
Chapter 2782: ? Knife to knife

After speaking, the one-armed right arm shook slightly.

The broken knife in his hand shone a palpitating cold light.

A sharp aura that seemed to originate from the soul, haunting the broken knife and the one-arm body, made the two seem to merge together, producing a wonderful and fearful aura.

After listening to the one-armed narration, Chen Fei's expression was cold, without any fear, and even with a hint of sarcasm, he said, "In the end, it's just an ungrateful villain.

Don't make me look like a lone star of the evil **** that the whole world harms me, it's disgusting. "

"You--" Chen Fei seemed to have hit something, his one-armed expression suddenly sank, his expression terrifying because of his ability.

"I will make you die very painful."

Staring at Chen Fei fiercely with one arm, gritted his teeth.

Chen Fei squinted slightly, his eyes fixed on the other side's broken knife, and said coldly: "The dead person is definitely not me."


With a one-armed stern cry, he slashed out.

One-armed and broken knife.

Regrets and deficiencies, but at this moment there is an inexplicable sense of fit, as if the two are born together.

The broken knife slashed out, and a pale white knife light whizzed out from the broken knife.

There is only one cut, and the speed does not seem to be fast.

But at this moment, Chen Fei felt a numb scalp, and there seemed to be countless tiny silver needles on his skin, piercing desperately.

A feeling of extreme danger rushed to his heart, causing Chen Fei's blood to diverge, his pupils dilated, and a heat flow in his body, and the whole person fell into a feeling of tension and excitement.

At the same time, the branches and leaves that represented the intent of the sword in Chen Fei's core shook lightly.

A sharp knife intent, along the eight channels of the odd meridian, gathered into Chen Fei's right hand.

One handle reached, condensed out.

At the same time, every cell in the flesh and muscles tempered from the Nine Phoenix Nirvana Sutra was squeezed and burst out, stimulating all the power of the body at this instant.

The strength of the muscles converged on the blade of the sword, carrying the sword intent in the core of the pill.

Let Chen Fei's sword light in his right hand slash out towards the front.

Knife to knife! This is Chen Fei's response.

Seeing it with one arm, he was taken aback for a while, and then there was a hint of disdain in his eyes, "Play a knife in front of me! The class door makes an axe."


"call out!"

The one-armed swordsman united, with a confident and fierce aura, with an extremely dangerous aura, and with the killing intent accumulated over the years, he slashed out.

At this moment, Chen Fei's body and sword intent power superimposed on the blade light, with a little bit of light, facing the one-armed blade light, and slashed up.


Two sword lights collided in the ice road.

In an instant, Qi Jin suddenly burst, and an extremely violent Qi Jin suddenly impacted.

The hard ice road actually collapsed directly.

And those two swordsmans are still constantly colliding and impacting, as if two swordsmen are fighting each other desperately, and will never stop if they don't kill their opponents.

The one-armed who wanted to make a decisive victory, felt the power of Chen Fei's knife, and couldn't help but startled slightly, his face showed a look of surprise, "How can the breath of this knife be so fierce?"

However, after a brief surprise, he gritted his teeth with one arm and continued to urge Zhen Yuan, "But, my knife is even better."

"Today, you have to die!"

The two are desperately urging the true vitality aura, and the two knives are still colliding and bombarding.

The collapsing ice cubes and the snow fragments flying around completely enveloped Chen Fei and one-armed, only a vague figure could be seen.

But at this moment, both sides know that the other side is there.

The fight continues.



I don't know how long the collision has been, a slight click suddenly sounded.

An excited smile appeared on the one-armed face, and the corners of his mouth raised, "My knife is still better after all."

"You are defeated!"


With a soft sound, Chen Fei Daomang, who had touched thousands of knives in the ice road, finally couldn't bear the force of the one-armed knife, and a slight crack appeared.

Then, in the subsequent collision, the crack quickly cracked and spread to the entire blade.

Finally, with a bang, Chen Fei's blade shattered directly, turning into countless stars, and exploding in the ice tunnel.

The one-armed broken knife came towards Chen Fei with a sharp light.


One-armed spit out the last word, and the big knife slashed it down.

However, just when the knife was about to fall on Chen Fei's body.

Suddenly, a hard grayish-brown aura appeared in front of Chen Fei, blocking the broken knife.

This hard breath is like a rock, hard and heavy.

Although it was cut by the broken knife and shook it lightly, it did not break, and it resisted the offensive of the broken knife.

"This—" One-armed was surprised again.

But at this time, he finally felt something was wrong, "You just used it because of fire, and you slapped the knife with me, and now you use it again.

What kind of martial intent do you feel? "

There was no response. At this moment, Chen Fei had already turned into an afterimage in the flying snow and water vapor, and rushed to the side of One-armed.

"Why are you—" With one-armed shock, he didn't expect Chen Fei to come close to him in silence.

Naturally, Chen Fei would not explain. He came all the way and used the power of his body instead of a trace of vitality, so it was difficult to detect it with one arm.

After all, a master of this level has long been accustomed to using true vitality to perceive the opponent's position and movements in a fight.

Under normal circumstances, this is obviously faster and more accurate.

But there is a special situation, that is, it does not use the true vitality at all, and only acts with the power of the body.

This is exactly what Chen Fei is at this moment.

During the one-armed confrontation just now, Chen Fei seemed to have been fighting recklessly, but his mind kept thinking.

One-armed is a god-level master who has comprehended fifteen thousand sword intents.

If there is only one martial intent, Chen Fei really does not have a martial intent more than one-armed.

Mu Yi, about 14,000.

Fire meaning, about 12,000.

The others are even less.

Therefore, Chen Fei is really not this one-armed opponent to fight against a certain kind of martial arts purely with one-armed.

For example, in the sword intent fight just now, Chen Fei relied on the dual blessing of the sword intent and physical strength, and in the end he was no better than a one-armed broken knife.

After all, that is a one-armed trick, and a life that has been practicing for many years cannot be broken so easily.

Therefore, Chen Fei simply decided to entangle the opponent with martial intent, and then directly fight in close combat.

Thus, there is Chen Fei's current actions.

Without using a trace of vitality, Chen Fei raised his right fist and smashed it with one arm.

After a slight surprise, he looked at Chen Fei's fist hitting him with one arm, with a look of disdain on his face, "The true vitality is not my opponent. I want to fight close to my body to win."

"I want to say, your idea is naive."

"Zhenyuan, you are not my opponent, melee, neither are you."

With a cold snort, one-armed ejected a kick and kicked Chen Fei fiercely.

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