
Chapter 2774: ?Just separate

While talking, Chen Fei secretly mobilized Mu Yi, injected them into the three of them, and healed them.

The injuries of Han Jing and Junior Sister Duan were not serious, and healed soon.

Only Sister Yu's injury was slightly troublesome, but after a quarter of an hour, under the magical effect of Mu Yi, all were healed.

"After the treatment, how do you feel?"

Chen Fei said.

The three of them stood up, moved their bodies, felt the meridians, and suddenly their faces were surprised.

"Really good, I feel my body is full of vitality."

"It's really more comfortable, even faster than before the injury."

"It's all right, Master Chen, your medical skills are too good."

… Looking at the surprise of the three of them, Chen Fei smiled and said, "Okay, what are your plans next?"

When asked about this, the three of them were silent for a while.

Han Jing and Sister Duan looked at Sister Yu together, obviously waiting for her to make a decision.

Senior Sister Yu was silent for a while, and then said: "I decided to return. This time it is too dangerous.

Had it not been for Master Chen's help, we would have all died. "

"Moreover, with our strength, it is impossible to stay in such a deep place for too long.

Besides, there were gains this time. I didn't go back empty-handed, which was pretty good. "

When talking about the harvest, Senior Sister Duan thought of something and said, "Senior Sister, Senior Brother.

Master Chen rescued us, so let's give it to Master Chen as a gift from all directions! "

"Uh-" stunned.

Han Jing and Senior Sister Yu nodded quickly.

"As it should be, I forgot."

"Master Chen, please accept this cold jade ice from all directions."

Chen Fei looked at the cold jade ice they handed over, did not accept it, but waved his hand with a smile: "No, keep it for yourself."

"Master Chen, this is our intention, you are welcome."

The three said.

Chen Fei smiled and said, "I'm really not polite.

I collect cold jade ice, it's not that difficult.

Keep it for yourself! "

While talking, Chen Fei opened his package.

There is a total of twelve squares of cold jade ice in it, using the remaining half of the mine for the first time.

In addition, the twelve squares of cold jade ice that Kyle had divided out from the search just now.

Twenty-four squares of cold jade ice are dazzling.

"This—" For a while, the three of them were really dumbfounded.

Chen Fei smiled and said, "Han Yubing is not so precious to me.

Besides, I will continue to go deeper next, and there will definitely be more cold jade ice inside. "

"Then, we are embarrassed."

Sister Yu took back Han Yubing, and then solemnly bowed to Chen Fei and thanked him, "Master Chen, we will definitely remember your life-saving grace to us.

If there is any need in the future, we will definitely be willing to hesitate. "

"Will not hesitate!"

Han Jing and Junior Sister Duan bowed together and thanked them.

Chen Fei said, "Well, I took it down.

Let's make the difference, you guys also pay attention to safety. "

"Well, Master Chen, goodbye."

The three waved goodbye.

Waving goodbye to the three of Mojian Villa, Chen Fei sorted out his belongings and explored the surrounding area, but did not find the rest of the cold jade ice, so he moved toward the depths of the ice road and moved on.

………At the same time, a flurry of Tutakamon and Bulwo, noticing that Chen Fei behind them did not catch up, finally stopped, and gasped for breath.

The two glanced at each other, their faces full of horror.

After swallowing his saliva, Bulvo looked at Tutakamon and said: "Pharaoh, then, is that true?

That kid, actually killed Master Kyle and the others twenty or thirty people. "

Tutaka looked serious and said solemnly: "It's true.

We underestimated that kid. "

"Pharaoh, what should we do now?

If the kid chases and kills us, we are not his opponents?

Otherwise, let's quit. "

Bulver spoke with fear on his face.

Tutakamon glared at Bulvo, and said unwillingly: "We just came in and we are now exiting. Han Yubing hasn't gotten a few directions. Are you willing to leave like this?

Besides, even if we leave now, when the kid comes out, we will still get revenge. "

"When the time comes, where will we escape?

Do you think your Headless Valley and the pyramid organization I belong to can stop that guy? "

"This—" Buulvo couldn't respond for a while, "Then what should we do?"

Tutakhamon showed a fierce color on his face, gritted his teeth and said: "Now, there is only one way.

That's - kill that kid. "

"kill him!"

Bulvo was surprised, "But we are not his opponents, how can we kill him?"

Tutakamon said: "We are not his opponents, it does not mean that others are not his opponents.

This place is frozen and desperate. There are not many others, but many masters. "

"Besides, Master Kyle's father, the Elder Victor of the Illuminati, is in the depths.

You said, if he knew that his precious son was killed, how would he react? "

Hearing this, Bulwo's eyes lit up, "You mean, let's go to Victor Kyle, tell him that Kyle was killed, let him take action and kill Chen Fei."

Tutakamon nodded and said, "This is the best choice right now."

Buulvo was still a little worried, "But Victor has been at a depth of about fifty kilometers. At that distance, the chill will be very serious, and there is no good people there.

If we go this way, if we encounter any accidents, I'm afraid--" Tutakamon said: "Chill, we can still resist it if we spend a little more real vitality aura.

As for other things, we should be careful and don't provoke others. There won't be too many problems. "

"But—" Bulvo hesitated.

Tutakamon said in a deep voice: "You don't want to take this risk. Do you really want to leave and be chased by the kid surnamed Chen?"

Hearing this, Bulwo was taken aback, paused, and wanted to pass, nodding firmly with a face: "Of course I don't want to be pursued."

"That's good, kill that kid now, and you will never suffer from future troubles."

Tutakamon said, then smiled again, patted Bulvo on the shoulder, and said, "Also,? Don't you forget.

The promise of the Lord of the Second Palace of Taboo Island Luo has always worked. "

"Kill that kid, when the time comes, the reward of 100,000 Fang Han Yubing will be ours."

Hearing this, Bulvo's eyes lit up.

The last worry in his heart was completely covered by his greed for Han Yubing.

"It's not too late, let's go!"

Tutakamon spoke out.

Immediately, the two, with their faces full of excitement and anticipation, changed their directions, followed the winding and complicated ice path, and moved quickly toward the depths.

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