fei in the air, as if she did not notice Chen Fei's killing intent.

The corners of his mouth raised, revealing a sweet smile, blinked his big beautiful eyes, and said.

This shout immediately dazzled countless onlookers.

But at this moment, Chen Fei, with a rock-like heart and motionless, coldly looked at the little girl in front of him, but the scarlet shadow that night appeared in his mind.

With an icy expression, Chen Fei looked at Irene and said, "It's all about this time. Do you want to pretend to be in front of me?"

"Did you get out by yourself, or did you want me to punch you out?"

Chen Fei said coldly.

Irene looked pitiful and said: "Big brother, I don't understand what you are talking about."


With a cold snort, Chen Fei stopped talking nonsense, and left directly and rushed towards Irene.

"Protect the little princess!"

Irene's bodyguard moved instantly.

More than 20 elite warriors rushed towards Chen Fei from all directions.

For these warriors, Chen Fei didn't even look at it more, and sternly shouted: "Get out!"

A sound wave directly impacted, and directly impacted more than 20 elite warriors who were not yet close, and fell to the ground, wailing.

In this scene, many people were surprised and worried.

"No way, Princess Irene's guard, so weak?"

"What does the royal family eat?

I know the little princess is in danger, so I don't send a master over! "

"It's not that they are weak, but that Chen Fei is too strong! Unexpectedly, did he even destroy the temple?"


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