
Chapter 2728: ? Lord Lord

Amidst the discussion, Chen Fei resolved the guards and continued to march towards Irene.

At this time, another loud shout sounded, and a team wearing golden armor roared and attacked Chen Fei.

Many people recognized the uniforms on them.

This group of people is the queen's guard, arguably the elite guard of the shadow royal family.

There are less than twenty people, but every one of them is a heavenly master, and they are very skilled in cooperation. Coupled with the carefully crafted armor and weapons, they can be said to be infinitely powerful.

"Kill that Huaxia kid!"

"Protect Princess Irene."

Amid the roar, the Queen's Guard attacked fiercely and aggressively.

Chen Fei squinted slightly and snorted, and a burst of vigor from his right hand formed a scarlet flame sword between his fingers. Its figure was like electricity, and it turned into a phantom directly and rushed into the Queen's Guards.

"Shoo, hoo, hoo!"

The crimson light, like a horse, quickly shuttled through the Queen's Guard, and then returned to the air.

Then, the imposing Queen's Guards just now all fell in a pool of blood and lost their combat effectiveness.

And Chen Fei in the air, holding a scarlet flame sword, his face was cold, and there was no trace of injury at all.

Such a scene made many onlookers cry out in shock and despair.

"This, is this true?

Are the Queen's Guards so vulnerable? "

"How to do this?

Could it be that the little princess will be brutally murdered. "

"Where are the martial arts masters of our Shadow Nation? The enemy has entered, and we still have to fight against the enemy!"

"It's over, everything is over."

………Shocks, roars, and sighs, intertwined, made the scene extremely enthusiastic.

Chen Fei was condescending, looking at Irene who was standing on the balcony, with the scarlet sword in his hand, pointed it, and said coldly: "It's your turn."

Irene, who had been smiling all the time, couldn't help but sink a little at this moment, and said leisurely, "I have no grievances or grudges against you, so why bother!"

"No grievances and no enmity?"

Chen Fei gave a cold snort.

Then he said: "Slander my reputation, design a medicine to stun me, try to destroy my soul and occupy my body.

Isn't this a grudge? "

"Hey—" Irene shook her head and let out a long sigh that looked like an old man who had lived a thousand years old.

Then, she raised her head sharply, her eyes showed a scarlet, and she said solemnly: "If this is the case, then, I have to fight."

"Do it!"

The flame above Chen Fei's sword burned more intensely.

At this moment, Princess Irene, with scarlet eyes, looked into the distance and said in a deep voice: "It's your turn, let's do it!"

"Uh-" These words made Chen Fei and many people on the scene startled for a while.

Then, a brilliant golden light blasted from the sky.

The light shines like a round of the sun, with a warm and holy light, quickly approaching.

"This, this is—" "This breath, this is the people of the temple."

"This kind of momentum, this kind of strength.

Could it be that the Lord Lord left the customs? "

The figure approached, and a gray-haired old man wearing a golden robe, holding a scepter, appeared above the mansion.

Seeing this person clearly, many people on the scene suddenly exclaimed.

"That, that is really Lord Lord."

"Holy Lord has left the customs, but he hasn't left the customs for many years."

"is this real?

Lord Saint actually shot. "

[Yoyou Reading] "Princess Irene is saved, Lord Lord will win."

………For a time, the scene was full of noise, and countless people from the Shadow Kingdom who sighed disappointed just now, waving their arms with excitement on their faces, screamed fiercely.

At this time, Chen Fei squinted slightly, looked at the golden figure on the opposite side, and said: "Are you the Holy Lord of the temple?"

The holy lord was expressionless, looked at Chen Fei, and said: "Devil, you destroy my temple, kill my temple disciples.

Now, do you still want to infringe the little princess? "

"Devil! Haha, is that what you say?"

Chen Fei smiled, then his face sank, the scarlet sword pointed at the holy lord, and said sharply, "If this is the case, then don't talk nonsense, do it!"


The holy lord didn't say much, a lightly touch of the scepter in his hand, a golden light burst directly at Chen Fei.

Chen Fei struck out with a sword, the scarlet flame sword, directly splitting the golden light.

Then, the long sword kept moving, like a long red dragon, strangling directly to the holy master.

"Shoo, hoo, hoo!"

The holy master held the scepter in his hand, and his speed also increased, continuously emitting golden rays of light, colliding and bombarding with Chen Fei's scarlet long sword.

The speed of the two is getting faster and faster, golden light and red streamer, constantly bursting out in the air, colliding, bombarding, splashing out a bunch of gorgeous and dangerous flowers.

The whole space, blasting sound, vigorous impact sound, rumbling continuously.

At this moment, the surrounding buildings, trees, cars and other things were trembling constantly by the radiating energy, and even shattered directly.

Princess Irene's residence was also shaken slightly.

The sky that was originally clear also seemed to become gloomy at this moment.


After a violent loud noise burst, the red streamer and the golden light separated, and Chen Fei and the Holy Master stood opposite each other, looking at each other with cold eyes, expressionless.

It seems that in the fight just now, the two are evenly divided.

However, at this moment, Chen Fei, with a faint smile on his mouth, said to the Holy Master: "Seven thousand three hundred martial arts, if only this kind of strength?

Then you'd better catch it! "

"You--" The holy master's expression changed slightly, as if he didn't expect Chen Fei to see his cultivation strength at a glance.

However, he immediately sank, and said coldly: "If you speak arrogant words, it is especially unknown who wins and who loses."

After finishing speaking, the aura of the Holy Master suddenly exploded, the offensive suddenly accelerated, and he violently rushed towards Chen Fei.

Upon seeing this, Chen Fei snorted coldly, "If you don't see the coffin, you won't cry!"

In an instant, the flame sword in Chen Fei's hand suddenly surged, igniting a crimson curtain of fire, and swept away toward the chairman.

"Huh, boom, bang!"

The two fought together again.

However, this time, there were constant screams and blood splashing out.


A terrible scream sounded, a figure withdrew from the battle group, and a splash of blood spattered out at the same time.

Everyone took a closer look and found that the figure who had withdrew turned out to be Lord Lord.

At this moment, the golden robe on the Lord Lord's body was completely cut out of shape, and there were several **** wounds on the chest, which was shocking to see.

Lord Sage's face turned pale, and the hand holding the scepter trembles.

"Holy Lord, is it going to be defeated?"

"No, that's the Lord Lord, how can you lose?"

"Impossible, I don't believe it."


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