
Chapter 2795: ?Meeting Jintianhe again


There was a sound of golden and iron strikes, and the vigor of Chen Fei's fingertips slammed into pieces directly.

At this moment, Chen Fei's skin was still shining with silver-gray metallic light, without any damage.

"Without the use of true element protection, the body's protective power is so strong.

Is this the first layer of the Yuanti realm?

so amazing. "

There was a burst of excitement and joy in Chen Fei's heart, and he jumped up from the ice water.

After putting on his clothes, Chen Fei began to organize his things.

All that was left was a small can of cold ice liquid, a pile of cold jade ice, and various medicines presented by Brother Huan.

After finishing everything, Chen Fei silently summarized his current situation and strength.

In the ice room, after this month of practice.

Chen Fei spent nearly 10,000 square meters of cold jade ice, raising the amount of ice intent he felt to 30,000.

Now he is confident to defeat Jin Tianhe based on the amount of Bing Yi.

Not to mention, Chen Fei has embarked on a brand-new road of spiritual practice.

Senior Gu Yu's body tempering exercise "Nine Phoenix Nirvana Sutra", Chen Fei has already crossed the first level and headed for the second level.

In the realm above the **** realm, the primordial body realm, Chen Fei's skin was as iron as his skin, and he successfully reached the first stage.

Now Chen Fei is very confident, even if he is facing Victor and Jin Tianhe in the heyday, he can kill them with one enemy and two.

After sorting it out, Chen Fei wrote another letter and left it to Master.

Then, he joined the patrol team led by Huan Ge, and after bidding farewell to the double-edged members in the ice room, he began to walk outside.

The patrol team dispatched together this time, plus Brother Huan, made a total of five people, all elite veterans.

However, with the exception of Brother Huan, the strength of the other four can only be regarded as being able to enter the **** realm, belonging to the most common god-level master.

Even if it was Brother Huan, he only felt about 15,000 martial arts.

If you only talk about strength on paper, it can't compare to Victor and Jin Tianhe.

Relying on special anti-cold drugs, they can hide in the depths of the ice path, so they can always deal with the people of Taboo Island without being completely wiped out.

But this time [Bequge] came out to let them take the initiative to step out of their superior area and fight against Jin Tianhe and the others.

For the people on the patrol, the degree of danger has risen a lot.

Knowing this in his heart, Chen Fei said to Huan: "Brother Huan, wait to go out, if there is a war.

Jin Tianhe handed it to me, and you took brothers to hold Jin Tianhe's subordinates. "

"Xiao Fei, Jin Tianhe is the elder and deputy head of the Forbidden Island Crazy Dragon Palace, with powerful strength.

Coupled with years of experience in an ice-bound desperate situation, although you have improved your strength, you can't be careless.

Let us besiege him together! "

Yu Huan said.

Chen Fei shook his head and said, "Brother Huan, I know you are kind.

But I have confidence that the current Jintianhe is not my opponent. "

After finishing speaking, Chen Fei looked at the ice road ahead and said in a low voice: "Moreover, I can't let the double-edged brothers add more sacrifices."

Upon hearing this, Yu Huan knew that Chen Fei was thinking of the four patrol members who had sacrificed Chen Fei's rescue from Jin Tianhe a month ago.

"Xiao Fei, fighting Taboo Island is our mission. You should not have a psychological burden."

Yu Huan said.

Chen Fei said, "Brother Huan, I understand.

But the revenge of the four brothers, I will definitely avenge them. "

"--" Yu Huan was silent for a while, his eyebrows a little worried.

Upon seeing this, Chen Fei smiled, and said to Huan: "Brother Huan, you have been watching my progress this month.

Don't you believe that I can beat the Golden Tianhe? "

"Of course, don't worry about Brother Huan.

If I really can't beat it, I definitely won't be a hero.

At that time, I will definitely ask you to help.

The most unbearable, we just return. "

Hearing this, Yu Huan nodded and said: "Well then, let's listen to your arrangements.

However, again, safety is the most important thing. "

"I understand! Brother Huan is the same with you!"

Chen Fei said.

Everyone nodded, then walked forward in silence.

When he reached the boundary of 70 kilometers, Chen Fei's eyes fell cold when he looked at the ice surface still stained with blood.

Taking a deep breath, Chen Fei stepped out and crossed the dividing line.

Suddenly, he felt the surrounding air suddenly became warmer.

In fact, the temperature here is not warm, but 70 kilometers deep, which is too cold.

Now that he came to the normal cold area, Chen Fei felt a little warm instead.

"Come out, be careful everyone."

Chen Fei turned his head and glanced at the patrol behind him, then said.

Everyone nodded solemnly.

Then, a group of people quietly and quickly marched forward.

When he was about sixty kilometers away, as expected, Chen Fei saw several disciples from Forbidden Island in front of him, shouting into the depths of the ice road.

"Chen Fei, traitor, give you the last three days, get out immediately.

Otherwise, your three friends on Taboo Island will have only one dead end. "

Next to the disciple who shouted, there was another disciple of Taboo Island, holding a dark blue long sword in his hand.

Seeing that long sword, Chen Fei's eyes suddenly condensed, "Frost Blade, Senior Sister Yu and the others were really caught."

Turning his head to look at Brother Huan and the others, Chen Fei said coldly: "Strike!"

In an instant, Chen Fei turned into an afterimage, snorted, rushed out of the ice road, and rushed directly towards the shouting disciples of Taboo Island.

Behind him, Yu Huan also led the patrol team members and rushed out quickly.

"Shoo, hoo, hoo!"

Almost at the moment the Forbidden Island disciples had just reacted, Chen Fei had already rushed to them.

A blade of ice condensed from his fingertips was swept across the necks of several people.

A thin line of blood was left behind, the red blood, before it came out, it was frozen by the cold air in the ice road.

Several people slammed to the ground and turned into icy corpses.

Behind him, the members of the patrol team who were originally going to help, saw Chen Fei's skill, his eyes brightened.

"Master Chen's strength is stronger than we thought!"

"One month ago, the reason why Young Master Chen was so embarrassed was that he went through a series of bitter battles.

If it were one-on-one, maybe he really defeated Jin Tianhe at that time. "

"As expected of Senior Xuanyuan's disciple, he is really amazing."

Yu Huan shouted in a low voice: "Don't be distracted, protect Young Master Chen."


Several people followed.

After solving several Taboo Island disciples, Chen Fei moved on.

But at this moment, a group of human figures rushed out of the surrounding ice road.

In the blink of an eye, twenty or thirty people rushed out, completely surrounding Chen Fei and the patrol team.

"After waiting so long, I finally came out!"

A vigorous voice sounded, the encircling circle opened a hole, and an old man in a robe walked out with his hands behind his back.

No one else, it is Jin Tianhe.

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