
Chapter 2773: ?Dog bites the dog

However, with a "boom", Chen Fei's fist hit Man Ji.

The terrifying force directly blasted Manji's sturdy body. The body was like a cannonball. It plunged into the ice layer of the ice tunnel. The whole person was embedded in it. The last breath of life was eliminated by the cold in the ice layer and turned into a statue. Icy ice sculptures.


When Kyle and Rotten Tooth heard the noise, they turned their heads and found the corpse of Manji in the ice, with an angry look on their faces.

However, this anger did not last long, and it quickly turned into a greater fear, which quickly came to my heart.


Chen Fei's voice like a **** of death sounded behind the two.

The expressions of the two changed greatly, their expressions were terrified, and they rushed desperately to speed up.

Rotten Teeth was stronger than Kyle, and under the rush, he surpassed Kyle at a speed.

"Rotten teeth, how dare you—" Kyle's expression changed when he saw this, and then he showed a fierce look.

He stared at the rotten tooth ahead of him, condensing the true essence with his right hand, and quickly blasted a burst of energy to the back of the rotten tooth.

Rotten Teeth never thought that Kyle would sneak attack him behind his back. After suffering this, his body lost his balance and fell to the ground with a bang.

He looked at Kyle who was beyond him with an incredible expression on his face, "Master Kyle, what are you—" Kyle gritted his teeth with an angry and cruel face, "Remember, you are my Kyle's. A dog.

The dog must be conscious of the master desperately, and you want to leave me behind and run for your life alone, then **** it. "

"I didn't—" Rotten Tooth wanted to defend himself.

But at this moment, Chen Fei caught up.

Originally, Chen Fei was still thinking about how to solve the rotten tooth with his hands, but he didn't expect that the two of them would start fighting each other at the critical moment of life and death.

It made Chen Fei less trouble. He didn't have to slow down. A burst of qi from his right hand pierced through the heart of the rotten tooth. Before he could get up, he turned into a cold corpse.

In the end, only Kyle was left.

Feeling the gust of wind behind him keep approaching, like a sickle of death, with a cold chill, it is about to stick to Kyle's throat.

Kyle was terrified.

"no, do not want!"

"Is my dignified Master Kyle, am I going to die here today?"

"No, I am Victor Kyle's son. I am a member of the Illuminati. I cannot die here."

"call out!"

Behind him, a scorching Qi Jin, with the sound of howling wind, came quickly, like a sharp sword.

Kyle turned his head and saw that it was a scorching flame.

"Do not!"

Kyle gritted his teeth and aroused all the vitality of his body, and rushed for his life.

When he was about to despair, suddenly, the three figures in front appeared in front of Kyle.

It was the men that Kyle had sent out just now, as well as the Bulvo and Tutakamon he had called.

"help me!"

Upon seeing this, Kyle was overjoyed and hurriedly shouted.

"Master Kyle, what's going on—" the two couldn't help asking loudly when they saw this.

But before they finished asking, they saw Chen Fei chasing after him.

"You kid--" Tutakamon saw Chen Fei, his face sank, his face was angry, and he wanted to shoot.

After all, he and Chen Fei had fought each other once in the Frozen Building before, but Chen Fei was repulsed.

He was very angry, and he was just about to fight back, but then the shopkeeper Luo appeared, so that they didn't fight.

Therefore, Tutakamon has always held a grudge, and wanted to teach Chen Fei a lesson.

After all, he is a Pharaoh of the Pyramid Organization, a well-known master.

A true quasi-god-level powerhouse who has felt the twelve thousand martial intents.

However, at the moment he was about to take a shot, Bulvo suddenly appeared in horror and said: "Pharaoh, look at the back."

Only then did Tutakamon notice that in the ice road behind Chen Fei, twenty or thirty corpses were stumbling.

"Could it be that these people were all killed by that kid?"

Tutakamon felt a little unbelievable.

At this moment, Kyle continued to scream: "Help me quickly.

That kid killed all my people, he wanted to kill me.

Help—" "What! "

Tutakhamun and Bulvo's complexion changed drastically, revealing a look of horror.

"call out!"

At this time, the flames that Chen Fei bombarded out, with a bang, hit Kyle's heart.

Kyle was originally not strong, and was bombarded by Chen Fei without any chance. He fell to the ground and died suddenly.

When Burvo and Tutakamon saw this, their eyes couldn't help but jumped, and their expressions were shocked.

"You killed Kyle!"

Tutakamon looked at Chen Fei in disbelief.

Buulvo thought of something, turned around quickly, and started running away, "Pharaoh, run away.

We are not that kid's opponent. "

Tutakamon hesitated a bit, but when he saw the scattered corpses in the ice road, he no longer hesitated immediately, turned around and ran wildly, and fled.

Also, only Kyle's subordinate was left standing there blankly, with a face full of bewilderment.


Chen Fei took a blow to deal with this subordinate, and then watched Tutakamon and Bulwo quickly rush into another branch ice path, and quickly moved away.

"Count you guys running away fast."

Thinking that the three of Mojian Villa were still at a distance of 24 kilometers, Chen Fei turned around and returned without pursuing them.

Of course, along the way, Chen Fei did not forget to put away the twelve pieces of cold jade ice that Kyle had just sent out.

In addition, all the good things on these corpses were also searched.

However, most of the people here are paupers and nothing good at all.

Of course, if it were not for the pauper, the dignified quasi-god master would not be Kyle's subordinate.

Of course, Kyle still has a lot of good things in him.

For example, the ice wolf badge his father gave him, as well as a few weapons and some cultivation resources, although not too precious, it is also rich enough for Kyle who has just realized more than 7,000 martial arts.

After putting all these things away, Chen Fei returned to where he was just now.

"Master Chen, you are back!"

"Are you all right, Kyle and the others, escaped?"

"Master Chen, are you not injured?"

Chen Fei looked at the three of them, smiled lightly, and said: "I'm fine, Kyle and them, I killed them."


The three of them all stared at Chen Fei in surprise.

Chen Fei said indifferently: "When Kyle killed someone in the first place, he had to be prepared to be counter-killed."

"Okay, don't talk about me, are you okay!"

"Take a rest, it's much better."

Sister Yu said.

Chen Fei probed the true vitality and checked them, and found that the injuries of the three were not serious, but they were also a little troublesome.

So Chen Fei said, "Sit down, I'll treat you."

"Master Chen, can you still treat illness?"

Junior sister Duan looked surprised.

Chen Fei smiled and said, "Go outside to find out. Apart from being a martial artist, I am also an excellent Chinese medicine doctor!"

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