
Chapter 2783: ?Victory and fear


Kicked out with one arm and one leg, the space seemed to be split apart by the huge force of this leg, and there was a whirring wind.

Because there is only one arm left, the one-arm exercises more on the legs than ordinary people, and the power of the legs can be said to be extremely powerful.

Chen Fei thought that he could use hand-to-hand combat to make up for the loss of his true essence, which was really ridiculous.


With a sharp shout, with a "bang", the one-armed right leg collided with Chen Fei's right fist.

The collision of pure physical strength, no aura of agitation, no rumbling explosion.

But the pure power is transmitted to the opponent's body through the collision point, completely destroying the opponent's body.


There was a slight cracking sound of bones.

The one-armed man who was originally full of confidence couldn't help showing a touch of astonishment on his face at this moment.

Because this crisp sound did not come from Chen Fei's arm, but from his right leg.

Then, more force impacted his right leg, rapidly expanding the tiny bone crack.

Finally, with a "click", his right leg broke directly.


With a scream, one-armed cheeks twisted, his body retreated quickly, and he looked at Chen Fei with an incredible face.

"How is it possible for you, [Shuquge]?

How can the power of your punch—" "Nothing is impossible! "

Chen Fei gave a cold snort and kept moving, making a fist with his right hand, and continuing to rush up.


"Boom!" Boom! "

Punch after punch, the big fist of the sandbag, dense like raindrops, fell on the one-arm fiercely.

With great strength, he hit one-armed screams again and again.

One-armed also wanted to arouse the true vitality in the body, and bounced away Chen Fei who was fighting melee.

However, every time he just wanted to arouse his true vitality, Chen Fei's terrifying fist slammed over.

The fist fell on him, and the pain caused by the tremendous strength directly interrupted the movement of the one-arm to inspire the true vitality.

Especially the fist that fell on the dantian place, smashed fiercely, as if to hammer the one-armed core.

"Boom, boom, boom!"

The fists are still falling.

The one-arm that had the power to resist at first, after bearing hundreds of punches, no longer had any strength to resist, the whole person fell into a pool of blood coagulated on the ice, motionless.


The last punch fell, the last gleam in the eyes of the one-arm, with an extremely unwilling look, slowly dissipated, and finally turned into nothingness.

He didn't seem to think that until he was about to die, he would actually die in an ice-bound desperate situation, in the hands of a young man less than thirty years old, under the fists that have no technical content every time. .

At this moment, Chen Fei stood up and let out a long sigh of relief. His whole body was soft and almost collapsed to the ground.

Looking at the one-armed corpse gradually freezing on the ice, Chen Fei's eyes were cold, without a hint of pity.

Instead, he felt a trace of fear from the bottom of his heart.

Because the one-armed combat effectiveness was stronger than he expected.

Originally, Chen Fei thought that relying on the advantages of his own perception of the nine martial intents, even against a master of the gods, he would be able to kill directly.

The people who met before seemed to prove this.

Whether it was Kyle and the group of attendants, or the later merchants, Kuka, and others, it could be said that they were all masters of the quasi-god and god-level.

In front of Chen Fei, they had no resistance at all, and they were directly killed by Chen Fei.

But now, the one-armed one-handed man with 15,000 martial intent that he encountered has brought tremendous pressure to Chen Fei.

Directly using a kind of martial intent, Chen Fei is not even a one-armed sword intent opponent.

Until then, Chen Fei realized that a huge problem that he had been neglecting before.

That is, I have realized nine kinds of martial arts, and there are many kinds of them.

The total number of martial arts is also nearly 40,000, far exceeding the average god-level martial artist.

But what is embarrassing is that his nine martial intents cannot be used at the same time, and the number of 40,000 can not be superimposed to exert their power.

In fact, Chen Fei's use of his nine martial intents is only at the most basic stage, which is to switch between different martial intents to different opponents to deal with each other in a targeted manner.

As for the more complex linkages of multiple martial intentions, or even the superposition of multiple martial intentions, Chen Fei did not master it.

In the end, only relying on the terrifying physical strength exercised by the "Nine Phoenix Nirvana Sutra", Chen Fei was able to kill with one arm.

If it's just pure martial intent, Chen Fei, relying on the switching of nine martial intents and the total consumption, may eventually be able to kill with one arm.

After all, the number of martial arts in one-armed comprehension is 15,000, while Chen Fei's most Muyi is about 14,000, and there is not much difference in the number.

However, in that case, Chen Fei himself would definitely be injured in the end.

"It seems that it went too smoothly before, a bit arrogant!"

Chen Fei shook his head and said with emotion in his heart.

After a short rest, when his body recovered a little, Chen Fei got up and checked the one-armed body. It was confirmed that he was dead, and the good things on his body were searched out by the way.

Therefore, Chen Fei once again added three thousand squares of cold jade ice to his package.

The total amount of personal cold jade ice has also reached 7,000 square meters.

Afterwards, the fingertips lit a little flame and landed on the one-armed corpse, quickly burning him into a pile of ashes.

After solving these problems, Chen Fei returned to the corner of the ice road, continued to apply cold ice liquid on his body, and began to practice.

In this way, after about three days of cultivating, Chen Fei successfully increased the amount of ice intent he had felt to 10,000.

Moreover, with a slight noise in his body, Chen Fei felt that his muscles seemed to be covered with a faint radiance, and it seemed to have become a little lustrous, and his physical strength seemed to have reached a new level.

"This--" Chen Fei was stunned for a moment, and then overjoyed, "My Nine Phoenix Nirvana Sutra, the first level of cultivation was successful.

Great! "

Chen Fei was overjoyed and hit the ice with a punch, and a huge pothole suddenly appeared.

"It's true! The effect of this ice liquid is really good."

Chen Fei was extremely happy.

However, Chen Fei did not intend to continue practicing here.

Because, after several days of cultivation, he has already felt that the speed of his body's cultivation with ice liquid has slowed down.

It seems that the continuous use of ice liquid has gradually made the body resistant to ice liquid.

Moreover, the improvement of strength and ice consciousness after practicing requires training and actual combat to integrate into one's true combat effectiveness.

Otherwise, it can only be regarded as empty practice.

Therefore, Chen Fei decided to go further.

Of course, Chen Fei would not let go of the remaining ice liquid.

He directly found a large water-filled skin, and carefully filled all the ice liquid remaining under the pit, which can be said to be no drop.

After packing everything up, Chen Fei stepped forward and moved on.

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